Fémjelzés – a hét újdonságai (2024. április 8-14.)

Április második hetének kiadványaiból készítettünk listát, az underground mélységeiben kutakodva.

A Life Less Alive Death from Death (death metal)
Adon Adon (black metal)
Alvader Hereniging (pogány metal)
Archetyp Černé srdce (progresszív sludge metal)
Artes Negras Sons of Condemnation (black/thrash metal)
Astro Bong A Trippers Guide (stoner/doom metal)
Attacker The God Particle (heavy/power metal)
Battlecreek Maze of the Mind (thrash metal)
Belfalas Dor-en-Ernil (melodikus death/progresszív metal)
Benighted Ekbom (brutális death metal/grindcore)
Beyond Life The Absence of Doubt (melodikus death/progresszív metal)
Bilirubin Bilirubin (nyers black metal/punk)
Black Rain Hot Rock Time Machine (glam/hard rock)
Boreal Throne Song of the Earth (melodikus black metal)
Built to Fall Broken Asylum (melodikus death/groove metal/metalcore)
Carve Caustic Monstrum Vel Prodigium (thrash/heavy metal)
Castle Rat Into the Realm (doom metal)
Catalepsia Pavisam (gótikus/doom/death metal)
Collapse Collapse (heavy metal/hard rock)
Conifère L’impôt du sang (black metal/dungeon synth/ambient)
Corvus Corone The Finality of Winter (funeral doom/post-metal/ambient)
Crown of Asteria Cypher (atmoszferikus black/doom/folk metal/ambient)
Crucifier Led Astray (death/black metal)
Cuzcatlán Señorío de Cuzcatlán (nyers black metal)
Dark Magician A Very Private Affair (black metal)
Dark Plague The Threshold of Death (black metal)
Deathblade The Degenerate Spawn (heavy/thrash metal)
Decimate Our Kind Mobile Corpse (experimental death/thrash metal)
Detsuit Interpreter of Death (death/groove metal)
Devilgroth Mortuus Aurora Borealis (nyers black metal)
Double Homicide Eternal Torment (death metal)
Edenkaiser Armageddon Overlord (black metal)
Elfensjón Zenith (szimfonikus power metal)
Elk Witch Azimuth (stoner metal/rock)
Eschatologia Transcendence (black metal)
Exist Hijacking The Zeitgeist (technikás/progresszív death metal)
Extinct Incitement of Violence (thrash metal)
Fatal Collapse Fatal Collapse (thrash metal/crossover)
Fluids Reduced Capabilities (brutális death metal/grindcore)
Friends of Hell God Damned You to Hell (doom metal)
Górgona Górgona (heavy metal)
Gory SDG Homebound (death metal)
Griefgod Deterioration (death metal)
Grind Grace and Misery (death/thrash metal/grindcore)
Hanging Garden The God That Made Them Bow (progresszív death metal)
Heavy Temple Garden of Heathens (pszichedelikus doom metal)
Heleven New Horizons Part 2 (progresszív/groove metal)
Heresiarch Edifice (black/death metal)
Heureka Rückeroberung (heavy metal)
Hexen Sabbat Dramatic Dreams (doom metal)
Høðrhìørdèn Blöd frá himmëlën (atmoszferikus black metal)
Hollowmind Under the Influence (progresszív metal)
Hünengrab Void Vestige (black metal)
Hypersonic Kaosmogonia (melodikus heavy/power metal)
In the Fire Test of the Pendulum Blade (black/death/thrash metal)
Infernal Abomination Canto a Baphomet (black/death metal)
Inmate Let the Dead Bury Their Dead (melodikus death metal/metalcore)
Jezabel Inmortal (power metal)
Judgment Fire Kingdom of Skyscrapers (melodikus death/gótikus metal)
Karst Eclipsed Beneath Umbral Divine (death metal/crust)
Karu Hydra (melodikus death metal)
Kasvet The Fall of Fucking Humanity (nyers black metal)
Khaos of Death The Invader (brutális death metal)
Khirki Κυκεώνας (heavy/stoner metal/rock)
Khüll Where Shadows Rise (black metal/dungeon synth)
Kiljin Stone People (heavy metal)
Kutkh На далёком берегу (atmoszferikus black metal)
Lares Et in Arcadia Ego (pszichedelikus sludge metal)
Last Resistance Monument of Warfare (death metal)
Lesath Under the Moon (atmoszferikus black metal)
Lichfield The Maze (gótikus/death metal)
Living Inferno Triumvirate (death metal)
Love Sex Machine Trve (sludge metal)
Mallephyr Ruins of Inner Composure (death/black metal)
Mang Ont Külmavärinad (stoner/sludge/doom metal)
Maniac Sanguinary Kill Them All (black metal)
Martikor Acedia (progresszív death metal)
MG 08 7.92 (black metal)
Mòr Hear the Hour Nearing! (nyers/atmoszferikus black metal)
Mother of All Global Parasitic Leviathan (melodikus death metal)
Necrot Lifeless Birth (death metal)
Nest Endeavors (sludge/doom metal)
Nimbifer Der böse Geist (black metal)
Nödtveidt From Shadow to Dark Light (melodikus black/death metal)
Nothing Is Real Acts of Despair and Faith (stoner/doom metal)
Oceans of Night Mindstorm (progresszív rock/metal)
Omnem Exoform (atmoszferikus black metal)
Pagan Sword Flameheart (folk/death metal)
Parásito Despoblador (black metal)
Paula Teles Desencanto (szimfonikus metal)
Post Mortal Possession The Dead Space Between the Stars (brutális death metal)
Primal Lunacy (black metal)
Pryne Gamma (progresszív metal)
Pryne Gargantuan (progresszív metal)
Replicant Infinite Mortality (technikás/avantgárd death metal)
Sanctum Atlantis Summon Abyssic Horror (melodikus black metal)
Sarcasm Mourninghoul (melodikus/blackened death metal)
Shadows of Steel Twilight II (power metal)
Sleeping Hollow Mass Execution (thrash/death metal)
Soa Suari so (death/groove metal)
Solarhead Surface Tension (progresszív death metal)
Stellar Tombs Arcturus of Pain (black/death metal)
Swamp Tooth Swamp & Roll (groove/southern metal)
Syntax Error Digital Martyrs (sludge metal)
Tårfödd Mörker (post-black/progresszív metal)
Tarot Glimpse of the Dawn (heavy metal/hard rock)
Tətsuo Dots (sludge/post-metal)
The Acid Machine Mushrooms (stoner/doom metal)
The Great Kat Violin Lover (speed/thrash metal/shred)
The Vision Bleak Weird Tales (gótikus metal)
Thothamon The Wizard’s Return (doom metal)
Thromos Verfluchung (black metal)
TSF The Summer Funeral (sludge/doom metal)
Tulpa Temple of Wounds (black metal/crust)
Týr Battle Ballads (progresszív/folk metal)
Tyran Tyran’s Oath (heavy metal)
Umbra Noctis Asylum (black metal)
Unborn Generation …and All We Forget (death metal/grindcore)
Under His Eye Under His Eye (thrash/death metal/crossover)
Upcast I (thrash/groove metal)
Urachel Gehenna (black metal)
Vanstorbing Insolobridishn Fucked Up All over His Head (brutális death metal)
Veriteras The Dark Horizon (melodikus death metal)
Vortican Atmosphere of the Low (progresszív groove/death metal/hard rock)
Vulcano Epilogue (black/death/thrash metal)
Vulture Sentinels (speed/thrash metal)
Walk Through Fire Till aska (sludge/doom metal)
Wattghern Wild Hound (black/death/thrash metal)
Wehmut II: Winter (depresszív black metal)
Weihrauch Hingabe (nyers black metal/ambient)
Whores. War. (noise rock/sludge metal)
Wildernis Tales & Stories (folk metal)
Wizard Dick Sacred Rites of the Riff (sludge metal)
Wolfstorm Rise from the Flames (black/thrash/speed metal)
Year Zer0 Year Zer0 (heavy/thrash metal/hard rock)
Zahadum In Timeless Voids (black metal)

Dreki Ferdhast Tour 2024 Dreki Ferdhast Tour 2024
September 09.
Scorching Europe 2024 Scorching Europe 2024
September 10.
Tones of Decay III. Tones of Decay III.
September 13.
Insane Folkride Minifest Insane Folkride Minifest
September 14.
Nytt Land Nytt Land
September 18.