Fémjelzés – a hét újdonságai (2024. június 24-30.)

A rekkenő hőség nem szabott gátat a kreatívitásnak, hiszen remek albumok jelentek meg ezen a héten is. Érdemes szemfülesnek lenni.

200 Stab Wounds Manual Manic Procedures (death metal)
Aberrance Son of Dirt (death/groove metal)
Abiosis Hollowing the Mortal Form (death metal)
Aggressive by Nature Rebirth (thrash metal)
All the Cold Portal Makers (progresszív rock)
Altar of Oblivion In the Cesspit of Divine Decay (epikus heavy/doom metal)
Alyssa Blak Wind, Carry My Words (depresszív black metal)
Amarok Resilience (sludge/doom metal)
Angel Death From Deepest… (death metal)
Anvil One and Only (heavy/power metal)
Aran Maahan laskettu (atmoszferikus black metal)
Aria Inferno Insignificance (progresszív metal)
Arkon Arkon (heavy/doom metal)
Azanigin A Nexion Opened (black metal)
Black on High Echoes Through Time (doom/stoner metal)
Blunt Knife Castration Chewed Up and Spat Out (sludge/death metal)
Bridear Born Again (power metal/metalcore)
Cailleach Bheur Cailleach Bheur (epikus black metal)
Codename Demolition Power over Demons (death/thrash metal)
Commander Angstridden (death metal)
Condemner Male Patratis Sunt Atra Theatra Parata (blackened death metal)
Cosmic Lung Drifting Further (stoner/doom metal)
Crocell Of Frost, of Flame, of Flesh (black/death metal)
Crossfaith AЯK (elektronikus metalcore/melodikus groove metal)
Crystal Viper The Silver Key (heavy/power metal)
Dark Frost The Curse of Cruelty (black metal)
Dauðaró Frummyndir (funeral doom metal/drone/dark ambient)
Defecation of Putrid Blood Defecation of Putrid Blood (brutális death/thrash metal)
Desert Heretic Infernalis (black metal)
Dieselpest Lasterkadaver / Swarm Control (sludge/crust/doom metal)
Drift into Black Voices Beneath the Rubble (gótikus/doom metal)
Effluo Fucking Circus Effluo (black/doom metal)
Ende L’aube des anathèmes (black metal)
Ewige Eiche Erwachet (atmoszferikus/post-black metal)
Fragmentary Solid Abyss Fear’s Mask (melodikus black metal)
Gjendød Livskramper (black metal)
Goatflesh Goatflesh (black/death metal)
Hail Spirit Noir Fossil Gardens (progresszív/pszichedelikus rock/black metal)
Holy Shire Invincible (szimfonikus power metal)
Hourglass Voids and Visions (progresszív metal)
Ikarian Symphony of Grey (gótikus/doom metal)
Illdisposed In Chambers of Sonic Disgust (melodikus death/groove metal)
Kiloton Ruine radiante (black/death metal/noise)
Kirkebrann Mot trellenes forfall… (black metal)
Lavandula Event Horizon (stoner/doom metal)
Limbonic Art Opus Daemoniacal (szimfonikus black metal)
Llyr For Death’s the Only Victor (black metal)
Meltem Mare Nostrum (pszichedelikus doom metal)
Mýrdal Helvíti (black metal)
Neaera All Is Dust (melodikus death metal/metalcore)
Noxis Violence Inherent in the System (death metal)
Nymphrenia Love That Kills (depresszív/atmoszferikus black metal)
Open Flesh Wound Vile Putrefaction (slam/brutális death metal)
Orgone Pleroma (technikás death metal)
Overthrust Infected by Myth (death metal)
Pepel Lord of the Abyss (black metal)
Phantom Pain Dogma The Harvest (blackened post-metal)
Pia Isa Dissolve (pszichedelikus stoner/doom metal/shoegaze)
Rasknitt Hellgärt (black metal)
Runtuh Ambiguous Man (doom/sludge/post-metal)
Sabïre Jätt (heavy metal)
Saldo Desigual Moral Ensaio Sobre a Má Vontade (grindcore/death metal/HC punk)
Scheldt Canadian Atheistic Destruction (black metal)
Sear Bliss Heavenly Down (atmoszferikus black metal)
Sebastien Quo Vadis (melodikus power metal)
Shade of Sorrow Upon the Fields of Grief (melodikus death metal)
Shallow Existence Be Happy, Life Is Worth Living… (depresszív black metal)
Siculicidium A halál tengely (black metal)
Siculicidium Az elidegenedés melankóliája (black metal)
Solar Temple A Gift That Should Have Been Reserved… (atmoszferikus black metal)
Spawned from Hate Elective Amputation (brutális death metal)
Sphinx 900 Days of Ленинград (black/speed metal)
Stellar Tomb Souls at the Event Horizon (progresszív black/death metal)
Stillborn Netherworlds (gótikus/doom metal)
Sunbomb Light Up the Sky (heavy metal)
Svartland Under the Grim Night (black metal)
Texas Toast Chainsaw Massacre Super Turbo (crossover/thrash metal)
The Eternal Skinwalker (gótikus metal)
Thornspawn Coronation of the Supreme Beast (black metal)
Torkage The Fool (nyers black metal)
Tormentum Endless Village Winter (black metal)
Torvus Words Within (gótikus metal)
Trog Horrors Beyond (death metal)
Twist the Knife Twist the Knife (death/groove metal)
Under Victoria The Ephemeral (black metal)
White Stones Memoria Viva (progresszív death metal)
Winter Eternal Echoes of Primordial Gnosis (melodikus black metal)
Witchunters Time Is Running (thrash/heavy metal)
Wraith Fueled by Fear (blackened speed/thrash metal/punk)
Yelbegen Bilinçaltı (black metal)

Dreki Ferdhast Tour 2024 Dreki Ferdhast Tour 2024
September 09.
Scorching Europe 2024 Scorching Europe 2024
September 10.
Tones of Decay III. Tones of Decay III.
September 13.
Insane Folkride Minifest Insane Folkride Minifest
September 14.
Nytt Land Nytt Land
September 18.