Ismét hírlevéllel jelentkezett a cseh Obscure Promotion, amelyben a címben szereplő fesztiválhoz szállított nyolc új fellépőt. Ismét a core és hc irányzatok kapták a szerepet.

Új fellépők: Heaven Shall Burn, Holy Fawn, Ithaca, Lionheart, Spy, The Acacia Strain, The Callous Daoboys, While She Sleeps.
A szervezők eddig a teljes program 80%-át publikálták.
4 nap – 5 színpad – 130 fellépő
26. Brutal Assault (2023)
2023. augusztus 9-12
Csehország, Jaroměř, Josefov Erőd
Fellépők: Abbie Falls, Adacta, Agnastic Front, Angelus Apatrida, Anthrax, Archspire, Be’lakor, Beartooth, Benediction, Biohazard, Birds in Row, Bleed from Within, Borknagar, Brand of Sacrifice, Cabal, Capra, Carpenter Brut, Catastrofy, Church of Misery, Church of the Cosmic Skull, Concerte Winds, Converge, Crippled Fingers, Crisix, Crowbar, Cult of Fire, Death Before Dishonor, Deicide, Demonical, Dismember, Dödsrit, Dying Fetus, Enslaved, Evildead, Exciter, Eyehategod, Fit for an Autopsi, Forgotten Silence, Gang Green, Gatecreeper, Get the Shot, Heaven Shall Burn, Heaving Earth, Heilung, Holy Fawn, Horskh, Hypnos, Hypocrisy, I am Morbid, Immolation, In Flames, Infected Rain, Innersphere, Insanity Alert, Ithaca, Kataklysm, Konvent, Krisiun, Lamp of Murmuur, Lionheart, Malevolence, Manes, Mantar, Marduk, Meshuggah, Miasmatic Necrosis, Misþyrming, Mork, Napalm Death, Nile, Nordjevel, Obituary, Orbit Culture, Overkill, Pensées Nocturnes, Perturbator, Possessed, Russian Circles, Sacramentum, Saturnus, Sodom, Omnium Gatherum, Sepultura, Shadow of Intent, Signs of the Swarm, Skinless, Slapshot, Solothus, Spectral Wound, Spy, Suicidal Angels, Terror, The Acacia Strain, The Agonist, The Callous Daoboys Tribulation, Trivium, Watain, While She Sleeps, White Ward, Wiegedood, Within Destruction, Wolfheart, Zeal & Ardor
Bérlet: 182 € / 4.350 Kč