Tag: Fémjelzés

Fémjelzés – a hét újdonságai (2024. január 8-14.)

Január második hetéből gyűjtöttünk össze új anyagokat az underground kitartó híveinek. Lehet szemezgetni!

Abyssal Frost The Pyre Aflame (blackened death metal)
Aeri Satur Ayahuasca Ataraxia (black metal/ambient)
Altar of the Stag Visceral Offering (sludge/doom/post-metal)
Amber of Eridan Between the Hearts of Iron (szimfonikus death metal)
Ancient North The Dark Ages (black metal)
Announce the Apocalypse Experience Machine (thrash metal)
Apeiron Geistzeit (black metal)
As Thou Wilt Phantom Redeemer (black metal)
Assaulted Christ Most Despised Blood (death metal)
Azzaya I Begin (black metal)
Babels Tårn Glorious Heretic Inquisition (epikus black metal)
Bagual IV: Inhvmar (stoner metal/rock)
Berserk Mode Inside a Loop (thrash metal)
Bloodstone Electrocution (thrash metal)
Blòt Sights of Grimm Malice Through the Eyes of a Broken Soul (depresszív black metal)
Born from Pain Moments in Time (black metal/ambient)
Cariosus Will, Until Beauty (melodikus deathcore)
Chainsaw Dissection Only Gore Remains (death metal/grindcore/noise)
CrossRoad Funeral Path (heavy/doom metal)
Crucifer Hell Is for the Hopeful (death/thrash metal)
Darghl Trivmph ov Fire (black metal)
Dark Fury Shoot to Kill! (black metal)
Deep Mountains 雪山白凤凰 (White Phoenix on Snow Mountain) (post-rock )
Departure Chandelier Satan Soldier of Fortune (black metal)
Depraved Entity Angels of Sin (heavy metal)
Desparity The Incessant (death/doom metal)
Dionysian Directive Secure the Shadow… (death metal)
Domination Campaign A Storm of Steel (death metal)
Drown In Sulphur Dark Secrets of the Soul (deathcore)
Drymarchon Mori in Inge (Die in a Fire) (death metal)
Dying Raven The Rising Fire (depresszív black metal/ambient)
Dzhatinga – Forgotten and Lost (melodikus black/death metal)
Earthson Don’t Die Now! (atmoszferikus doom/post-metal)
Edge of Ever The Assent (heavy/progresszív metal/metalcore)
Elegý Graveflowers (black metal)
Endemic The Church of Destruction (death metal)
Engulf The Dying Planet Weeps (death metal)
Ethimos Hijo de la luz (heavy metal/hard rock)
Everdying Dimensions of Mortal Frailty (melodikus death/black metal)
Evergarden In Light (post-black metal)
Exit Eden Femmes Fatales (szimfonikus metal)
Gaslarm To the Demons (speed/thrash metal)
Gladio Tempus Fauda (death/thrash metal)
Gnadenthron Verheißung (black metal)
Gnida Sacrifice for Resurrection (brutális death metal)
Gothony Gothony (melodikus death metal)
Grozov Bedeviled (black metal)
Handaxe A Terrible Thirst (melodikus death metal)
Hauntologist Hollow (atmoszferikus black metal/post-rock)
Heaven Brought Me Hell 33 (progresszív death metal)
Hellish Cannibalistic Madness (black/death metal)
Hieromancer The Alchemist (nyers black metal)
Horrorem Memoriæ Fogo e Sangue (atmoszferikus black metal/dungeon synth)
Hunter ov Hunters Void Bringer (melodikus black/death metal)
Ignacio Remis Un nuevo amanecer (power metal)
In the Mist La dernière épée levée (black metal)
Infestaaedes If There Shall Be a Hell (death/black metal)
Iron Front Hooked (death metal/hardcore)
Jan Magne Garte Give Me Five Minutes (heavy metal/hard rock)
Jan Magne Garte Fight for Life (heavy metal/hard rock)
Kerker Of Vampires, Darkness and Pest (black metal)
Knochenherz Aus Mark und Bein (avant-garde black metal)
Krüger Агония (power/speed metal)
Lazarus Exegesis (heavy/power metal)
Lilith’s Black Lotus Triple Six Revolution (heavy metal)
Lucid Funeral Terminal Lucidity (progresszív death metal)
Lymphangiomas Mutilación criminal post-mórtem (sludge metal/grindcore)
Magnum Here Comes the Rain (progresszív rock)
MalarIII Garden of Lies (progresszív death/black metal)
Masticated Cadaver Progression Towards Total Maceration (death metal)
Messiah of Fire Distant Lands and Inner Reflections (heavy/power metal)
Milbuitres Adictos (thrash metal)
MooM Plague Infested Urban Dump of The Future (powerviolence/sludge metal)
Motljus Motljus (atmoszferikus/post-black metal)
Mourning Dawn The Foam of Despair (black/doom metal)
Narzissus Akt III: Erlösung (black metal)
Naumachy Sorrowful Clouds & Ancient Elegies (progresszív/melodikus black metal)
Neal Morse – The Restoration – Joseph: Part Two (progresszív rock)
Nightwalker Grimoire Tenebrarum (black metal)
Oathbringer Tales of Valor (heavy/power metal)
PowerTribe Up with the Sword (heavy metal)
Pronoias Creamos nuestra propia realidad (szimfonikus power metal)
Psevdanor Artimpasa (black metal)
Qilin Parasomnia (stoner/doom metal/pszichedelikus rock)
Rabea Massaad Grinding Gears Vol. 4 (progresszív metal)
Röcheln A Brief Moment of Clarity (death metal)
Rooted in Despair Saudade (depresszív black metal/post-rock)
Rusticated Ruins Hope Denied (brutális death metal)
Ruthless The Fallen (heavy/power metal)
Ryan Burke From Beyond (thrash/groove metal)
Ryujin Ryujin (melodikus death/power metal)
Sabotage Pishach (thrash metal)
Saevus Finis Facilis Descensus Averno (death metal)
Santacreu Cançons d’amor, dol i enyorança (doom/post-metal)
SantyDark Jett Dystopian Vision (melodikus death metal)
Scanner The Cosmic Race (heavy/power metal)
Sea of Consciousness Sea of Consciousnes (progresszív technikás death metal)
Severed Soul In the Depths of Mourning (black metal)
Shtandarth One Step Forward (depresszív black metal)
Splitknuckle Breathing Through the Wound (death metal/hardcore)
Tangent Plane The Judas Cell (progresszív heavy metal)
Technology of Death Skutočný nepriateľ (thrash metal)
Thalassophobia Incorporeal Power (technikás death metal)
The Grandmaster Black Sun (melodikus heavy metal)
Trator Death Trator Death (death metal)
Tunnelbohrer Behind the Door (death metal/grindcore)
Tyrants Warlord (speed/thrash metal)
Úlhnar Sempiternal Sorrow (black metal)
Ungoliath Whispers of the Gale (black metal)
Vietus Mortuus Vatican Subterranea (black metal)
Virtaus Pimeyden kantaja (black metal)
Wilderness of Mirrors Fathoms (sludge/post-metal/ambient)
Wind in His Hair Future Primitives (atmoszferikus black metal/punk)
Worship the Infinite Infinite Fractal Universe (progresszív/brutális death metal)
Xaphon Heights of the Far North (death metal)
Yar Tarvadan Flames of War (folk metal)
Yersin The Scythe Is Remorseless (grindcore/crust/death metal)
Zombie Mortician Strange Alien Disease (grindcore/death/black metal)

Fémjelzés – a hét újdonságai (2024. január 1-7.)

Az év első hetében sem pihen mindenki; az alább felsorolt albumok már idei kiadványok. Hátha akad közöttük olyan, amelyik már most felkelti az érdeklődéseteket.

Almucantarat Weightlessness (atmoszferikus black metal)
AlvaOut of this madness (grunge)
Ashes of Abaddon The Hellbringers (melodikus death/thrash metal)
At the Plates Omnivore (death metal)
Axicator ‘Til Thrash Do Us Part (thrash metal)
Beastial Piglord Essence of Brown (avantgárd sludge/doom metal )
Big Mess Heroic Captains of Industry (stoner/doom metal)
Blistering Tree Somewhere Within (doom metal)
Caroozer The Brewtal Truth (thrash/groove metal)
Chainsaw Torture Severed Limb Fantasy (brutális death metal/goregrind)
Child Cemetery – Rebirthed Revived Rekilled (brutális death metal)
Darkcluster Stellar Tomb (black/thrash metal)
Deconsekrated Ascension in the Altar of Condemned (death metal)
Demolay The Malebolge (black metal)
Diabolic Blastmasters Twisted Metal (death metal)
Dragojiniak Mythen (black metal)
Dunwich Ritual The Weird Tape Sessions (speed metal)
Elefantin Meisseli Kontratak borsuka (grindcore/death metal)
Emexis Hibris: desmesura y arrogancia (progresszív groove metal)
Endless Hand of God (doom/thrash/death metal)
Escaping Aghartha Consumption Without End (blackened doom metal/ambient)
Evelyn Multidimensional Transformation (elektronika/gótikus/black metal)
Fathomless Misery Insufferable Loss of Self (atmoszferikus black metal)
Flegias L’évangile gothique (black/heavy metal)
Forbidden Alchemy From Within (melodikus black/death metal)
Forlorat Bury Me in Winter (melodikus death/black metal)
Fragments of Lost Memories 約束 (funeral doom metal)
Frore 5 Four Molmolti Volti (avantgárd/progresszív metal)
Garden of Sadness Five Ropes (depresszív black metal)
Geheimnisvoll The Endless Void of Eternal Suffering and Enslavement (nyers black metal)
Goatlyr К​о​л​ы​б​е​л​ь н​о​ч​и (Cradle of Night) (atmoszferikus black metal)
Goragorja Monokrom (sludge/post-metal)
Gravewürm Poisonous Kingdom (black/death metal)
Guerrero Nómada Vida cementada enterrada en sue​ñ​os muertos (black metal)
Haagenti Master of Blackness (experimental black metal)
Haunter Tales of the Seven Seas (heavy/power metal)
Heretik Heretik (black metal)
Hexerei Nihil i Celandum (pszichedelikus doom metal/rock)
Ierfeweardian Oþfeallan Snytrucræft Unþurhfǽre Galdorcwideas (experimental black/death metal)
Imperium Sacrum Sei Wolf (black metal)
Insade Human Obsession (death metal)
King of Undeath Green Dullahan (doom metal)
Køldbrynger Totenblut (nyers black metal)
Kolkhetian No Life Expectancy (depresszív black metal)
Lair The Hidden Shiv (funeral doom/sludge metal)
Lichnobius Mystifying Rituals of the Luminous Serpent (death metal)
Loudanum Ignoranzmedizin (sludge/death metal)
Macabre Repugnance 8 Tales of Death and Grotesque Acts (brutális death metal)
Magmount Between Hate and Regrets (black/thrash metal)
Massecutor Conceptual Visions (death/thrash metal)
Meridion Caverns (death metal)
MindgateGoodbye (modern prog)
Nana Winston Of Sorrow and Surrender (szimfonikus/melodikus death metal)
Narbeleth A Pale Crown (black metal)
Nedakh No Peace. No Reconciliation. No Recognition (black metal)
Nimetön Hauta Pimeyteen laskee joki (atmoszferikus black metal)
Obsidian Fathomless (progresszív metal/djent)
Panzerwar Pale Whispers of a Writhing Moon (black metal)
Qliphothic Realm Way of Smoke (nyers black metal)
Rampancy III (death metal/goregrind)
Revisal Curtain Call (technikás death metal/deathcore)
Roswell Deathsquad Welcome Home (technikás deathcore)
Sabrum Tabal Jiin (black metal)
Salba Dracului Calauza in intuneric (atmoszferikus/progresszív black metal)
Salvation in Suicide Suicide (depresszív black metal)
Sandekala Merajam Amarah Dendam (gótikus/black metal)
Scavenger Feral (doom/stoner metal)
Schwarzer Engel Träume einer Nacht (szimfonikus gótikus metal)
Shamael Il suono di mille orchestre parte II (funeral doom metal)
Slowrepeat Abra Cannabra (doom/stoner metal)
Soggoth Emerge (atmoszferikus black metal)
Sömnlöshet Plågor Road to Desolation (atmsospheric black metal)
Spiritu Mors Infinite Regress (black metal)
Stac Pollaidh The Plight of the People (atmoszferikus black metal)
Stratwarming This Is Emptiness (doom metal)
Svdestada Candela (black metal/crust punk)
Sysmic Visions of the Apocalypse (melodikus death metal)
Temporal Driver A Treatise of Sorcery: The Definitive Guide to Mysticism in Magic (stoner metal/rock)
Vessalius A Lesson in Life (To the Stars) (atmoszferikus black metal/ambient)
Vulcan Tyrant Quest Between Heaven and Hades (blackened thrash/speed metal)
Wanted Inc. Dead for the First Time (thrash/death metal)

Fémjelzés – a hét újdonságai (2023. december 25-31.)

Íme, az év utolsó Fémjelzés bejegyzése. Hatvan lemezt gyűjtöttünk össze a heti kínálatból. Jövőre ugyanitt folytatjuk. Boldog új évet!

Absurdeity The Not So Gentle Art of Severing Limbs (death metal)
Alpha Warhead Code Red (thrash metal)
Arcaneblaze When Dogs Slay Over (speed/thrash/black metal)
Ash Magick Âlâm (black metal)
Barque of Dante Columbus (power metal)
Bridge to Infinity Bridge to Infinity (progresszív melodikus death metal)
Burning Shadows In Memoriam (power/heavy metal)
Caelumsun Triumph of Motherland (melodikus black metal)
Cavemaster Negros desígnios da eternidade (black metal)
Chaos Sanctuary Instrumentality (technikás death metal)
Christoffear Nightmare (melodikus death metal)
Chrysis Borderline (heavy metal)
Crève Cœur Crève Cœur (progresszív black metal)
Dauðaró Dimmt andrúmsloft (funeral doom metal/drone/dark ambient)
David VI Prophecy (power metal/rock)
Deus Vult Deus Vult (black metal)
Dominum Hey Living People (heavy/power metal/hard rock)
Embryonic Devourment Prime Specimens (technikás/brutal death metal)
Emerald Woods Distant Stars (atmoszferikus/depresszív black metal)
Engraver Rituals (stoner metal)
Eramaa Ukko laulaa (melodikus progresszív metal)
Exodia Into the Mouth of Hell (thrash metal)
Exsecratio Veins of Perception (melodikus black metal)
Goat Rider Evil X Evil (black/speed metal/punk)
Grey Wolf The Icy Mountains (heavy metal)
Guerra Total Himnos rituales de guerra y total devastación (black/death/thrash metal)
Guerrero Eterno Eternal Warrior (thrash metal)
Heave Blood and Die Burnout Codes (experimental/post-rock)
Hellfire Thirty Five Stairs (black/death metal)
Heretique Bestias Hominum (thrash/black/death metal)
Hunter’s Ground Mycelium (black metal)
Inner Self Consumation: When Death Finally Takes Us (death/thrash metal)
KillHammer В темноту (Into the Darkness) (melodikus death metal)
Luctuosa θέωσις — Pregàries al buit — ἡσυχασμός (nyers black metal/noise)
Mandragore Chronos Hex (death metal)
Mistreated The Outsider (melodikus heavy metal/hard rock)
Nemus Anima Hatred Embodiment (melodikus black metal)
Nexphorus Womb of Malignancy (death/black metal)
Quinta Essentia Evolution of Ethereal Wisdom (melodikus death/black metal)
Rites of Baalberith VI (black metal)
Samael Cooper The Ancient Black Metal Files (death metal)
Satan II Mind Eraser (industrial black metal)
Shadow Empire Shadows (heavy/thrash metal)
Sjøtrollet Doomed in Black (black metal)
Spider God The Killing Room (melodikus black metal)
Suicide Circle Bukkake of Souls (black metal)
Sundowner Down the Spiral (post-black metal)
The Horn Volume 27 (experimental black metal/ambient)
Torca Mundus Dei Temulenti Somnium Est (death metal)
Transcomar The Sea of Trees (sludge/post-metal)
Tritonchasm Arctic Tempest (atmoszferikus black metal)
Two Ravens II – The Betrayal (ambient black/doom metal)
Urban Legend Urban Legend (melodikus death metal)
Uruk Blade Angmar (nyers black metal)
UseEye Stoned Mental (stoner/doom metal)
Vapour Power Untamed (thrash metal)
Weaving Spiders Unknown Threats (sludge/stoner/doom metal/rock)
Who Dies in Siberian Slush Уроки cмирения (funeral doom/death metal)
Yxxan Misanthropic Impulse (black/death metal)
Zsolozsma My Hiding Place (death/gótikus/doom metal)

Fémjelzés – a hét újdonságai (2023. december 18-24.)

Az alábbi listában sorakozó lemezek a karácsonyt megelőző hétben jelentek meg. Ezennel is boldog karácsonyt kívánunk minden underground fémzenét kedvelő olvasónak!

A Different Cloud Vardøger (atmoszferikus black metal)
Abigor Taphonomia Aeternitatis – Gesänge im… (black metal)
Anarchÿ Eyeclöser (melodikus/progresszív thrash metal)
Angr II (black metal)
Åsse Åsse (black metal)
Atronos Erwachen (black metal)
Aūkels Meddjan Sklait Ten (atmoszferikus black metal)
Avskräde Undergång (black metal)
Backbone Ominous (progresszív death metal)
Baltum Aeternum Vale (melodikus death metal)
Belonger Belonger (heavy metal)
Bergrizen Die Falle (black metal)
Biały Viteź Tam, gdzie odlatują kruki (pogány/folk metal)
Blindfold Journey Towards Nothing (melodikus death metal)
Bloodfeather The Hunter’s Sacrifice (atmoszferikus black metal)
Bogatyr Богине Маре (nyers black metal)
Bonehammer III (black/heavy metal/crust punk)
Brygmus Augury (blackened sludge/doom metal)
Bull of Apis Bull of Bronze The Fractal Ouroboros (black metal)
Chronicles Spirits of the Mortified (death metal)
Count Witchfinder Witch Trial (doom metal)
D 血界 (szimfonikus gótikus metal)
Daedric Chamber Black Marsh Eternal (black metal/dungeon synth)
Dark Fury Shoot to Kill! / Strzelać, żeby zabić! (black metal)
Dauðaró Ylur (funeral doom metal/drone/dark ambient)
Death Diver Barbie: An Extreme Metal Opera (death metal)
Deathtrap World Hospice (death metal)
Derangement Welcome to the Void (death metal)
Detestor Décadas de sadismo y perversión (death metal)
Dethroth Requiem of the Haunting Keep (melodikus black/heavy metal)
DevinPlaysEverything From Above (avantgárd/progresszív metal)
Dharmah Lux in Tenebris (melodikus black metal)
Disappointment A Lifeless Dream (depresszív/post-black metal)
Dispatched Metal (melodikus death metal)
Draakanaon Holy Shit – Scatanic Black Metal (nyers black metal)
Dusk Dissolve into Ash (doom/death metal)
Edward De Rosa Darkness Falls (progresszív power metal)
Electrozombies Ancestral Terror (sludge/doom metal/crust)
Eutectica [In]human (melodikus death metal)
Exiler Dominus Servorum (industrial metal)
Exit Catacomb The Witch Trials (black/speed metal)
Exitium Sui Endless/Regression (black/doom metal)
Flaming Ouroboros Anthems for Brotherhood (black metal)
Frostbite Orckings The Orcish Eclipse (melodikus death metal)
Funeral Vomit Monumental Putrescence (death metal)
Geistlicht Among the Stars and the Abyss (atmoszferikus/melodikus black metal)
Gotsu Totsu Kotsu 黄泉ガヘリ (death metal)
Grave Gnosis Pestilence Crowned (atmoszferikus black metal)
Housesitter I Can’t Keep Up This Pace Forever… (sludge/post-metal)
Jégzivatar Kapuk (atmoszferikus black metal)
JvlKvlt Worshipping Darkness (depresszív black metal)
Legion of Thor Der Nordische Geist (death metal/deathcore)
Lörihen La magia del caos (melodikus hard rock/heavy metal)
Luna Mortuus Truly Worse than Hell (depresszív black metal)
Madame Frankenstein The Eyes of the Mountain Are Mine (stoner/doom metal)
Malaöun The Inexorable Darkness (black metal)
Manslaughter Imperio del caos (death/thrash metal)
Marcynia Marcynian Forest (atmoszferikus black metal)
Maudissez Maudissez (funeral doom/death metal)
MDCLXV Forever Undying (black metal)
Morgul Vale The Undying Lands (atmoszferikus black metal)
My Dark Secret Transcendence Tearnoumenon (post-black metal/shoegaze)
Nightrider Into the Future (heavy metal)
Nova Arminius Perish for the Earth (power/heavy metal)
Occulticus Mortiferous Phantasm (black metal)
Ocultan Trevas (black/death metal)
Opposition Party ReThrashed (thrash/groove metal)
Outland Hill Dodecahedron (black metal/synthwave)
Overlorde Awaken the Fury (heavy/power metal)
Parh Disobedience (sludge metal)
Porenut Korzenie bogów (pogány/folk metal)
Power Reset Son of the Light (power metal)
Pure Prison of Flesh and Bone (nyers black metal)
Rivers like Veins Architektura przemijania (atmoszferikus/avantgárd black metal)
Runascent Liquidation (melodikus death metal)
Rusticated Ruins Eternal Asperity (brutális death metal)
Sacrilegius Hipocresía religiosa (melodikus black metal)
Sad Black Metal Craft (black metal)
Sadistic Demise …and Pathologist Wept (death metal)
Salvation in Suicide Alone (depresszív black metal)
Sanctuary for None Instrumental Demos 2023 (heavy/thrash metal)
Sefirot The Mystical Lybrary (power metal)
Shedfromthebody Amare (shoegaze/doom metal)
Skookum Skookum (black metal)
Slaveson The Fabled Beast (death metal)
Sodomancy Evocation Of Sodomy (black/death metal)
Solitary Sabred Temple of the Serpent (heavy/power metal)
Sylvania Purgatorium (power metal)
The Ghoul Tales from the Grave (doom metal)
The Lumbar Endeavor Vampyre (doom/sludge metal)
Those Who Bring the Torture Towards Decay (death metal)
Tombweed Graveyard Blues (stoner/doom metal)
Tortured Conscience One Law One King (brutális death metal)
Towards IV (funeral doom metal)
Úlfarr Orlegsceaft (black metal)
Vastness Entire Mortal Race (death/thrash metal)
Venom Symbiote Ishimura’s Dead Flesh Shelter (brutális death metal)
Virus Inhumanity The Black Face of Death (death/groove metal)
Warpath Uprising of the Oppressed (szimfonikus/melodikus folk/death metal)
Wax Portrait Wax Portrait (atmoszferikus/depresszív black metal)
Witchgöat Altars of Necromancy (black/thrash metal)
Wulvyr Moon.Malice.Heresy. (black/death metal)
Yfel Beneath the Mountain’s Vigil (atmoszferikus black metal)
Zaqqoem …and Winter’s Dregs Made Desolate (black/death metal)

Fémjelzés – a hét újdonságai (2023. december 11-17.)

Ismét kiállunk a várfalra, hogy szétkürtöljük az elmúlt egy hét újdonságait. Az alábbi vadonatúj lemezekből is kerülhetnek az év végi listákra, ízléstől függően.

Abintra Abintra – The Grand Finale (Mega Length) (szimfonikus black metal)
Abysmal Nothingness Bajo el abismo de la nada (black metal)
Adictiva Carne humana en venta (thrash metal/crossover)
AfraAruna Cakrawala (atmoszferikus black metal)
Aleppe Vile Progenitor (black metal)
Algos Upon the Rivers of Night (epikus doom metal)
Amalgama Другая жизнь (heavy metal)
Años Bajo TierraMesiánica (groove/thrash metal/metalcore)
Anxiety CollapseAnxiety Collapse (thrash/death metal)
Arcanum Deadly Macabre (instrumental version) (blackened death metal)
Astral Experience Clepsidra (progresszív power metal)
Axe Crazy Creatures on the Hunt (heavy metal)
Bannerwar Warlords of Blood and Steel (black metal)
BlackFlow Seeds of Downfall (epikus doom/heavy metal)
Bloedmaan Castle Inside the Eclipse (black metal)
Bloody Cumshot Deflorantism (melodikus death metal)
Breed History of Tomorrow (thrash metal)
Catalysis Betrayer (groove metal/metalcore)
Coffinblood Rotting Bodies (death metal)
Colliding Worlds Colliding Worlds (melodikus death/gothic metal)
Corpse Arise Spite and Kill (death metal/grindcore)
Crossfire Switch to Reset (thrash metal)
Crust Dissolution (doom/death/sludge metal)
Cryptic Process Human Snack (grindcore/brutális death metal)
Cryptworm Oozing Radioactive Vomition (death metal)
Darghl Satan Obscure (black metal)
Death Pneuma The Inexorable Fate That Comes with the Sun (black metal)
Doombia Doombia Vol. 1 (doom/stoner metal/folk)
Dying Sun Fallen Empire (doom/heavy metal/hard rock)
E.B.D.B. Existence for Dummies: Chapter III (brutális death metal)
Ebola Distorted Romance (nyers/depresszív black metal)
Emboscada Renacer (heavy metal)
Emotional Suicide The Word (heavy metal/hard rock)
Emulsified Flesh Tales of Mutilation (grindcore/death metal)
Endbroken Defeat of Common Sense (groove/thrash metal)
Epicaricacy Clinging to Misery (death metal)
Ereshkigal In My Kingdom of Darkness (black metal)
Etilica Lo que mas Odias (thrash/heavy metal)
Frightening Frozen Moon Night of the Sanguine Moon (nyers black metal)
GimbatulDornenwald (black metal)
Hatred Cadaver Rituals of the Black Suns (death metal)
Hebi Katana III (stoner/doom/heavy metal/rock)
Hinsides Hinsides hörs djävulsklockans urklang (nyers black metal)
Historian By the Strings of Shadow (black/doom metal)
Horrifier Horrid Resurrection (death metal)
Hulkoff Hersir (groove/folk metal)
Hyperaustra The Fall of All Pride (post-black metal)
Immania Deadly Macabre (szimfonikus black/death metal/elektronika)
Imperial Slave …Still at Large (melodikus death/thrash metal)
Infernal Execrator Diabolatry (black/death metal)
Insepultus Deadly Gleams of Blood, Steel and Fire (szimfonikus black metal)
Irga Welcome to Magovei (progresszív/melodikus black metal)
Karmival Wendigo (groove/heavy metal/hard rock)
Kingseeker Vile Provisions (sludge/doom metal)
Knifesmoke Omens (pszichedelikus stoner/doom/sludge metal)
Lord Humongous Raped by the Nukes (black/thrash metal)
Lörihen La magia del caos (melodikus hard rock/heavy metal)
Louco Louco (death metal)
Mama DoomBlood Salt Sacrifice (doom/stoner metal/rock)
Mulánima La noche de los muertos (heavy/thrash metal)
Niovel Never Strangers (szimfonikus power metal)
Noage From Darkness to Life (szimfonikus metal)
NothingNew Wreathed in Bone (black/stoner metal)
Octavius Abyssal Dimension (black metal)
Oksennus Oksennus verinen oksennus (experimental death metal)
Outlaws of Ravenhurst Krampusnacht (heavy metal)
Pinetensia The Cruci-Fiction (death/thrash/groove metal)
Powar Hatred to Ashes (heavy/thrash metal)
Que Metal Nihil Enim Lacrima Citius Arescit (post-black metal)
Quiet Human Dreamlands (experimental/progresszív death/doom metal)
Ramshack Bloodshade (melodikus death/groove metal)
Rapture Aeons of Devastation (death metal)
Revulsed Cerebral Contamination (technikás/brutális death metal)
Ringarë Of Momentous Endless Night (atmoszferikus black metal)
Rusticated Ruins Evil Path (brutális death metal)
Separatism A Tribe Of Savages (death metal)
Severe Lacerations Burning the Mortal Coil (death metal)
Shamayna Shamacaine (sludge/stoner/doom metal)
Shaytan Chapter One (doom metal)
Shrug Beyond (nyers/atmoszferikus black metal)
Slaughtercult Meat Head (death metal/grindcore)
Stobor Robots (thrash/groove metal)
Strigampire All to Dominate (melodikus black metal)
Stuka Squadron Zeppelin (heavy metal)
Sulfuric Hatred Sulfuric Hatred (black/death metal)
Taxi Caveman UGH! (doom/stoner metal/rock)
Thanatophobia Kaleidoscope of Fears (technikás/brutális death metal)
The Broken Heroes Whoreshiper (pszichedelikus doom/stoner metal)
The Conquering Unburdened (viking/folk/black metal)
The Ragnarok Prophecy The Most Beautiful Apocalypse (melodikus death metal)
The Sway of Mountains The Idle Universe Has Won (progresszív death/black metal)
Therion Leviathan III (szimfonikus metal)
Time Decay Life to Fall Apart (heavy/power metal)
Turais – Manifest Destiny (melodikus death/doom metal)
Ulvhedner Fjosmetall (black metal)
Valadier Carmina Belli Apocalypsis (melodikus black metal)
Vanessa Funke Dawn (melodikus death/gothic metal)
Vargrav The Nighthold (szimfonikus black metal)
Wake Arkane Awakenings (progresszív/melodikus death metal)
Warcoe A Place for Demons (doom metal)
Weeping Kin Waterbound (melodikus doom metal)
Wij Przestwór (stoner metal/hard rock)
Witches Sacrifice Witches Sacrifice (black/speed metal)
Witchflame Omen (black metal)
Witchsnake Deathcult of the Snake (stoner/doom metal)
Xiraleth Mired in Sin (black metal)

Fémjelzés – a hét újdonságai (2023. december 4-10.)

Az új lemezek ismét garmadával sorakoznak az alábbi, egy hetet összefoglaló listában. Van mire rávetnünk magunkat.

Agonic Autumn The Last Flame of Life (black metal)
Akromusto Loyalty, Utopia and Lies Again (black metal)
Algid Catasterismi (progresszív black metal)
Almyth Almyth (pszichedelikus stoner metal)
Ambroz Monuments of the Deceived (death/black metal)
Asketia What Here Remains (death metal)
Assault on the Living Dead World Divide (death metal/deathcore)
Astrochemists Planets Collide (stoner/sludge/post-metal/rock)
Aterrima A Name Engraved in Cold Soil (experimental black/death metal)
Avræ Lvnæ Ntdd Strl (black metal/ambient)
Azathoth’s Dream Nocturnal Vampyric Bewitchment (atmoszf. black/dungeon synth)
Barabbas Carnivorous Void (black/death metal)
Bärnserker Schlüssu zum Liecht (black metal)
Battle Chapel Heavy Is the Crown (szimfonikus power metal)
Bestial Perception Pareidolik (brutális/technikás death metal)
Beyond God The Great Divide (szimfonikus metal)
Beyond the End Musta kakofonia – Henkimaailma (black metal)
Blankvers Pieta (melodikus death metal/metalcore)
Blood Serpent Bestial Extermination (black/death metal)
Cemetery Rottenness Graveyard Elegies (death metal)
Chamelion Legends & Lores (power metal)
Chaos in Control Idols Crushed as We Remain (groove/death metal)
Cosmical Fractal Emptiness (progresszív death metal)
Covetous Dawn of the Shadowlords (black metal/ambient)
Dark Cloak Candlemass Return to Dark Winterland (black metal)
Dark Wisdom The Endless Darkness of the Cosmos (black metal)
Dauðaró Freskur (funeral doom metal/drone/dark ambient)
Dawn of a Dark Age Transumanza (atmoszferikus/experimental black metal)
Deathyard No Longer in Pain (death/thrash metal)
Deemtee Strange Aeons & Deliriums (avantgárd black metal)
Deprecation Annihilation of Increasing Pain (brutális death metal)
Désespéré Furor ab Intus, Caeleste Stragem Desuper (depresszív black/doom metal)
Devil’s Reef The Droste Observer (technikás death metal)
Dies Irae La visión del caos (black metal)
Dream Wild Omen to Battle (heavy metal)
Dridge Dying Out (death/doom metal)
Dwelling Below Dwelling Below (doom/death metal)
Ektomorf Vivid Black (groove/nu-metal/hardcore)
Embr Embr (stoner/doom metal)
Eternal Fire Architect of Decay (melodikus/pogány black metal)
Everdawn Venera (progresszív szimfonikus metal)
Executus The Black Throne of Chaos Abandoned (thrash metal)
Exikye – Satan.Sex.Suicide (melodikus death metal)
Extremity Obsession Coalescence (thrash/death metal)
Fall to Die Suicide V (post-/doom metal)
Fiori del Male Con un grido entrerò nell’ombra (experimental black metal)
Forod Lad Chapter Prologue: …and Then Came the Silence (folk/power metal)
Forthian Gates of the Universe (thrash/heavy metal)
Geistaz’ika Midnatsbøn ved djævelens port (black metal)
Ginnungagap Heliacal Arising (black metal/ambient)
Grailstone Peace Perfect Peace (stoner/doom metal)
Grip Tape Grip Tape (thrash metal/hardcore)
Gwoid Dem Mondvolk zum Zeichen (black metal/ambient/noise)
Halysis Unbury the Sun (melodikus death metal/metalcore)
High Nice to Meet You (stoner/sludge/doom metal)
Hybrid Practice Synthetic (melodikus death metal)
Incantations of Cadaver Mutilation Led like Sheep (black metal)
Inculter Morbid Origin (blackened thrash metal)
Innefable Tierra de muertos (death metal)
Innocentia …and Winds Shall Caress (post-black metal/shoegaze)
Iscuron Vampire in Perpetual Sunlight (szimfonikus/középkori black metal)
Jarhead Fertilizer Carceral Warfare (grindcore/death metal)
Kankar Ascension (atmoszferikus black metal)
Kêres Vexilloid (black metal)
Kryptoxik MortalityInterdimensional Calamitous Extirpation (slam/brut. death metal)
Lethal DogmaHostis Humanis Generis (nyers black metal/ambient)
Lunatic Gods Vresovrenie (atmoszferikus/death/doom/black metal)
Lysergic Dimethyltryptikon (black/death metal/noise)
Macabro Mensageiros do Caos (thrash metal/crossover)
Maestus Caelum Divulsa Dolore (black/death metal)
Massaluca Idyllic (melodikus death metal/metalcore)
Maverick Spirits Junkyard Tape (EP) (progresszív death metal)
Megaton Leviathan Magick Helmet (drone/doom/post-metal)
Men Eater Men Eater (sludge/thrash/stoner/doom metal)
Met by Moonlight Rats II Men (heavy metal/metalcore)
Metal King Forged in Steel Til the End (heavy metal)
Monte Palomar Nadir (stoner/doom metal)
Morning Dead Desde el otro lado (doom/death metal)
Mort Froide Deceived by the Gods (black metal)
MorTyr Viperish (melodikus death metal)
Mourning Sun Bahía desolación (atmoszferikus doom metal)
Music in Low Frequencies Catharsis (sludge/death metal)
Musta Kakofonia Henkimaailma (atmoszferikus black metal)
Myrmidon Smoldering Feather (atmoszferikus black metal)
Namek Sophistication Is Obsolete (grindcore/brutális death metal)
Nebula Drag Western Death (stoner metal/rock)
Necronheim Von den Göttern verraten (black metal/dungeon synth)
Nineleven Vita da cani (industrial stoner metal)
Nitrist Satanisk terror (nyers black metal)
Nyrst Völd (black metal)
Obscuración Principio I: Abstracción (black metal)
Ormpest Love Propaganda (nyers black metal)
Osiah Kairos (technikás deathcore)
Phenom History and Death Reborn (death metal)
Phobocosm Foreordained (death metal)
Plague of the Fallen Amongst the Rats (death metal)
Plagued Plagued (death metal)
Progeny of Sun Throne of Desolation (melodikus death metal)
Pythagorean Circle Pythagorean Circle (pogány black metal)
Rage Behind Eminence or Disgrace (groove metal/metalcore)
Razorback MX Eternal Abyss (thrash metal)
Red Stan Red Stan (progresszív stoner metal)
Rostiger Nagel Rostiger Nagel (black metal/punk)
Salna Krampus nāk (black/pogány metal)
Satanic Witch 4:44 (melodikus black metal)
Scrobiculus Concentrated Effect of Pharmacy (death metal/grindcore)
Sentinel Age of Decay (thrash metal)
Six Foot Six Beggar’s Hill (melodikus heavy metal/hard rock)
Slaughtered Corpse The End of an Era (death/thrash metal)
SLOW Abîmes I (atmoszferikus funeral doom metal)
Sons of Eternity End of Silence (heavy/power metal)
Spitzenfall Deep Abyss (thrash metal)
SplatterGoat Goatpocalypse (death metal/grindcore)
Starchild Magic Well (power metal)
Steel Back Alligators (heavy/speed metal)
Stimmung Cold Touch to the Abyss (atmoszferikus black metal)
Svora Война за ничто (black metal)
Syn Villfarelse (black metal)
The Resilient Dream Project Hikimori (power metal)
Thunder Force The Game Has Begun (heavy metal)
Troll Trolldom (black metal)
Unmothered Corridors (atmoszferikus sludge metal)
Velório Extrema Unção (black metal)
Vigilum Funeral Invitation (funeral doom metal)
Vigilum Funeral Invitation – Part II (funeral doom metal)
Villain in Me Dark Harmonies (melodikus power metal)
Void Jadjow (avantgárd black metal)
White Death Iconoclast (black metal)
Windthrow Katabasis (black metal)
Winterhorde Neptunian (melodikus black/progresszív metal)
Wolfhetan Vor uns das Feuer, über uns der Himmel (pogány black metal)
Woods of Grief Vanquished by Unending Grief (funeral doom/death metal)
Worship the Pestilence Rebel Child of Nature (brutális death metal)
Wynther Bloodlines (melodikus doom/gótikus metal)

Fémjelzés – a hét újdonságai (2023. nov. 27 – dec. 3.)

Termékeny hetet zárt a földalatti zenék kohója. Százötven új korong között egészen biztosan akad az ízlésednek megfelelő produktum is.

Abandoned Humanity Against All Odds (progresszív groove/death metal)
Abduction Toutes blessent, la dernière tue (progresszív black/death metal)
Absorbed Access to Reverie (technikás death metal)
Abyss of Hel Into the Abyss (melodikus death/groove metal)
Abyssal Rift Extirpation Dirge (death metal)
Aggression Frozen Aggressors (thrash metal)
Anoxic Anoxic (death metal/deathcore)
Antü Fucha Trempulkalwe (pogány black metal)
Arcane Voidsplitter ARC-V (atmoszferikus drone/doom metal)
Axenstar Chapter VIII (power metal)
Behind the Throne Tormentor (melodikus death metal)
Beyond This Earth Portraits of the Absurd (stoner metal)
Beyondition Abysmal Night (death metal)
Bjes Končina (post-black metal)
Bjørkø Heartrot (melodikus heavy/progresszív metal)
Black Hate Via Pvrgativa… (black/death metal)
Black Stag Rising Temples (avantgárd black/power metal)
Blowhole Belligerent Oceanspawn (blackened heavy metal/punk)
Carnal Horyzont zdarzeń (doom/death metal)
Certain Death Beast (death/thrash metal)
Challenger Deep III. The Path (sludge/post-metal)
Cobra Spell 666 (heavy metal/hard rock)
Conflagration Exhausted (thrash metal)
Course of Sunrise Mist (black/funeral doom metal)
Daemonic Dreams Aeon (melodikus death metal)
Daimos A World Beyond (power/heavy/progresszív metal/rock)
Dauðaró Tíminn (funeral doom metal)
Deduction of a Miscalculation Beyond Apex (death metal)
Demoncy Black Star Gnosis (black metal)
Demons of Noon Death Machine (sludge/doom metal)
Dethroned A Bridge to Eternal Darkness (black metal)
Diminium Dissonant (groove/progresszív metal)
Dixie Goat Order, Chaos, Life and Death (pszichedelikus/alternatív/stoner/hard rock)
Draakanaon Draagaon (nyers black metal)
Eitrin Eitrin (avantgárd black metal)
Embrace Your Punishment Made of Stone (brutális death metal/hardcore)
Empusa with Devastation The Throes of Humanity (melodikus death metal/metalcore)
Endys Nigh Die Is Cast (heavy metal)
Faded Colors Winter/Vampiric Black Metal (nyers black metal)
Feral Howl Worshipper (black metal)
Flames of Fire Our Blessed Hope (heavy metal)
Floodlands Universe 25 (sludge/post-metal/rock)
Forsaken Art Hypnagogia (dark ambient)
Gegenentwurf Tosendes Weiß (experimental black metal)
Gevaudans Gauntlet Rime of the Perpetual Stygian Battery (black metal)
Gobolin Master Wrath of the Orkish Horde (nyers black metal/dungeon synth)
Godskill III: Nazarene Sickness (blackened death metal)
Grau Abseits des Lichts (black metal)
Gravehammer Bones to Harvest (death/doom/black metal)
Greydon Fields Otherworld (heavy/thrash metal)
Grief Prison And So We Carry On (sludge/doom metal)
Harad Star of Discord, Arms of Chaos (melodikus black metal)
Hatred Reigns Awaken the Ancients (brutális/technikás death metal)
Heimdalls Wacht Mystagogie – Lieder voll Ewigkeit (pogány black metal)
Helfró Tálgröf (black metal)
Hellbomb Hellbomb (black/thrash metal/hardcore punk)
Hellhound666 Hassmusik (black/death metal/grindcore)
Horoh Aberration (death metal)
Hostilius Four (nyers black metal)
Hwwauoch Under the Gaze of Dissolution (atmoszferikus black metal)
Idaslet Nu skrider dagen under (folk metal)
Illuminated Darkness Alea Iacta Erit (black metal)
Imperial Triumphant Covers Collection (EP) (avantgárd/technikás black/death metal)
Infected Morchirium Luciferum (black metal)
Infernation Dark Path of Renunciation (black/death metal)
Inner Hate Worthless Throne (melodikus death/groove metal)
Isospin Aftermath Chronicles (progresszív metal)
Ivann Megalomania Cyberpunk (death/thrash metal)
Jzovce Feral Field (depresszív/post-black metal)
Krallice Mass Cathexis 2 – The Kinetic Infinite (avantgárd black metal)
Kranium Circus of the Dead (thrash/heavy metal)
Kriegszittern Flamethrower (death metal)
Krsnī Svoboda (atmoszferikus black metal)
Lethal Fate Argonauts (heavy metal)
Liminalanimal The Furies and Futility (black/doom metal)
Luciation Ancient Ways of Evil Darkness (black metal)
Mahr – Odium (atmoszferikus black metal)
Manipura Mess Is Lore (atmoszferikus black metal)
Meatball Grinder Split (death metal)
Metal Jacket Patchwork (heavy/thrash/power metal)
Mind Control Elements (progresszív death metal)
Monolith Synthetic Misery (melodikus death/thrash metal)
Mortalicum Epilogue of Life (heavy/doom metal/hard rock)
Mortuorum Disruption of the Blood Feast (death/black metal)
Nimrod B.C. Legacy of the Dead (power/thrash metal)
Noční Můra Noční Můra II (atmoszferikus post-black metal)
Nocturnal Degrade Cursed Echoes from the Past (depresszív black metal/ambient)
Nocturnal Evil Furor Diabolicus (black/thrash metal)
Nornír Skuld (black metal)
Notice of Destruction Inni d’irriverenza (thrash metal)
Obliti Devoravit Under My Michigan Sky (black metal)
Ocelotl In Tloque in nahuaque (melodikus death/folk metal)
Omega Diatribe Deviant (djent/groove metal)
Oniricous Los cultos del ghoul (death metal)
Oro Vid vägs ände (sludge metal)
Panopticon The Rime of Memory (atmoszferikus black/folk metal)
Paradise Lost Icon 30 (gótikus/doom/death metal/rock)
Pharmakeia Maenadic Ecstasy (black metal)
Phenomistik As-Sahar III (pogány/black metal)
Prosperity Gospel Society of the Spectral (black metal/shoegaze)
Provoke the Colossus Provoke the Colossus (groove/thrash metal)
Pull the Strings Relinquish the Light (nyers black metal)
Putrid Omen Blasphemia (black/death metal)
Reap Born from Plague (grindcore/death metal)
RüYYn Chapter II: The Flames, the Fallen, the Fury (black metal)
Ryvelion La rebelión de los condenados (thrash metal)
Sahlm Sense of Light (doom/post-black metal/shoegaze)
Secret of Darkness Blacksun Rising (melodikus black/death metal)
Seið We Are Doomed (sludge/doom metal)
Sibentodt Thanatopsis (black metal)
Siriusfall Origin (heavy metal/hard rock)
Skiltron Bruadarach (celtic folk/power metal)
Skulls Void of Misery (death/doom metal)
Slakteri The Oracle Beyond the Death Fields (avantgárd black metal)
Somnium de Lycoris In the Failing Hours (technikás death metal)
Sonic Storm Keys to Your Ruin (thrash metal)
Spell of Enchantress Lost Prayers of Those Forever Gone (gótikus/doom/death metal)
Stilleklang Tränen der Vergangenheit – Part II (atmoszferikus black/post-metal)
Suel Venomous Curse (black metal)
Swansong Awakening (melodikus death metal)
Sylvan Awe Pilgrimage (black metal)
Tatterdemalion Tatterdemalion (black metal/ambient)
The Company Corvette Little Blue Guy (stoner/doom metal)
The Lumbar Endeavor Waves of Heat (doom/sludge metal)
Thunder Rage The Beginning of Chaos (progresszív power metal)
Thunraz Borderline (death/industrial metal)
Tom Vautour Decimation (progresszív metal)
Topór Wieczna kaźń (thrash/speed metal)
Torvo Emptiness (thrash/groove metal)
Totenfeier The Tower from Which All Evil Dwell (black metal)
Toxic Sun Horizons Changing (stoner metal)
Trébuchet SDG Through the Dark Ages (melodikus black metal)
Until They Fall Sent to Die (melodikus death metal)
Ur Stone Throwers (stoner/doom metal)
Vampire’s Castle Land of the Rocking Vampires (szimfonikus epikus gótikus/black metal)
Vanguard III: Pyrrhic Sequence (melodikus death metal)
Varathron The Crimson Temple (black metal)
Visions of Atlantis A Pirate’s Symphony (melodikus/szimfonikus power metal)
Voice of Ruin Cold Epiphany (thrash/groove metal)
Voidsphere To Infect | To Inflict (atmoszferikus black metal)
Warlamb Predator (thrash/death metal)
Way2Far Red Horizon (melodikus/progresszív metal)
Wintermoon Cold Sky Rising (black metal)
Within Destruction Rebirth (EP) (deathcore)
Yermo Yermo (atmoszferikus/szimfonikus post-black metal)
Yrzen Trialvòd (szimfonikus/melodikus death/folk metal)
Zodomy Death Artist (black/thrash metal)
Zrak He Dies but What Comes After? (nyers black metal)

Fémjelzés – a hét újdonságai (2023. november 20-26.)

Közel százötven új korong gurult ki az underground fémmegmunkáló üzemeiből az elmúlt héten, köztük igazi csemegékkel. Érdemes szemezgetni.

A Hill to Die Upon The Black Nativity (black/death metal)
Absque Cor Na zawsze cieniem… (black metal)
Adeptus In Ritu Solitudinis (nyers black metal)
Æolian Echoes of the Future (melodikus death metal)
Æternum Sacro Cielos prometidos, cielos clandestinos (atmoszf. black/folk metal)
Almost Honest The Hex of Penn’s Woods (stoner metal/rock)
Alta Reign Upon the Horizon (melodikus progresszív metal/rock)
Apócrifus Reflections of Darkness (black metal)
As Thou Wilt Fuck This Torture (black metal)
Axecutor Violate the Cross (speed/thrash metal)
Binaash Pagalos Bowlamu (brutális death metal/grindcore)
Black Pyre Fall of the Northern Kingdom (black metal)
Blacnk Apocryphal Lamentations (black metal)
Blazing Instinctive (melodikus death/groove metal)
Blood Magic Goetic Blood Spells (nyers black metal/dungeon synth)
Brian Moody Brian’s Brain (heavy/groove metal)
Burden of Grief Destination Dystopia (melodikus death metal)
Buziraco Nightgazer (heavy metal)
Carnificem Horsemen of Pandemonium (melodikus black/death metal)
Carnivorous Forest Dogs and Devils (death/folk metal/rock)
Celtibeerian Nertos (folk metal)
Chora Doba Morda (thrash metal)
Convocation No Dawn for the Caliginous Night (funeral doom/death metal)
Coven Japan Earthlings (heavy metal)
Covidectomy Engendered by Contagion (slam/deathcore)
Cruciamentum Obsidian Refractions (death metal)
Cultum Interitum Sacrum Funeral (black/death metal)
Deadend Men Deadend Men (sludge/doom metal)
Deathcode Society Unlightenment (szimfonikus black metal)
Deimler Immortalized (death metal)
Délétère Songes d’une nuit souillée (black metal)
Demogorgon A Hate for All That Grows (black metal)
Desenterro Assombrado Pela Ajuda Futurista (black metal)
Destructor Blood, Bone, and Fire (thrash/heavy/power metal)
Disillumination Iter Animarum (melodikus death/black metal)
Ditch Mimes Roll Die Fail (doom/sludge metal/noise rock)
Don’t Drop the Sword Age of Heroes (power metal)
Dreamwalkers Inc The First Tragedy of Klahera (szimfonikus progresszív metal)
DVVAD Mrklb (death/black metal)
Emerald Rage Valkyrie (heavy/power metal)
Emperor of Myself Vita Post Mortem (atmoszferikus black/gótikus metal)
Existing Without Consent Desperation for Isolation (depresszív black metal)
Exorcist Russia (thrash metal)
Fabula Rasa Tome I: The Arrival (power/folk metal)
Falter Salt in the Soil (black metal)
Farsoth Morbid Symphonies (death metal)
Final Strike Finding Pieces (power metal)
Forgotten Enemy Sea of Sorrow (Stories of the Drowned) (melodikus death metal)
Fraught Transfixed on Dying Light (death/black metal)
From North Raven Banner (folk/viking metal)
Gerrar Renaștere (black metal)
Gnaw Their Tongues The Cessation of Suffering (black metal/noise/experimental)
Goatborn Goatborn (black/thrash metal)
Goaten Midnight Conjuring (heavy metal)
God-Shroud The God Exiles (doom metal)
Guillotine Falls The Dressmaker’s Prayer (doom metal)
Helga Wrapped In Mist (art pop/dark neofolk)
Hellsing Burying the Light (melodikus death metal)
Herzog Furnace (black metal)
High Spirits Safe on the Other Side (hard rock/heavy metal)
Hilde Misère (melodikus black metal)
Hitten While Passion Lasts (heavy metal)
Hyde Ardwena (melodikus doom metal)
I Helvete Yksi yhteinen yhteiskunta (melodikus death/black metal)
Imperial Child Secrets of the Roman Ghost (heavy/progresszív metal)
Incruento Incorruptibilidad cadavérica (death/thrash/groove metal)
Infernal Angels Shrine of Black Fire (melodikus black metal)
Inner Vöid Adverse Emanations from the Tree of Death (black metal)
Insaniter Back in the Days (thrash metal)
Irityll Schlafes Bruder (black/death metal)
Jose Rubio Black Rose (heavy metal/shred)
Kallomäki Huunpurema (pogány/folk metal)
Keiler Kadaverschrein (black metal)
Korgonthurus Jumalhaaska (black metal)
Kvelgeyst Blut, Milch und Thränen (black metal)
Last Cuts Desperate Loneliness (depresszív black metal)
Lilyum We Are Disobedience (black metal)
Lipthopia Condición anormal (thrash metal)
Lizard Moon Modernity (doom/groove metal)
LoneShark …or High Water (brutális death metal/grindcore)
Luciferion Superclusters of Despair (nyers black metal)
Maladie For We Are the Plague (progresszív/avantgárd black metal)
Maleth Crucis Historia Nostra (szimfonikus black metal)
Mankind Must Be Destroyed I Am Ashamed to Be Human (black metal)
March to Die Tears of the Gorgon (epikus heavy metal)
Master’s Call A Journey for the Damned (death/black metal)
Mayhemic TOBA (blackened thrash metal)
Mêlée des Aurores Aube cannibale (black metal)
Merciless Attack Mechanical Visions (thrash metal)
Midnight Odyssey Biolume Part 3 – A Fullmoon Madness (ambient black metal)
Mindlight N.A.M.I. (progresszív power metal)
Misanthrophi Principles of Cosmicism and Decimation (melodikus death metal)
Misery Spell Абсолютная тьма (black metal)
Mission of One Kill the Cobra (heavy metal/hard rock)
Morbid Sacrifice Ceremonial Blood Worship (black/death metal)
Mortido IX: Schizophrenia (nyers black metal)
Morver P E S T E (progresszív metal/rock)
Narbo Dacal Elysium Now (atmoszferikus sludge metal)
Necron K̲ulus (nyers black metal)
Nightwings Nightwings (heavy metal/punk)
One Master The Names of Power (black metal)
Ophanim Tämpelskläng (atmoszferikus black metal)
Ossuary Stellar Annihilation (death metal)
Perdition’s Light Sequenzen des Niedergangs (progresszív black metal)
Radeloos///Ziedend Doodsverachting (black metal/crust)
Real Enigma Real Enigma (progresszív metal)
Rivvered Devoted Solus, Eternal Despair (nyers black metal/ambient)
Roadkill Insanity Inside (thrash metal)
Running Flames Through Fire and Sand (heavy metal)
Sacrimoon I’m Gonna Miss You (depresszív black metal)
Sadism Obscurans (death metal)
Sammale Finno-Ugric (atmoszferikus black metal/ambient)
Sequoia Grove It’s a Riot (folk/szimfonikus metal)
Serpents Oath Revelation (black metal)
Silent Angel Unyielding, Unrelenting (power metal/melodikus rock)
Silverbones Brethren of the Coast (heavy/power/speed metal)
Síndrome K Sobreviventes do Mal (thrash metal)
Skinned Corpse Sadistic World (death metal/grindcore)
SLM Kreislauf (melodikus/post-black metal)
Slôdder A Mind Designed to Destroy Beautiful Things (sludge/doom metal)
Snøstorm Into the Longest of Nights (melodikus black metal)
Sol Promethean Sessions (dark ambient/avantgárd/experimental doom metal)
Sombre Héritage Inter Duo Mundi (black metal)
Sort Sind I skyggen af livet (death/black metal)
Sovengar Drinks and Dragons (folk/viking metal)
Strange New Dawn New Nights of Euphoria (progresszív doom metal/rock)
Strike Break the Chains (black/speed metal/punk)
Stutz Juggernauts Rising 1978 (heavy metal)
Sumeus Monotonous Anguish (black metal/ambient)
Swords of Dis Melencolia (black/doom metal)
Taipan Stonewitch (heavy metal)
Temple of Scorn Funeral Altar Epiphanies (death metal)
Tenebro Ultime grida dalla giungla (death metal)
The Uncrowned Stopover -Dedicated to Shal- (melodikus power metal)
Thronehammer Kingslayer (doom metal)
Thunderwarrior Thunderwarrior (heavy metal)
TodoMal A Greater Good (atmoszferikus doom metal)
Tumulario Vociferaciones (thrash/black metal)
Turbión Ritual de fuego (heavy metal)
Tweedledead Infernotes (death metal)
Underdark Managed Decline (post-black metal)
Valdrin Throne of the Lunar Soul (melodikus black metal)
Vita Detestabilis Glimpse of Death (depresszív black metal/experimental/ambient)
Weeping Silence Isles of Lore (gótikus/doom metal)
Wolven …The Lake Which Burneth With Fire And Brimstone… (melod. thrash/power metal)
Xtrueder Забытая станция (groove/thrash metal)
Ysbryd Frei (black metal)
Zenoth Shores of Destiny (groove metal/metalcore)

Fémjelzés – a hét újdonságai (2023. november 13-19.)

Fémjelzés című rovatunkkal zárjuk a hetet, amelyben összegyűjtöttük nektek a héten napvilágot látott korongokat. Mindig akadhat valami, ami elkerülte a figyelmeteket; mi segítünk ezt pótolni.

A Goat as Our Shepherd Epiphany (death metal)
Aasymar Corona de escamas (szimfonikus heavy/power metal)
About:Blank About Blank 2.0 (technikás death metal)
Acrolysis Revolution (heavy metal)
Aeon Winds Night Sky Illuminations (szimfonikus black metal)
Aeternus Philosopher (death metal)
Alchemy of Flesh By Will Alone (death metal)
Ancestral Curse In Dreams of Endless Darkness (szimfonikus black/melodikus death metal)
Ancient Trail The Ancient Force (power metal)
Angrenost Magna Lua Ordem Mística (black metal)
Apoplexy Destiny (death metal)
Armored Dawn Brand New Way (power metal)
Asilian Escarcération (death metal)
Ayvu Hera’yva (black metal)
Blood Prophecy Last Battle, Under the Starry Sky (melodikus death metal)
Bloodphemy Dawn of Malevolence (death metal)
Bull Elephant The Long War (progresszív doom/death metal)
Cabrakaän Aztlán (folk/death metal)
Canibalismo Genital Desmembrado pero feliz (death metal/grindcore)
Carniçal Meia Noite (death/thrash metal)
Ceremonial Bloodbath Genesis of Malignant Entropy (black/death metal)
Condemned Daemonium (brutális death metal)
Cruel Fate Destin cruel (death metal)
Death’s-head and the Space Allusion Luc-II-Farul (progresszív metal/hard rock)
Deliquesce Cursed with Malevolence (brutális death metal)
Demon Tongue Call of the Void (death metal)
Devorzhum Exigens Monumentum (black metal)
DGM Life (progresszív power metal)
Dhaliax Doomed (heavy/power/thrash metal)
Dishumanized The Maze of Solitude (thrash/death metal)
Draconicon Pestilence (power metal)
Dyssebeia Garden of Stillborn Idols (progresszív death metal)
Earthside Let The Truth Speak (progresszív metal)
Eight Sins Straight to Namek (hardcore/thrash metal)
Eldritch Innervoid (progresszív/power metal)
Elitist A Mirage of Grandeur (death metal)
Ero Cras Renascer (black metal)
Exulansis Hymns of Collapse (atmoszferikus black/doom metal)
Exulansis Overtures of Uprising (atmoszferikus black/doom metal)
Foetal Juice Grotesque (death metal)
Frost Consecratus ad Mortem (black metal)
Fuel Eater Echoes of Absurdity (stoner metal/rock)
Gunmouth Voidbringer (sludge/stoner/doom metal)
Gut Ripper Necrowork (death metal)
Harbinger of Storms All of the Stars Are Dead (doom metal)
Harkla The Living Mountain (industrial death/groove metal)
Harmagedon Dystopian Dreams (stoner metal/hardcore)
Hell Gate Vagues d’amertume (black/death metal)
Hjaal Bastion of Fear (melodikus black metal)
Hyperia The Serpent’s Cycle (melodikus thrash/death metal)
Imparity Tales of Rust and Bones (doom metal)
Infection Code Sulphur (industrial/thrash metal)
King Fury and Death (melodikus black/death metal)
Lavandula The Cycle (stoner/doom metal)
Litha Litha (atmoszferikus black metal)
Lord Bakartia Amets Gaiztoen Liburua (nyers black metal/dungeon synth)
Macabre Demise Grave(y)art Gallery (brutális death metal)
Malaise Shire Reunion (black/doom metal)
Mazo Peregrinaje (heavy/doom metal)
Meghistos The Reasons (death metal)
Messier 16 Death Poems (progresszív black/death metal)
Miara Hungering Inside (melodikus death metal)
Modder The Great Liberation Through Hearing (sludge/doom metal)
Mormânt de Snagov Invocation Through Revocation (black metal)
Narrow Cold Blinding Lust (melodikus doom/death metal)
Nattfly Sånger för den kalla modern (black metal)
Neurectomy Overwrought (brutális technikás death metal)
Nomestomper Mossy Cobblestone Candleight Pagan Nomestomper (doom/sludge metal)
Obsidyen Litany of Iah (post-black metal)
Occulticus A Cold Ominous Presence (black metal)
Olathia The Forest Witch (power/heavy metal/metalcore)
Paradogmata Endetid (melodikus heavy/death metal)
Plaguemace Reptilian Warlords (death metal)
Pugnale Purified in Emptiness (grindcore/black metal)
Quiet Human Tarot (experimental/progresszív death/doom metal)
R.I.P Maldita ficción (groove/thrash metal)
Rank and Vile Worship (grindcore/powerviolence/death metal)
Reckon Death The Toxic Spell of Torment (melodikus death metal)
Ritual Clearing Penitence (black metal)
Ritual King The Infinite Mirror (stoner metal/rock)
Robots of the Ancient World 3737 (doom/stoner metal/rock)
Rogue Deal Escape from Justice (heavy metal)
Runemagick Last Skull of Humanity (EP) (doom/death metal)
Sadhus (The Smoking Community) Illegal Sludge (sludge/doom metal)
Sadus The Shadow Inside (technikás thrash metal)
Salieri Memento (szimfonikus heavy metal)
Sarmatian Vale Blue Tranquility (atmoszferikus black metal)
Satanascui Hammer Where the Shadows Lie (black/death metal)
Savage Blood Wheel of Time (heavy metal)
Scythicon Casus Belli (death/groove metal)
Semprah Infernal Claws (melodikus death metal)
Shadu-Nar-Mattaru On Pathways Macabre (death metal)
Signum Regis Undivided (progresszív/power metal)
Sorg My Last Day (nyers depresszív black metal)
Spectral Dance Not of This Cold World (black metal)
Speedraiser Mosh! Bang! Drink! (speed/thrash metal)
Supertzar Epic Truths & Fantaisies (stoner/doom metal)
Surgery of Doom Manifestation of Darkness (doom/stoner/gótikus metal/rock)
Sydra Call of the Void (heavy/thrash metal)
Syphilic The Medication (brutális death metal)
TEMIC Terror Management Theory (progresszív metal)
Terromania Nyctophobic (groove metal/rock)
The Crown Remnant Rise of the Wicked King (groove metal/metalcore)
The Lore of Gaubert Revelations I and II (doom metal)
The Sixth Chamber Beyond the Night Veil (heavy/doom metal/pszichedelikus/hard rock)
Thorium Extraordinary Journeys Pt. I (heavy/power metal)
Vansind Mørket (folk metal)
Venus Obscured Until Observed (progresszív thrash/power metal)
Verdriet Love and Sorrow (depresszív black metal)
Void of Nothingness The Spiral Garden (experimental black metal)
Vox Populi Sublevación (thrash/speed metal)
Warghar Harmageddon – The New Wave of Old British Heavy Metal (heavy metal)
Wolftower Throne of Nightfall’s Wrath (black metal)
Wretched Kingdom Wretched Kingdom (doom/heavy metal/hard rock)
Zarpa 999 (heavy metal)

Fémjelzés – a hét újdonságai (2023. november 6-12.)

A november második hetében született underground porontyok listája ezúttal is száznál több lemezt kínál böngészésre.

Acid Throne Kingdom’s Death (stoner/sludge/doom metal)
Adventum Diaboli Mørke (black metal)
Æolian Echoes of The Future (melodikus death metal)
Aglo Build Fear (death/doom metal)
Ammonium Erased Existence (death metal)
Ancestro Tierra desangrada (thrash metal/hardcore)
Athiria Conjure the Beast (death metal)
Belialed Beyond Resigned (melodikus black metal)
Burn Ritual Grave Watcher (stoner/doom metal)
Catch the Giant! Midnight Tales Pt. I: Nighttime (power/heavy metal/hard rock)
Cold Eternity Space Wanderer (progresszív metal)
Collapsed Mainframe Theater of Tyranny (doom/death metal/blackened grindcore)
Cranio 11:11 (heavy metal/hard rock)
Crescendium Within (progresszív/melodikus death metal)
Cydron Timewarrior (black metal)
Desynchronized Existential Nothingness (death metal)
Dilim Lagim (black metal/dungeon synth)
Dissona Dreadfully Distinct (EP) (avantgárd/progresszív metal)
Diviner Avaton (heavy metal)
Drowning in Formaldehyde Nightmares and Seroquel (slam/brutális death metal)
Dry and Shattered Systemic Turpitudes (death metal/hardcore)
Empire of Disease Shadows in the Abyss (metalcore/melodikus death metal)
Extinkt Trinity Redux (thrash metal)
Fallen Utopia Ruin (death metal)
Fog Warrior Of Strength and Sadness (atmoszferikus black metal)
Fog Warrior Ruined (atmoszferikus black metal)
Gama Bomb Bats (thrash metal)
Halvar State of the Nation (death/thrash metal)
Hard Excess The Nations Dust (heavy metal/hard rock)
Helmet Left (heavy/groove metal/alternatív rock)
Hinayana Shatter and Fall (melodikus death/doom metal)
Hubris Debris Reclamation (metalcore/groove metal)
Hypaethral Hypaethral (technikás death metal)
Inmisericorde Alquimia de sombras (death metal/hardcore/grindcore)
Innominate Foreboding (death metal)
Isometry Break the Loop (progresszív metal)
Ivann Eternal Decomposition (death/thrash metal)
Katrofy A Velha Estrada (black metal)
Krahnholm Конец трагедий (atmoszferikus black metal)
Krakh Strangeled Hope (atmoszferikus/post-black metal)
Kungagraven Hassjäger und nackte Percht (black metal)
Left Cross Upon Desecrated Altars (death metal)
Left Eye Perspective Conundrum (progresszív/stoner metal)
Lodestar Polaris (doom metal/rock)
Lord Kinbote Calm like Castle Bravo (stoner metal/grunge)
Luminous Path The Dark Path to Enlightenment (nyers black metal)
Luvart Until the Void (black metal)
Marsh of Swans Heartwood (atmoszferikus post-black metal)
Mephorash Krystl-Ah (black metal)
Metal Life Crisis Theatre of Fire (heavy/progresszív metal)
Mindead Breathing Fire (groove/thrash metal)
Morildraugen Desolate (black metal/dungeon synth)
Mørkdryad Cold Possession (black metal)
New Skies The Legacy of Avelore (progresszív/szimfonikus power metal)
Night Crowned Tales (melodikus black/death metal)
Niphredil The Final Star (atmoszferikus black/doom metal)
No Man Eyes Harness the Sun (heavy metal)
Northern Eye Under Siege (doom/gótikus metal)
Odd Crew Dark Matters Part II (groove/alternatív metal)
Okrütnik Krwawy pontyfikat (heavy/speed/black metal)
Opvs Nostri Velas Negras Sobre o Altar da Morte (black metal)
Passage Oblique (post-rock)
Perilous Grave Soilsiú (szimfonikus black metal)
Phantom Winter Her Cold Materials (sludge metal)
Phorceps License to think (heavy metal)
Plague Rider Intensities (experimental/technikás death metal)
Pyreficativm K’aahz Menoh (black metal/dark ambient)
Pyrolatrous Inveterate (blackened melodikus death metal)
Rascal Lost Beyond Reason (heavy/power/speed metal)
Rigorious Night of Retribution (power metal)
Roman Master Death (black metal/ambient)
Sanctum Sathanas Into the Eternal Satanic Damnation (black metal)
Sangre Maldita Alma negra (gótikus/death metal)
Sâver From Ember and Rust (sludge/post-metal)
Secret Sphere Blackened Heartbeat (melodikus power/progresszív metal)
Shylmagoghnar Convergence (progresszív/melodikus death/black metal)
Sodom 1982 (EP) (thrash metal)
Sons of Sounds Seven (progresszív metal)
Spectral Spectrum Scary Stories to Tell in the Dark (black/heavy metal)
Stargate Escaping the Illusion (heavy/power metal)
Stille Volk Le Dieu D’automne (középkori/kelta folk)
Stögö Vampyre Gods (heavy metal/synthwave)
Sutratma Images Beyond the Self (funeral doom/death metal)
Sutratma Realms of Eternal Immolation (funeral doom/death metal)
Swarzo The War You Sought (szimfonikus/power metal)
Tarja Dark Christmas (szimfonikus metal/rock)
Temple Balls Avalanche (melodikus heavy metal/hard rock)
The Color of Rain Oceans Above (progresszív/post-black metal)
The Neologist Between the Darkness and the Fade (melodikus death metal)
The Ritual Aura Heresiarch (technikás death metal)
Ulvdalir Ancient Throne of Unholy Ingria (black metal)
Under a Spell Freya (heavy metal)
Uvikra Comfort… (progresszív rock/metal)
Varamus Luminous Affliction (melodikus/technikás death metal)
Vastum Inward to Gethsemane (death metal)
Venomous Agent X The War Will Feed Itself (death/black metal)
Verilehto Kuoleman siipien havina (black metal)
Vestígio Vestígios (black metal)
Voracious Path to Death (death metal/hardcore)
WarBand OverAmped (thrash metal/punk)
Wastelander Endless Survival (black/thrash metal/crust)
Weightless World Sleepwalker (progresszív metal/metalcore)
Welcome to Pleshiwar Apostasy (melodikus doom/death metal)

Dreki Ferdhast Tour 2024 Dreki Ferdhast Tour 2024
September 09.
Scorching Europe 2024 Scorching Europe 2024
September 10.
Tones of Decay III. Tones of Decay III.
September 13.
Insane Folkride Minifest Insane Folkride Minifest
September 14.
Nytt Land Nytt Land
September 18.