Címke: Fémjelzés

Fémjelzés – a hét újdonságai (2024. június 17-23.)

Ezúttal sem hagyunk titeket emlékeztető nélkül. Az alábbi anyagok az elmúlt héten láttak holdvilágot. Izgalmas felhozatal, az biztos!

Abysmal Winds Magna Pestilencia (death metal)
Ad Nihil Заведомо ложные цели (doom/sludge metal)
Agion Death and Conceptual Terror (blackened death metal)
Aklash Reincarnation (progresszív black metal)
Alastor Nigdy nie było mnie tu (thrash/groove metal)
Alcest Les chants de l’aurore (post-black metal/shoegaze)
Ancient Entities Echoes of Annihilation (death metal)
Anthropophagus Depravity Demonic Paradise (brutális death metal)
Apocalyptic Leaders Exists in Chaos (black metal)
Aseethe The Cost (drone/doom metal)
Aussichtslos Schicksalstotschlag (black metal)
Autumns Eyes Grimoire of Oak & Shadow (melodikus death metal)
Battlesnake The Rise and Demise of the Motorsteeple (heavy metal)
Bestialgoat Infernal Goat of Extermination (black/death metal)
Black Spell Into Darkness (pszichedelikus doom metal)
Black Stars Falling Reliving a Memory (szimfonikus metal)
Blóð Mara (sludge/doom metal)
Brutally Deceased Chasms (death metal)
Cainites Revenant (melodikus death metal)
Catacomb Acanthocyte II: Scorned Life (death metal)
Cavalera Conspiracy Schizophrenia (groove/thrash/death metal)
Cerber Dead Born Sense (death metal)
Cobentrice Interdimensional Abhorrent Conquest (brutális death metal)
Codex Mortis Tales of Woe (black metal)
Construct of Lethe A Kindness Dealt in Venom (death metal)
Cosmic Vision In the Sign of Nature (progresszív/atmoszferikus black/melo-death metal)
Deception Never Ending Nightmare (thrash/groove metal)
Déçu ..Whirlwind (atmoszferikus black metal/ambient)
Derelict Versus Entropy (technikás death metal)
Dezperadoz Moonshiner (heavy/southern/thrash metal)
Eclíptyca Inmortal (heavy/power metal)
Egribor Ovva (atmoszferikus black metal)
Eldkling Scenes of the Deranged (melodikus power metal)
Escalation Ruins of the Falling World (melodikus death metal/metalcore)
Fade into Obscurity Mobbed out Mentions (black metal)
Feed Them Death The Malady (death metal/grindcore)
Fire Messiah The Slime from Whence Ye Came (nyers black metal)
Floating Worlds Skywatcher (melodikus progresszív metal/rock)
Galg Teloorgang (depresszív black/doom metal/drone)
Ghast Misanthropia Spectral Abomination (black metal)
Goatscrote Parasite Plague (black/death metal)
Gorgatron Sentience Revoked (death metal/grindcore)
Gory SDG Sinai (death metal)
Green Hog Band Fuzz Realm (pszichedelikus rock/stoner/doom metal)
Greenleaf The Head & The Habit (stoner rock)
Grim Colossus Descent into Madness (doom metal)
Grimoire Lovehunt (heavy metal)
Hatenwar In the Circle of Steel Shadows (black metal)
Hërpes Gran brujo (heavy metal/hard rock)
Horseburner Voice of Storms (stoner metal)
Humanity Out of Structure (death metal)
Hyperdontia Harvest of Malevolence (death metal)
Incendiarius ἄπορος (industrial metal)
Inherits the Void Scars of Yesteryears (atmoszferikus black metal)
Interceptor Tales of Mayhem (black/heavy/speed metal)
Invertia A Swindler’s Reprisal (industrial black metal)
Isfyd Throes of Celtic Vengeance (black metal)
It Doesn’t Get Better Homo Superior (doom/death metal)
Kaltsørg Humanity Upon the Funeral Pyre (funeral doom/death metal)
Kärv What the Dunes Have Hidden (black metal)
Kassus Maledictum Iter (drone/sludge/doom metal)
Kill the Con Man Rainbow Coalition (melodikus death metal/grindcore)
Kvaen The Formless Fires (black/pogány/viking metal)
Lamentia Fauna (atmoszferikus death/doom metal)
Last Step I Hate Myself (depresszív black metal)
Lavandula Beneath Reborn Skies (stoner/doom metal)
Liv Moon Circle of Life (szimfonikus power metal)
Los Suffers Espírito Mofado (doom/stoner/sludge/death metal)
Malachite Eye of the Storm (melodikus power metal/shred)
Markkheim Crimson Crush (death metal/grindcore)
Mechanyzed Ivy King (heavy/thrash metal)
Misandristic Mutilation Matriarchal Domination Through… (brutális death metal)
Morbid Necrotic Fairytales (black/death metal)
Morkerod Enlightenment (black metal)
Murmuur Smitten by a Wolf’s Tooth (atmoszferikus/nyers black metal)
Mylingen Under en svart himmel (melodikus black/death metal)
Myronath Inferno (black metal)
Necralant Cosmic Gallows (black metal)
Nihil Invocation Crestfallen Stronghold (black metal)
Nuclear Storm Good Morning Berlin (death/thrash metal)
Ogasawara The Age of Stars (black metal)
Ominous Torment Labyrinth of Perpetual Sorrow and Abandonment (black metal)
Osculum Obscenum Oscuros rituales del caos (death metal)
Ov Shadows Heresiarch (black metal)
Panachea Do As We Do (death metal/grindcore)
Pantheon Dead Existence (melodikus black/death metal)
Portrait The Host (heavy metal)
Prehistoric War Cult Barbaric Metal (black/death metal)
Primordial Serpent Triumphant Son of Darkness (black metal)
Putrified Degradation Manufractured (brutális death metal)
Release the Titans Odyssey (power metal)
Religious Observance 7 Years of Neglect (sludge/doom metal/noise)
Rendezvous Point Dream Chaser (progresszív metal/rock)
Replacire The Center That Cannot Hold (technikás death metal)
Rifflord 39 Serpent Power (doom metal/stoner rock)
Ruiny Vekov Balady čiernych nocí (black metal)
Sangre Negra Bastard Universal Blasphemy (black/thrash/death metal)
Sarke Endo Feight (black/thrash metal)
Sawtooth Invocation (death/thrash metal)
Seven Spires A Fortress Called Home (szimfonikus metal)
Seventh Dimension Of Hope & Ordeals (progresszív/power metal)
Sgt. Slime Excaligator (thrash metal/crossover)
Shadow Witch Eschaton (The End of All Things) (pszichedelikus stoner metal)
Silent Vigil Hope and Despair (melodikus doom/death metal)
Sirius Fueled by Rage (thrash metal/crossover)
Submundo Nas Profundezas da Alma (black/speed metal)
Sumac The Healer (atmoszferikus sludge metal)
Svartokunnighet A Blackened Shroud over Death (nyers black metal)
The Ghost Next Door Classic Songs About Death… (heavy/progresszív metal/rock)
The Scarlet Gospel From Grace to Ashes (atmoszferikus black metal)
Trewan Der Ewige Zyklus (black metal)
Unholy Craft Saa mørkt, saa mektig (black metal)
Valhexen Sons of the Black Serpent (szimfonikus blackened death metal)
Veln Veln (progresszív death/black metal)
Vigilante V (black/industrial metal)
Void Blight Monolith of Vortex Realms (blackened death metal)
Volt Misanthropolis (death/thrash metal)
Voraath Vol 1: The Hymn of the Hunters (death metal)
Vulgar Chaos The Edge of Sanity (groove metal/metalcore)
Vyrda Greip Brenning av likhalmen (black metal)
Wizzerd Kronia (stoner/doom metal)
Wrach Quae Infra Volo Videre (nyers black metal)
Wraithlord Phantasmal Warfare (black metal)
Zvijer Zvjerovanje (black metal)

Fémjelzés – a hét újdonságai (2024. június 10-16.)

Új lemezekkel jelentkezünk a múlt hét kínálatából. Számtalan műfajban képviselteti magát az underground; hátha akad olyan album, amelyre felhívhattuk a figyelmeteket.

Angel Sword World Fighter (heavy metal)
Another Dimension Worship Death (melodikus death metal)
AntiFlesh Hosanna (black metal)
Apes Penitence (black metal/grindcore)
Arcem Arrival at Grief (doom/post-metal)
Astral Fortress Depression (atmoszferikus black metal)
Axel Rudi Pell Risen Symbol (heavy/power metal/hard rock)
Be Under Arms Darkness Behind the Wall (groove metal/metalcore)
Blasphemize DEMODE (black metal)
Blodsjord I (black metal)
Bloodfrozen Bloodfrozen (black metal)
Bogmonster Servants of the Necrosect (death/doom metal)
Bus the Unknown Secretary We Are the Night (heavy/doom metal/hard rock)
Cadaverous Condition Never Arrive, Never Return (death metal/neofolk)
Cry (technikás death metal)
Crypt Sermon The Stygian Rose (epikus doom metal)
Dagoba Different Breed (groove/industrial metal)
Daimonos Murder (death metal)
Dancing Devilry Voltairine (black metal)
Darkend Viaticum (black metal)
Darkened Defilers of the Light (death metal)
Dendera Mask of Lies (heavy metal)
Deprived Existence Diabolical Dissonance (technikás brutális death metal/grindcore)
Destral Alça la destral (heavy metal)
Doömzday Slaves are not allowed to paradise (groove/heavy metal)
Dreamslain Forge of Rebellion (progresszív metal)
El Jefazo Colisión Brutal (stoner/doom metal/rock)
Elemental Nightburn (black metal)
Embryonic Autopsy Origins of the Deformed (death metal)
Encantarya Sonatas do Reino Eco (gótikus/doom metal)
Erzsébet Six Hundred and Fifty (szimfonikus black metal)
Eternal Messiah The Hour Has Struck (blackened thrash metal)
Evil Disorder Evilution (thrash metal)
Eynomia Sea of Tears (melodikus heavy metal)
Favna Abisal La casa de los siete espejos (avantgárd metal/post-black metal)
Fellwarden Legend: Forged in Defiance (atmoszferikus black/folk metal)
Fierced Innocence Beyond the Realms (death metal)
Filosopheme Resistensi Misantropi (atmoszferikus black metal)
Fu Manchu The Return of Tomorrow (alternatív/stoner metal)
Golgotha Spreading the Wings of Hope (melodikus doom/death metal)
Gormoth Life, Death and the Universe (atmoszferikus black metal/ambient)
Gulguhk Pillé, vendu et trahi (black metal)
H V N W R D . Demiurgic Forces (depresszív/atmoszferikus black metal)
Hangman’s Hymn Life Is Not a Miracle (black metal)
Hate Them All III (black metal)
Hatskrømt Skarpretter (black metal)
Hellset Shepherd of the Blind (thrash metal)
Hexen House Retributiones Maleficarum Mallei (black metal)
Hizaki The Zodiac Sign (szimfonikus/neoclassical power metal)
Holorem No Trace (death/doom metal)
Huaykil Renacer (heavy meta/hard rock)
Human Zoo Echoes Beyond (melodikus heavy metal/hard rock)
Hybreed Chaos Subliminal Abyssal Carnage (brutális death metal)
Impact Approved Way of the Warrior (melodikus death metal)
Indulgence Grim Times (thrash/groove metal)
Ira Tenax Dark Awakening (death/heavy metal)
Ixion Restriction (EP) (atmoszferikus/doom metal)
Jan Gonzalez Blackcore (black metal)
Julie Christmas Ridiculous and Full of Blood (alternatív/post-metal)
Kerasfóra Six Nights Beyond the Serpent’s Threshold (atmoszferikus black metal)
Leviaethan D-Evil in Me (thrash metal)
Lucifer’s Hammer Be and Exist (heavy metal)
Malignancy …Discontinued (brutális technikás death metal)
Merged in Abyss Ave Exitium (black/death metal)
Miasmic Serum Infected Seed (death metal)
Millennial Reign World on Fire (melodikus power metal)
Miško Boba Gedulas ir viltis (black metal)
Mono Oath (post-rock)
Mortal Profecia From the Ashes (death metal)
Mythologik Blood in the Sky (thrash/melodikus death metal)
Naakhum Llums i ombres (blackened folk metal)
Nefarious Spirit Final Breath (black metal)
New Horizon Conquerors (power/heavy metal)
Paradise in Flames Blindness (black metal)
Paraplexia Disgorging the Faith (brutális death metal)
Perchta D’Muata (black/folk metal)
Pipe Dreamer The Past Is Just a Memory (doom/post-metal)
Planestrider Hymn of the Void (stoner metal/rock)
Plutonian Khaos Those Who Shall Arrive (nyers/atmoszferikus black metal)
Questing Beast Birth (progresszív/heavy metal)
Regere Sinister Inside the Eye of Horned Winds (black metal)
Rezn Burden (pszichedelikus doom/stoner metal)
RivetSkull Abscence of Time (heavy metal/hard rock)
Royal Rage Evolve (thrash metal)
Scheldt Gloire au Canada! Gloire aux libérateurs! (black metal)
Shamash Done with Misery (melodikus/blackened death/power metal)
Sibiir Undergang (post-hardcore/post-metal)
Siroll! Al Gra! (death/thrash metal)
Slave to Sirens Echoes of Silence (thrash/death metal)
Spasmobliteratism Inhuman Bestiality (thrash metal)
Spydor Spydor (thrash metal)
SuicidalGrind Paranormal Mind (power/death metal)
Sunburst Manifesto (power/progresszív metal)
Survscale Ashes of Valor (black/death metal)
Tortharry Paměť kamenů (death metal)
Torture Pig A Lesson in Depravity (brutális death metal/goregrind/grindcore)
Towards Suicide Whispers of Anxiety (funeral doom/depresszív black metal)
Tremor Морок (szimfonikus black metal)
Triumph, Genus Eugenika (black metal)
Ulcerate Cutting the Throat of God (avantgárd/technikás death metal)
Ungodless Servant the Creations (black metal)
Utarm Concrete God of the Scorched Earth (experimental black metal/noise/drone)
Uvkir The Dark Fortress (melodikus death metal)
Vendel Out in the Fields (epikus heavy/doom metal)
VoidKeeper Of Rotten Flesh and Withered Bone (blackened death metal)
Vrazorth Emergence (black metal)
Wist Strange Balance (progresszív black metal)
Wound Death upon Idle Hands (depresszív black metal)
Wurgilnõ Krijtland (black metal)
Xeneris Eternal Rising (szimfonikus/power metal)

Fémjelzés – a hét újdonságai (2024. június 3-9.)

Bő százharminc új lemezt tereltünk egy tető alá az alábbi felsorolásban – mind az elmúlt egy hétben jelentek meg. Ahogy az lenni szokott, ezúttal is van miből válogatni.

Abyssal Glacial (funeral doom metal)
Ad Patres Unbreathable (death metal)
Æthĕrĭa Conscĭentĭa The Blossoming (atmoszferikus progresszív black metal)
Against the Seasons If the Ocean Could Sing (atmoszferikus folk/doom/post-metal)
AlNamrood Al Aqrab (black/folk metal)
Amen Corner Written by the Devil (black metal)
Anges de la Mort Notre tombeau grand ouvert (black metal)
Apocalyptica Plays Metallica Vol. 2 (szimfonikus heavy metal/rock)
Ashes Reborn In Captivity (death/thrash metal)
Astharoth Cosmos and Chaos (technikás thrash metal)
Bloody Exitation El fin justifica los miedos (thrash metal)
Blynd Unbeliever (heavy/thrash metal)
Bong Coffin Labyrinthine (stoner/doom/sludge metal)
Borne of Ash From the Dark, They Came (atmoszferikus death/doom metal)
Brazen Tongue Of Crackling Embers and Sorrows Drowned (melo-death/thrash metal)
Butchery of Terror Invasión apocalíptica (black/death metal)
Candy It’s Inside You (hardcore)
Chucktallica Chucktallica (thrash metal)
Cowardice Atavist (sludge/doom metal)
Crowheart Misanthropy & Nature (melodikus szimfonikus death metal)
Cyanide – Dark Dreams and Yllusions (black metal/punk)
Dead Memory Embrace the Soil (doom/sludge metal)
Desolvation The Art of Dissection (death metal/grindcore)
Desperatio Dei Desperatio Dei (black metal)
Devilish Art Temple of Sin (black/death metal)
Doom Temple Moonrock Chronicles (sludge/stoner/doom metal)
Dope Smoker Wolf’s Castle (stoner/doom metal)
Dozethrone The Longer the Suffering (doom/sludge metal)
Dysrhythmia Coffin of Conviction (progresszív metal/math rock)
Eirð The Voidchaser’s Destiny – Part I: Hope (ambient doom/post-metal)
Elegists Lueurs (progresszív death metal)
Eons Aura Hybris-Nemesis-Death (death/black metal)
Ernte Weltenzerstörer (black metal)
Espèrros Chevalier espèrros (black metal)
Evercloud From Light to Eternity (melodikus doom/death metal)
Evergrey Theories of Emptiness (progresszív/power metal)
Factory of Art Back to Life (progresszív heavy/power metal)
FebryThor Tidak Begitu Kejam (death metal)
Fecundation Moribund (technikás/brutális death metal)
Filesharemaiden Veuve (technikás death metal/grindcore)
Filthspectre Mutilation (death metal)
Fiorina 161 Archeon Prime: Cloud City (melodikus black/doom metal/elektronika)
Forevercold Hamvaim fújja a szél (atmoszferikus black metal)
Fractal Generator Convergence (experimental black/death metal/grindcore)
Fugitive Wizard Apocrypha (nyers black metal/ambient)
Glass Coffin Black Curse of Terror (black metal)
Glyph Odes of Wailing, Hymns of Mourning (black metal)
Goety The Horned God (atmoszferikus black metal)
Gorgon Vomit Skeng Down Jah (death metal)
Grand Delusion The Unspoken (heavy/doom metal/hard rock)
Grand Demise of Civilization The Blaze of Abaddon (black metal)
Guros Earthless (progresszív doom metal)
Gurt Satan Etc (sludge metal)
Hajotos Ultimus Manifesto (death/doom metal)
Hammurabi Numbers (thrash/death metal)
Helios Cenizas del caos (heavy metal)
His Name Alone The Narrow Path (black metal)
Holy Mother Rise (heavy/power metal)
Holycide Towards Idiocracy (thrash metal)
Houle Ciel cendre et misère noire (black metal)
Huntsmen The Dry Land (sludge/doom/post-metal)
Ieschure When the Darkness Comes (black metal)
Illyria Wanderlust (atmoszferikus black/post-metal)
Immortal Disfigurement King (szimfonikus deathcore)
Incipient Chaos Incipient Chaos (black metal)
Inconcessus Lux LucisTemples Colliding in Fire (black metal)
Intranced Muerte y metal (heavy metal)
Ježura Outsider Metal (heavy metal)
Khasm Theater of War (sludge metal)
Kinahmi Birth of the Nine Diseases (black metal)
Konetska Northern Marauders (blackened death metal)
Königreichssaal Psalmen’o’delirium (doom/black metal)
Kréen Ecos de olas, céfiros y llamaradas (black metal)
Lochwood Tower Border Reivers (nyers black metal)
Milford Mocs & Gunther Cucs Cremem los putos bancs (heavy/power metal)
Möebius Kryptomnesia (progresszív metal/rock)
Monumental Discharge Cesspit Earth (slam/brutális death metal)
Mrok Itinerant King (black metal)
Mythraeum Oblivion Aeternam (black metal)
NailGun A Bad Place for Bad People (sludge metal)
Nenavist Raw Symphony of Evil Vol. 2 (atmoszferikus black metal/ambient)
Nightmare Encrypted (heavy/power metal)
Noroth Sacrificial Solace (death metal)
Numento The Antimatter Fantasy (extreme progresszív metal)
Odio Deus Spiritual Syphilis (black metal)
Oeste Tiempo de fingir (heavy/thrash metal/hard rock)
Ofanim La torre oscura (blackened death metal)
Okular Regenerate (melodikus progresszív death metal)
Or Not Violence & Grace (thrash/power metal)
Ordalie Indifferent Universe (black metal)
Oubliette Eternity Whispers (melodikus black metal)
Rampant Beast Into the Infernal Pyre (black/speed/thrash metal)
Sarke Endo Feight (black’n’roll)
S.T.R.A.H. Nocturnal Exorcist (black/death/doom metal)
Scorched Earth The Day of the Damned (death metal)
Serrabulho Piss & Love (grindcore/death metal)
Severe Torture Torn from the Jaws of Death (death metal)
Shadow of the Talisman As Above, So Below (heavy/thrash metal)
Sinpekado 7 (thrash/death metal)
Skull Carving Ignes Inferni (death/black metal)
Skullsplitter Cosmic Horror (melodikus death/thrash metal)
Sons of Arrakis Volume II (stoner/doom metal/rock)
Sphere Objet violent non identifié (black metal)
Stryper To Hell with the Amps (heavy metal/hard rock)
Swelling Repulsion Fatally Misguided (progresszív/melodikus death metal)
Synchronical Rebuilt (progresszív metal)
Terminal Function The Symbiont (technikás death metal/djent)
Thanatotherion Alienation Manifesto (black metal)
Torturers’ Lobby Deadened Nerves (black/death metal/punk)
Trendkill Половен Crossover (thrash metal/crossover)
Tyrant Emperor Rotten and Evil (death/thrash metal)
Vaara – Vaara (sludge/post-metal)
Valhalore Beyond the Stars (epic folk metal)
Vargskelethor Blasted Residuals (thrash/death metal)
Vermiforme Sacrvm Foetvm (sludge/doom metal)
Vexxum Lost in Infinity (thrash metal)
Vimur The Timeless Everpresent (black metal)
Void Commander Alien Queen (pszichedelikus stoner/doom metal/rock)
Void Moon Dreams Inside the Sun (doom metal)
Vomit the Soul Massive Incineration (brutális death metal)
Wahn Verbrannte Erde (post-black metal)
Watcher Key to the Unbreachable (heavy metal)
Web Burden of Destiny (progresszív thrash/doom metal)
Weedevil Profane Smoke Ritual (stoner/doom metal/rock)
Widertod Anemoia (melodikus black metal)
Winter Miners Underground Minecraft Black Metal, Vol 2 (nyers black metal)
Withering Surface Exit Plan (melodikus death metal)
Wojtyla In Nomine Tenebris (heavy metal)
WyndRider Revival (stoner/doom metal)
Zørza Hellven (post-black metal)

Fémjelzés – a hét újdonságai (2024. május 20-26.)

Tekintsünk vissza a múlt hétre, hiszen minden hasonló összegzésnél jócskán összegyülnek szemrevaló lemezek, amelyek mellett kár lenne elsiklanunk.

Abrams Blue City (sludge/post-metal)
Abysm Shadow of Malevolence (melodikus death/thrash metal)
Acrostic Cosmo(A)gonía (thrash metal)
Alkera Zamanın Ötesine (progresszív metal)
Alloy Abaddon (black/death metal)
Andralls Universal Collapse (thrash metal)
Antagonist Imminence (death metal)
Armed Cloud Nimbus (progresszív metal)
Arroganz Quintessenz (black/death metal)
As Above, So Below Nexus X (funeral doom metal/drone)
Aurelian Flavian Fury (melodikus death metal)
Autolith Artificial Heaven (hardcore/sludge metal)
Azul Limão Barato Elétrico (heavy metal)
BleakHeart Silver Pulse (shoegaze/doom metal)
Blasteroid Crypts of Mind (progresszív death metal)
Bloodorn Let the Fury Rise (power metal)
Bodolaeth Niðwundor (atmoszferikus black metal)
Bovinophobic Bile Puddle Moribund (sludge metal/crust punk)
Bring Me the Horizon Post Human: Nex Gen (elektronika/alternatív rock)
Brodnik Along the Healing Path (death/doom metal)
Chephreon Dark Tales from the Deep Lakes (black/speed/thrash metal)
Christ Denied Christopsy (brutális death metal)
Combat Noise To the Heart of the Battle (death metal/grindcore)
Coroza As Within (stoner/sludge/doom metal)
Crown of Seclusion Child of Dark (melodikus death metal)
Cult of Erinyes Metempsychosis (black metal)
Cutterred Flesh Love at First Bite (death metal/deathcore)
Dark Affliction Five Stages of Grief (black metal)
Demasguts Razor Sharp (thrash/death metal/hardcore)
Devilgoat God Is Satan, Satan Is God (nyers black metal/punk)
Dopethrone Broke Sabbath (doom/sludge/stoner metal)
Doska Doska Og Vintey (melodikus black metal)
Eregion Non Omnis Moriar (power metal)
Evildead Toxic Grace (thrash metal)
Evilgod All What Around (black/death metal)
Force of Mortality Into the Abyss (heavy metal/hard rock)
Freak Kitchen Everyone Gets Bloody (experimental heavy metal)
Gapang The Malpractice Observer (sludge/doom metal)
Glutted Swarm …of Old (death metal)
Gospod Tovit (black metal)
Greyback Built for Need (melodikus death metal)
Grimtone Ad Infinitum et Ultra (black metal)
Hell Riders Rising Phoenix (heavy metal)
Hextar Doomsayer (heavy/power metal)
Hiranya Hiranya (melodikus death metal/metalcore)
Huanastone Son of Juno (stoner metal/rock)
Icy Steel The Wait, the Choice and the Bravery (heavy metal)
Imprecation of Love Closer to the Light… (nyers black metal)
Inlandsys The Fallen (melodikus death/black metal)
InsomnI InsomnI (melodikus black/death metal)
Kalgon Kalgon (stoner/doom metal)
Katastropha In Serenity Requested & by Cruelty Demanded (black/folk metal)
Kayleth New Babylon (stoner metal)
Keg Thrower Instrumental (technikás/progresszív thrash metal)
Kirth Roth A Witches Last Hour (black metal)
Knights of the Realm Darker than Leather (heavy metal)
Lamentari Ex Umbra in Lucem (szimfonikus/blackened death metal)
L’Oeuvre au Noir La fin de Satan (black metal/dark ambient)
Lucifuge Hexensabbat (black/thrash metal)
Mad Hatter Oneironautics (power metal)
Maggot Apocalypse Maggot Apocalypse (slam/brutális death metal)
Mandibula Self Devourment (death/thrash metal)
Maoong Bleakest of Green Acid (pszichedelikus stoner/sludge/doom metal)
Mars Creation Kill the Priest for Satan (black metal)
Martial Allart New World (progresszív metal)
Memory Driven In the Light Beyond (progresszív/doom metal)
Monstraat Death upon His Bell (nyers black metal)
Mooncult Mooncult (atmoszferikus black metal)
Moral Putrefaction Moral Putrefaction (death metal)
Mordengul Spectral Gateway (black metal/dungeon synth)
Morgue Close to Complete Darkness (brutális death metal/grindcore)
Morgue Meat Apocalyptic Visions (brutális death metal)
Mortal Wound The Anus of the World (death metal)
Mürmurio Reliquats de noirceur (nyers black metal/ambient)
Murmuur Judas Iscariot (atmoszferikus/nyers black metal)
N-Grind Judgement Continues (death metal/grindcore)
Night Abyss Demonic Spells of Nidhogg (melodikus black/death metal)
Night Laser Call Me What You Want (glam/heavy metal)
Nightside Death from the North (black metal)
Painful Nefarious Monarchy (black/death metal)
Pakharon Pakharon (black metal)
Paranoid Existence Nebulosa (black/doom metal)
Phronexis Opulence of Metal (thrash metal)
Reverend Hound Deal in Steel (thrash metal)
Reversed Wildly Possessed (black/death/thrash metal)
Rotting Christ Pro Xristou (melodikus black metal/gótikus metal)
Saidan Visual Kill: The Blossoming of Psychotic Depravity (black metal)
Sanguine Relic Within the Fog of Fragmented Memory (nyers black metal)
Sarcas Rise of the Snowflakes (thrash/heavy metal)
Satanic Priest …of Blasphemies and Lust (black/thrash metal)
Scarlet Bullet Mysteria: Luz (heavy metal)
Scheitan Songs for the Gothic People (gótikus rock)
Sentencia Sentencia 1995 (Remastered 2023) (death/thrash metal)
Sentiment Dissolve The Orwellian Dream (progresszív death metal)
Sequoia Grove Tales from Midgard (folk/szimfonikus metal)
Serotonin Leakage MT1 (death/black metal/goregrind)
Shabil Strategy of Destruction (thrash/groove metal)
Shatter Shatter (thrash metal/metalcore)
Shaytan Occult Aeon (black metal)
Shivered Existential Mourning (gótikus/doom metal/rock)
Silent Millenia Starlit Tapestry (szimfonikus black metal)
Sinal de Ataque Ao Anoitecer (heavy/speed metal)
Sorrowsight Essence of Existence (gótikus/doom metal)
Soul Abyss The Origin of Evilness (melodikus groove/heavy metal)
Squelching Flesh Psychic Incarceration (death metal/goregrind)
Stíny Plamenů První přívalový úder (black metal)
Summoner’s Circle Cult (progresszív doom/death/black metal)
Teramaze Eli – A Wonderful Fall from Grace (progresszív metal/rock)
Thalassus 20,000 Leagues Under an Ocean Planet (doom metal)
The Biscuit Merchant Visible Scars (progresszív death metal)
The Lurking Corpses Lurking After Midnight (heavy metal/horror punk)
Thola Unseen (power/thrash metal)
Through These Gates The Majestic Rites to Passage (black/death metal)
Ultio Cor (black metal)
Ulvik Last Rites | Dire Omens (atmoszferikus black/doom metal/neofolk)
Utopyca Extazurik (progresszív metal)
Vale of Pnath Between the Worlds of Life and Death (technikás death metal)
Valfreya Dawn of Reckoning (melodikus black/folk metal)
Vanagandr Felled Yew (black metal)
Vanagandr Storms of Empire MMXXIV (black metal)
Vástígr The Path of Perdition (atmoszferikus black metal)
Vile Retribution Frygten (blackened death metal)
Vonülfsrëich Kvensgäldr (black metal)
Vredehammer God Slayer (black/death metal)
Vulgaris Seat of the Fire (blackened heavy metal)
Wounded Funeral Skaalp (black metal)
Yfelvald In Goat We Trust (black metal)
Zaku War (melodikus death metal)
ZFL The Lie (progresszív death metal)
Zolfo Descending into Inexorable Absence (doom/sludge metal)

Fémjelzés – a hét újdonságai (2024. május 13-19.)

Összegyűjtöttük a múlt héten megjelent underground kiadványok tetemes részét. Ezen a héten is kerül lemez a meghallgatásra váró albumok listájára.

Altar of Gore Litanies of the Unceasing Agonies (black/death metal)
Anarchÿ The Spectrum of Human Emotion (melodikus/progresszív thrash metal)
Ancient Settlers Oblivion’s Legacy (melodikus death metal/metalcore)
Ape Vermin Andromedas Colossus (sludge/doom metal)
Apostate Elegy of Phantom Pain (doom/black metal)
Armed Civilian Armed Civilian (death metal)
Ascendie Natura (progresszív/melodikus death metal)
Auraal Pakkaskynnys (black metal/folk/dungeon synth)
Autolith Artifical Heaven (sludge metal/hardcore)
Baardvader When the Stars Arrive (stoner/doom metal)
Babylon Asleep This Beautiful Tomb (sludge/doom metal)
Banished Chaos in the World (thrash metal)
Baphorator I.B.L.I.S. (black/death metal)
Bat Under the Crooked Claw (heavy/speed metal)
Baulverkr Yarn of Destiny (progresszív doom metal)
Botanist Paleobotany (experimental post-black metal)
Cardaemort The Whispering House (progresszív melodikus death metal)
Caribdys Libertad (power metal)
Celestial Season Mysterium III (doom/death metal)
Cognitive Abhorrence (technikás death metal/deathcore)
Cold Blooded Murder From Russia with Hate (brutális death metal/hardcore)
Dawnbreaker Banisher of Unlight (blackened death metal)
Deathspell The Third Renaissance (melodikus/blackened death metal)
Demon Invincible (heavy metal/hard rock)
Demored Well of Liquid Souls (death metal)
Der Ghul Hunger Anger Decay (black metal)
Domination Echoes of Persecution (heavy metal)
Draugenatt Ljósálfar (viking/black metal)
Dystopica Infinite Reflection (heavy metal)
Eigenstate Zero The Malthusian (progresszív death metal)
Eisen Barbarian Iron Triumph of the Will (nyers black metal)
Elvellon Ascending in Synergy (szimfonikus metal)
Eminent Shadow Dawn of the Dark Age – Inferno Diaboli (death metal)
Eradication Beheading the Judaistic Mongoloid (black metal)
Esclavitud Stronger than a God (heavy metal)
Ethereal Frost Venus (black metal)
Etwas Rites of the Damned – Chvpter II (szimfonikus black metal)
Evil Spectre Before Winter Returns (nyers black metal)
Exist Frog Bomb (thrash metal)
Exuviath State of Fear (heavy metal)
Fleshmauler A Gargantuan Structure of Mutilated Atrocities (slam/brutális death metal)
Forever Falling The Determinism of Essence in Matter (doom/death metal)
Forja Món oblidat (folk/power metal)
Formørkelse Av mørke og ingenting (depresszív black metal)
Frequency Overload Fate Anthropic (groove/heavy metal)
From Man to Dust Rupture (death/thrash metal)
Gatecreeper Dark Superstition (death metal)
Gerzolth Порывам сердец в ледяную мечту (black metal)
Ghost Keeper The Dread Legion (thrash/groove metal)
Goatpenis End (black/death metal)
Göden Vale of the Fallen (doom/death metal)
Grundhyrde Spellbinding Mysticism (nyers black metal)
Grzegorz Kupczyk Grzegorz Kupczyk (heavy/thrash metal)
Gun Girl Vengeant Siege of Unholy Divinity (black/death metal)
Hatefulmurder I Am That Power (metalcore)
Heavy Duty Heavy Duty (thrash/death/groove metal)
Hell:On Shaman (thrash/death metal)
Hemotoxin When Time Becomes Loss (progresszív death/thrash metal)
Henry Kane Circle of Pain (crust/death metal/grindcore)
Hudič Into the Abyss (melodikus black/death metal)
Infinite Corridor Serpent Gate (heavy metal)
Kerry King From Hell I Rise (thrash metal)
Kheftook Cycle of Torment (blackened death metal)
Kulk It Gets Worse (sludge/drone/doom metal/noise rock)
Kymris Mythes et légendes de la Comté (melodikus death metal)
Lake of Witches We Don’t Come in Peace, We Come Armed (sludge/doom metal)
Littered with Arrows No Doves Fly Above (sludge metal/noise rock)
Lucidity Escherian (melodikus death metal)
Marea The Silence of Rust (atmoszferikus black/doom metal)
Marty Friedman Drama (progresszív rock/metal/shred)
Melabstra Egocentrismo (szimfonikus black metal)
Moonlight Skogstronen (black metal)
Mould Pull & Repulsion (sludge/doom metal)
Nadsvest Slovo meseca i krvi (black metal)
Necht The Prophecy of Karnifor (atmoszferikus black/death metal)
Necropsyum Eclipse of the Black Sun (black metal)
Necroratory When We Die (black metal)
Nobody Despair Is Where My Thoughts Swim (post-black metal)
Nocturnus AD Unicursal (technikás death metal)
Olim Because (atmoszferikus/post-black metal)
Orion Child Aesthesis (power metal)
Pain I Am (elektronika/industrial metal/rock)
Pale Crawler Process of Fire (funeral doom metal)
Pallbearer Mind Burns Alive (doom metal)
Passage Crystal (post-rock)
Pathology Unholy Descent (brutális death metal)
Præternatura Spirit Craft Materia (black metal)
Praise of Death Philanthropist (death metal)
Rain Devil The Witching Hour (stoner metal/rock)
Resurrect Tomorrow The Eagle (thrash/speed metal)
Reveals Attachment, Destruction and Extinction (atmoszferikus black metal)
Rotten Tomb The Relief of Death (death metal)
Saggan You’re All Dead (heavy metal/hard rock)
Sekengard Creation’s Veil (folk metal)
Serement Abhorrent Invocations (blackened death metal)
Servus Cyclical Existence (black metal)
Shijjar Darah & Maruah (black/doom metal)
Slow Sun Old Blood (progresszív doom metal)
Sorrow Black Soul (death metal/crust)
SoulLine Reflections (melodikus death metal)
Strychnos Armageddon Patronage (black/death metal)
Subfire Blood Omen (szimfonikus power/heavy metal)
Swapmurders Swapmurders (hardcore/death metal/crossover)
Tenebris Army We Are the Saints (heavy metal/hard rock)
Tezza F. Key to Your Kingdom (progresszív power metal)
The Impending Blindness Misanthropica (death/doom metal)
The Last of Lucy Godform (technikás/progresszív death metal)
Thornscrown Thornscrown I (death metal)
Thy Epitaph Blinded (progresszív black metal)
Towards Suicide Surrender to Death (funeral doom/depresszív black metal)
Txatar Hildakoen jainko (thrash metal)
Tzompantli Beating the Drums of Ancestral Force (death/doom metal)
Ufomammut Hidden (pszichedelikus sludge/stoner/doom metal)
Valhalla Memories of Yggdrasil (heavy/power metal)
Vann Papa Dissonant Immersion (progresszív metal)
Vestia The Acheron (black metal)
White Virgins Jungle Justice (sludge/doom metal)
Wormind A Lie Will Remain a Lie (progresszív metal)
Zerre Scorched Souls (thrash metal/crossover)
Zig Zags Strange Masters (speed metal/punk)

Fémjelzés – a hét újdonságai (2024. április 29 – május 5.)

Az újdonságok listájával zárjuk a hetet, hogy friss földalatti zenék közül válogathassunk. Számos metalon belüli műfaj képviselteti magát ezen a héten is; van miben elmélyülni.

Abusement Park Abusement Park (thrash metal/hardcore)
Aeon Bridge Defile to Desolate (speed/thrash metal)
Alareikaz Gravöl fordomdags (black metal)
Altar of Madness Al infierno son las sendas (death metal)
Amajhur Ecuánime (thrash/groove metal)
Ancst Culture of Brutality (black metal/crust/metalcore/drone)
Andralls Bleeding for Thrash (thrash metal)
Aquilus Bellum II (black/folk metal)
Aranea Adventus Capítulo IV: El resurgir de la araña (heavy metal)
As the Sun Falls Kaamos (melodikus death metal)
Attack from the Tub Meat Candy (brutális death metal/goregrind)
Azketem Azketem (black metal)
Bad Marilyn Eye of the Snake (heavy/power metal)
Bailltak Finnmark (heavy metal)
Ben Baruk Cosmogony (szimfonikus/progresszív metal)
Ben Blutzukker Build Your Idols (heavy metal)
Beyond the End Niin loputonta on sielujen pimeys (black metal)
Bismarck Vourukasha (stoner/doom metal)
Black Pyramid The Paths of Time Are Vast (stoner/doom metal)
Black Road Sorrow Moonshine Miles (stoner/sludge metal)
Brume Marten (stoner/doom metal)
Burial Beyond the Sea Smoldering Remains (stoner/doom metal)
Burning Bloodmoon Sorceress (thrash metal)
Chalice of Doom Eclipse (melodikus doom/death metal)
Cold July Goodbye… My Love… (depresszív black metal)
Concerto Moon Back Beyond Time (power metal)
Crawl Altar of Disgust (death metal)
Crohm King of Nothing (heavy metal)
Cryptkeeping Cryptic Demos (black metal)
Cyclocosmia …and We Will Move the Stars (szimfonikus/doom metal)
D.M.C. All for a Piece of Iron (death metal)
Dååth The Deceivers (industrial/melodikus death/groove metal)
Darkflight Entropy (black/doom metal)
Dauþuz Uranium (black metal)
Dead Reckoning Red (groove metal/metalcore)
Decaged Tales from the Slumber (crossover/thrash metal/hardcore)
Deliria Phantasm (atmoszferikus/post-black metal)
Demande à la Poussière Kintsugi (blackened sludge/post-metal)
Demonorgy Under the Reign of Satan (death/black metal)
Druid’s Crucifixion Chtonaut (funeral doom metal)
Evulsion Spiritual Putrefaction (death metal)
Feuerschwanz Warriors (folk metal/rock)
Fír De stilte van God (nyers black metal/dark ambient)
Fractured Spine Laments of the Deceased (gótikus/death/doom metal)
Free as Birds Assorted Plus (melodikus power metal)
Freyr The Death Embracing (black metal)
From Dying Suns Calamity (progresszív death metal)
Futuro Primitivo Declive (death/thrash metal/hardcore)
Germ Bomb Monochrome Nightmare (thrash metal/crossover)
Ghost Awaits the Night Warrior (black/folk metal/ambient)
Ghost on Mars Out of Time and Space (progresszív metal)
Glimt Til ingens gang (atmoszferikus post-black metal)
Gnashing Teeth Repent (black metal)
Goresoerd Inkvisiitor (death/groove metal)
Gothminister Pandemonium II: The Battle of The Underworlds (gótikus/industrial metal)
Grim Crypt Absolute (death/thrash metal)
Guillotina Primera sang (death metal)
Guthook Guthook (funeral doom metal)
Hässlig Apex Predator (nyers black metal/punk)
Horn Daudswiärk (pogány black metal)
Infection Total Infection (death metal/grindcore)
Inner Dominion Bringer of the Eternal Light (epikus black metal)
Intestinal Dissection The Purging of Disgust (brutális/technical death metal)
IreBorn Tantrum Continuum (thrash/heavy metal)
Juke Cove Tempest (stoner metal/rock)
Justin Lee Giant (melodikus death metal/metalcore)
Kaosphere In Scars We Trust (groove metal)
Kratti Matka kohti kosmista (black metal)
Kyning Crop (stoner metal)
La fin de la société telle que nous la connaissons Melancolia (avantgárd metal)
Leviticus Ashes of the Ages (melodikus doom/death metal)
Libris Mortis Flight of Fancy (progresszív power metal)
Lifvsleda Evangelii härold (black metal)
Ligist Frihet (black metal)
Luminous Veil Oiketerion (black metal)
Magick Howl Doom Axis (doom/death metal)
Meden Agan My Name Is Katherine (gótikus/szimfonikus metal)
Metal Riot Birth of Terror (heavy metal)
Moisson Livide Sent Empèri Gascon (black/folk/heavy metal)
Mons Veneris Ascent into Draconian Abyss (black metal)
My Silent Wake Lost in Memories, Lost in Grief (gótikus/death/doom metal)
Mynded The Last Sun (thrash metal)
Natthammer The Hammer of the Witch (heavy metal/hard rock)
Naxen Descending into a Deeper Darkness (black metal)
Nihilo Machina The Black River (black metal)
Nirflar Mystical of Mountain (black metal)
Nirflar Sound the Nightfall (black metal)
Nokturnal Shades of Night (death/black metal)
Norest Herbst (black metal)
Nostalghia Phaneron (atmoszferikus post-black metal)
Numbered with the Transgressors Idiopathic Roots to Perversion (brutális death metal)
Nyrak Devourer of All (atmoszferikus black metal)
Obscurité L’énergie noire et les visions luminifères (epikus black metal)
Olamot Path of Divinity (brutális death metal)
Orphean Passage Apart (death/doom metal)
Ossilegium The Gods Below (black metal)
Pagan Rites Pagan Metal Legion (black/thrash metal)
Paradox Rearrange the Past (progresszív thrash/power/speed metal)
Pirate Queen Ghosts (szimfonikus power metal)
Piss on Christ 666 Rejoice in Blasphemy (death metal)
Projekt Krank Aufbruch (elektronika/melodikus death/groove metal)
Raised by Owls Vol.3: (The Satirical Verses) (death metal/grindcore)
Realm of Illusion The Legacy (thrash/heavy metal)
Schattenfang Perdurabo (atmoszferikus black metal)
Scythverse Synesthetic Nightmare (progresszív death metal)
Seigmen Resonans (atmoszferikus alternative/gótikus rock)
Sepulcro Sinner (thrash metal)
Serpent Sermon Jahannam (szimfonikus black/death metal)
Severed Angel Skyward (szimfonikus/melodikus heavy metal)
Shiver Down The Void Supreme (melodikus death/gótikus metal)
SickOmania The Devil Is Not as Black as He Is Painted (death/thrash metal)
Sjæleangst Sjæleangst (atmoszferikus black metal)
Spaceslug Out of Water (pszichedelikus doom metal)
Suffercation …and Die You Shall (death metal)
Suffercation Face in the Mirror (death metal)
Svart Relentless Downfall (szimfonikus black metal)
Svartalfar Carinthia Obscura – Die Lieder der brennenden Nacht (black metal)
Syndafall Inhuman (death/groove metal)
Ten Ton Slug Colossal Oppressor (sludge/groove metal)
Terminal Nation Echoes of the Devil’s Den (death metal/hardcore)
The Lumbar Endeavor Agglomeration (doom/sludge metal)
The Monarch A Moment to Lose Your Breath (melodikus groove metal)
The Watchers Nyctophillia (heavy/stoner metal/rock)
Tommyknockers Mean Things (thrash metal)
Toxic Pub To Not Die Blind (groove/thrash metal)
Turbo Moses Desert Frost (sludge metal)
Umbra Omega Reborn (post-black metal)
Unearthly Rites Ecdysis (death metal)
Urzah The Scorching Gaze (sludge/stoner metal)
Vanitas Dei Chapter I: Apocryphus (melodikus/progresszív black metal)
Veriarmo Kuiske (szimfonikus blackened death metal)
Vexation Nourish the Beast (thrash/heavy/power metal)
Waves Idle Symmetry Ametron (black metal)
Wheel Charismatic Leaders (alternatív/progresszív metal)
Withering Away Withdrawn (depresszív black metal)
World Decay Unholy Sacrifice (thrash metal)
Zolle Rosa (sludge/stoner metal)

Fémjelzés – a hét újdonságai (2024. április 22-28.)

Rengeteg várt anyag jelent meg az elmúlt egy hétben. Most aztán érdemes közelebbről is szemügyre venni a friss korongokat: van mit meghallgatni!

A Rose Dying in the Rain Eternal Sunset (post-black metal)
Accept Humanoid (heavy metal)
ACOD Versets noirs (melodikus black/death metal)
Akroasis Hubris (thrash metal)
Amalgama Mastermind (heavy metal)
Amiensus Reclamation: Part 1 (progresszív black metal)
Aquapocalypse Aquatopolis (heavy/thrash metal)
Arð Untouched by Fire (melodikus doom metal)
Asgard Warriors Sombras del alma (power metal)
Assaulted Christ When Worship Meets Enslavement (death metal)
Barbarian Swords Fetid (black/doom metal)
Baron Beneath the Blazing Abyss (death metal/hardcore)
Beholder Dualisme (black metal)
Bestial Colony Sordid Decay (thrash metal)
Black Seed Wings of Renaissance (atmoszferikus/szimfonikus black metal)
Black Tusk The Way Forward (sludge metal)
Bleakness of Eris The Rotten Galaxy (brutális death metal)
Bronze In Chains and Shadows (heavy metal)
Burning Black Resilience of a Broken Heart (heavy metal)
Candelabrum Transmutations (black metal)
Canis Majoris Eternity Borns from a Moment (doom/death metal)
Cave Cave III (death/doom metal)
Ceolskog Ring the Bells That Still Can Ring… (folk metal)
Chotzä Pächschwarz (black metal)
Cistvaen At Light’s Demise (atmoszferikus black metal)
Coffin Curse The Continuous Nothing (death metal)
Cryptic Elegy Elegy for the Endless (black metal)
Cypecore Make Me Real (melodikus groove/metalcore)
Damian Hamada’s Creatures 最後の審判 (heavy metal)
Darghl Monarch ov Shadowed Horizons (black metal)
Darkness Blood on Canvas (thrash metal)
Darkthrone It Beckons Us All……. (black/heavy/speed metal)
Deicide Banished by Sin (death metal)
Demidead War Against Ourselves (thrash/groove metal)
Deplorable Shattered Lament Unmoored (sludge/doom metal)
Devotion Astral Catacombs (death metal)
Dilim Pagbagsak ng Tao (black metal/dungeon synth)
Disbelief Killing Karma (death/thrash/sludge metal)
Disrupting Conceive to Obliteration (brutális death metal)
Dogtag Remains Forgotten Battlefields (death metal)
Dolmen Gate Gateways of Eternity (epikus heavy metal)
Doomsday Pandemonium Exclusion Zone (industrial black metal)
Double Horse Diablerie (stoner/doom metal)
Draugnim Verum Malum (blackened pogány metal)
Dystopia De verboden diepte I: Veldslag… (black metal)
Eleanor Effigy of the Flowing Tears (gótikus metal)
Enchantya Symphony of Cerberus (heavy/gótikus metal)
Ethereal Flames Myths and Legends of Our Land (szimfonikus power metal)
Event Shallow Abyss (progresszív metal)
Exhumation Master’s Personae (death metal)
Exiled on Earth Vertenbra (progresszív power/thrash metal)
ExistRuth Reverie (szimfonikus power/speed metal)
Exsanguinare The Victorious Night of Necromantical Hordes (black metal)
Fentanyl Sentinel Fentanyl Sentinel (grindcore/sludge metal)
Flamebearer Brazen (stoner metal)
Flaming Wrekage Terra Inferna (melodikus death metal)
Fluisteraars Manifestaties van de ontworteling (post-black metal)
Frozen Sun The Lost Tapes (death metal)
Full of Hell Coagulated Bliss (powerviolence/grindcore/noise)
Gmork Etudes (black metal)
Grevlar The Crystal Cave (death metal)
Guts & Bones Horroris Causa (thrash metal)
Handle with Hate Wrath of the Keres (death metal)
Hate Breeder Human Rosin (melodikus death metal/metalcore)
Haunted by the Aborted Whorepocalypse (death metal/deathcore)
HellGoat Penetrating Womb and Earth (nyers black metal)
Hidrommel We Are the Seas (heavy metal)
High Throne The Villain (groove metal/metalcore)
In Aevum Agere Darkness, Then Light (power/doom metal)
Infamous Glory Algor Mortis (death metal)
Inhuman Prerogative of the Unborn (technical death metal)
Inter Arma New Heaven (sludge/black/death/post-metal)
Irthangaz La maldición de Irthangaz (power metal)
Itrilow Arson (melodikus black/death metal)
Kill City Darker Days (heavy metal)
Kintral Kintral (black metal)
Lost in Exile Deathbed Dreamer (melodikus death metal/metalcore)
Lust Hag Lust Hag (nyers black metal)
Lutto Coscienze infelici (black/gótikus metal)
Malefic The Second Coming (blackened death metal)
Malignus Lux Ferre (black metal)
Melodius Deite Demonology (progresszív/power metal)
Mohler Above All (slam/brutális death metal)
Moon Chalice Order of the Black Dragon (nyers black metal/dungeon synth)
Morgue Dweller Corpse Erotika (death metal/goregrind)
Morgul Blade Heavy Metal Wraiths (heavy metal)
Night Hearth La noche de los sueños perdidos (melodikus power metal)
Night Shall Drape Us Lunatic Choir (black metal)
Obscurial Heretic (death metal)
Orage Reborn (heavy metal)
Order of the Death’s Head Vril Blitz Ultima (black metal)
Orkhys Legends (szimfonikus metal)
Outworld Sky Keeper (power metal)
Party Cannon Injuries Are Inevitable (slam/brutális death metal)
Pentagram Chile Eternal Life of Madness (thrash/death metal)
Pestilence Levels of Perception (progresszív death metal)
Rät King Rat City (heavy/speed metal)
Ravna Pillars (progresszív death/black/sludge metal)
Rendered Helpless From Nothing Comes All (slam/brutális death metal)
Reverorum ib Malacht Aya Shi Karahn (black metal/dark ambient)
Rurbania Rurbania (nyers black metal/dungeon synth)
Sacrylegion Devil’s Light (szimfonikus death metal)
Seasons of the Wolf Orna Verum (progresszív/heavy metal)
Sentencia Hijos del sur (death/thrash metal)
Sinkralkch Frost Covered Fortress Walls (nyers/atmoszferikus black metal)
Slaughterspine Solace in the Thought That History… (death/thrash metal)
Sonder Dawn (progresszív metal)
Sonder Dusk (progresszív metal)
Soul Grind Supreme Melodic Violence (Tribute to Chaos) (szimfonikus death metal)
SoundScars Legacies (progresszív heavy metal)
Srefa Solstice (black metal)
Storm upon the Masses Crusher of Souls (brutális death metal)
Stormborn Zenith (melodikus heavy/power metal)
Stratorus Far Beyond the North Wind (pogány black metal)
Suicidal Ideation Songs After Dissipation (depresszív black metal)
Suspectum Cull of the Weak (death/groove metal)
Terror Sound Soiled Legacy (death metal)
Terrorist Dawn of Lucifer’s Light (blackened thrash metal)
Thalia The River of Books (progresszív heavy metal)
The Crypt Victory Through Chaos (heavy metal)
The Incantus The Incantus (melodikus death metal)
The Lumberjack Feedback The Stronghold (doom/sludge metal)
The Redneck Zombies Greatest Hits (blackened heavy metal)
This Ending Crowned in Blood (melodikus death metal)
Thrashing Pumpguns Welcome to the Real World (thrash metal/punk)
Tigguo Cobauc A Fountain of Anguish Is Gone (sludge metal)
Tombstoner Rot Stink Rip (death metal)
Trap Ratt Tribus Rattus Mortuus (sludge/post-metal)
Trippelgänger Possessor (stoner/doom metal)
Ultimate One Step Ahead (thrash metal)
Utopyca Fragmasagus (progresszív metal)
Vesperian Sorrow Awaken the Greylight (szimfonikus black metal)
Voha Majestic Nightsky Symphonies (szimfonikus black metal)
Void of Nothingness Maze of the Feeble Lights (experimental black metal)
Vøidwomb Spiritual Apotheosis (black/death metal)
Walg IV (melodikus black metal)
Warbound Necrothrash (thrash metal)
Wingless Ascension (doom/death metal/metalcore)

Fémjelzés – a hét újdonságai (2024. április 15-21.)

Az underground csemegék után áhitozók jó hetet zártak vasárnap, hiszen számos érdekességre szert tehet, aki jobban beleássa magát az alábbi listába.

AeonSphere Stardust on Cosmic Tapestry (szimfonikus power metal)
Afflicted Truth The Seeking of Redemption (death metal/grindcore)
All Will Know Parhelion (melodikus death metal/metalcore)
Amagalma Mastermind (heavy metal)
Antagonyze Interpretations of the Unknown Wilderness (death/thrash metal)
Anthems of Gomorrah Astral Projection (black/death metal)
Antichrist Siege Machine Vengeance of Eternal Fire (black/death metal)
Argile Spleen Angel (avantgárd death/doom metal)
Ascendancy Archive of Death (heavy metal)
Atræ Bilis Aumicide (technikás death metal)
Azotador Misión de contención (thrash metal)
Balance of Power Fresh from the Abyss (power/progresszív metal)
Black Flux Dead Sun Ascension (black metal)
Blade and Bath Rotten in Loneliness (depresszív black metal/shoegaze)
Blaze of Perdition Upharsin (black metal)
Blazing Eternity A Certain End of Everything (gothic metal)
Bloody Falls Amartia (groove/melodikus death metal)
Bongripper Empty (stoner/sludge/doom metal)
Bythos Chthonic Gates Unveiled (black metal)
Chapters of Misery End. Cheerful, Long, Unattainable (depresszív black metal)
Conquest Paradox (thrash/heavy/power metal)
Corellian Voidwalker (stoner/doom metal)
Corvus V Iter (heavy/groove metal/hard rock)
Dark Delirium Solitude (melodikus death metal)
Dawn of Ashes Reopening the Scars (industrial/melodikus black metal)
Dead Tree Seeds Toxic Thoughts (thrash metal)
Die Ballista Burial Bell (sludge/doom metal)
Disgrace and Terror The True Will of Evil (death/thrash metal)
Dozethrone In a World Darker Than Black (doom/sludge metal)
Dracko Hacia la luz (heavy/power metal)
Draugr Unter Yggdrasils Schatten (black metal)
Dvne Voidkind (progresszív sludge/post-metal)
Dyscordia The Road to Oblivion (progresszív metal)
Ear Danger Minotaur (heavy metal)
Embodiment Elimination Metamorphosis Incarnate Through… (slam/brutális death metal)
Endangered Reign The Forester Awakens (power/progresszív metal)
Engulfed Unearthly Litanies of Despair (death metal)
Enraa Мы рождены для побед (heavy/power metal)
Entwife Let the Roots Eat (experimental sludge/doom metal)
Exist Frog Bomb (thrash metal)
Fierce Deity A Terrible Fate (heavy/doom metal)
Fjordheksa Ashlad (stoner/doom metal)
Fjordlands Mystic Moors and Moonlit Myths (atmoszferikus black metal)
Flammae Hellfire (black metal)
Folterkammer Weibermacht (opera/szimfonikus black metal)
Forevercold Sírboltod alatt (atmoszferikus black metal)
Fractal Gates One with Dawn (progresszív melodikus death metal)
Fumist Coaltar (grindcore/powerviolence/death metal)
Gannondorf The Nightmare Institution (black metal)
Gnarled Gnarled (stoner/doom metal)
Guenna Peak of Jin’Arrah (stoner metal/rock)
Haunted Stare at Nothing (stoner/doom metal)
Haust Negative Music (black metal/hardcore)
Hekseblad Kaer Morhen (black metal)
High on Fire Cometh the Storm (stoner/sludge/doom metal)
Holy Rock Holy Rock (hard rock/heavy metal)
Howling Beyond the Realms Obscure (black metal)
Human Devastation Towards the Spectral World (brutális death metal)
Idiot Child The First Breath Is the Beginning of Death (sludge metal/hardcore)
In Vain Solemn (progresszív death/black metal)
Inanis Ex Utero Inferni (black metal)
Infestus Entzweiung (black metal)
Insane Desecration Shattered Realms of Perpetual Deceit (brutális death metal)
Intig Vilsen (depresszív black metal)
Into the Dark The Ascension of Darkness (death/doom metal)
IrönxLüng Riffstanbul (sludge/stoner/doom metal)
Ixion Extinction (atmoszferikus doom metal)
Kanalia Dead Paradise (sludge metal)
Katachthon Raw Manifestation (black/death metal)
Kawir Κυδοιμοσ (pogány/black metal)
Koppernigk Create (melodikus death/black metal)
Korpituli Pohjola (black metal)
Krvsade Wolves of the Black Star (death/thrash metal)
Krvuspára Yarn (nyers black metal)
LanternI Frontier (atmoszferikus sludge/post-metal)
Larvarum Phobomorphosis (industrial thrash/doom metal)
Leach New Model of Disbelief (metalcore)
Letmac Los reyes de la página roja (power metal)
Liminoid Peregrinations (progresszív metal/rock)
Liquified Decomposition Filekeeper (death metal)
Loch Vostok Opus Ferox II – Mark of the Beast (extrém progresszív metal)
Mære …and the Universe Keeps Silent (black/death metal)
Maimed Propagate Onslaught (death metal)
Malignant Asceticism Cosmogonía (black metal)
Mass Killings The Coed Murders (brutális death metal)
Masticated Whores Meat Hook Hookers (slam/brutális death metal)
Melvins Tarantula Heart (sludge metal/különféle)
Metsavaim The Baltic Saga (nyers black metal)
Musket Breath Worm Drool (death metal/powerviolence)
My Dying Bride A Mortal Binding (gothic/doom metal)
Negative Slug Coprolalia (doom/sludge metal)
Nervcast Trying Times (heavy metal/hard rock)
Nocturna Of Sorcery and Darkness (szimfonikus power metal)
Nogothula Telluric Sepsis (blackened death metal)
Nuclear Tomb Terror Labyrinthian (progresszív thrash/death metal)
Oak, Ash & Thorn Our Grief Is Thus (pogány/folk metal)
Opium Death Genocidal Nemesis (death/thrash metal)
Oscurom Echoes (atmoszferikus black/post-metal)
Ovenhead Altar of Flesh (brutális death metal)
Over Reaction Enslaving Mankind (thrash metal)
Padus Opera funebre (doom metal/dark ambient)
Peklo Supostat (black metal)
Perseus Into the Silence (heavy/power metal)
Praying Mantis Defiance (hard rock/heavy metal)
Ravage Spider on the World (power/speed metal)
Red Mesa Partial Distortions (stoner/doom metal/rock)
Risabov Light Years Towards Impact (death/thrash metal)
Rise of Insanity Suicide Ride (heavy/groove/thrash metal)
Sadomortuary Inflicting Litanies of Torment (black/death metal)
Satanic North Satanic North (black metal)
Savage Wizdom Who’s Laughing Now (heavy/power metal)
Scum Giant Skykult (stoner/doom metal)
Selbst Despondency Chord Progressions (black metal)
Seventh Collapsar (atmoszferikus/post-black metal)
Severed Arm Reaching Murderous for the Banker’s Neck (sludge/doom metal)
Slowenya The Wild Inevitable (sludge/doom metal)
Slug Gore They Slime! They Ooze! They Kill! (death metal/grindcore)
Srd Vragvmesiton (black metal)
Sundowner Lysergic Ritual (sludge/stoner metal)
Sunnata Chasing Shadows (stoner/sludge metal)
Symbiotic Necroticism Human Crushing Sickness (death metal)
Táltos Minden ok nélkül történik (folk/black metal)
Tassack Old Skull (thrash metal)
The Shepherd The Beguiling Mind Games (crossover/thrash/melodikus death metal)
Tomb Portal Enthanatogen (death metal)
Tomorrow’s Rain Ovdan (death/doom/gothic metal)
Tvnalad Clouds to Shield the Shame (depresszív black metal/trap)
Typhuzz Typhuzz (stoner/doom metal/rock)
Uttertomb Nebulas of Self-Desecration (death metal)
Valemon Enemies (blackened heavy metal)
Vanden Plas The Empyrean Equation of the Long… (progresszív metal)
Verikalpa Tuomio (folk metal)
Vestal Cuntvomit Barbaric Supremacy (death/black metal)
Vloed De dag (doom/heavy metal)
Voidgazer Dance of the Undesirables (progresszív/sludge metal/grindcore)
Vosforis Cosmic Cenotaph (industrial black metal)
Vrykolakas Nocturnal Dominion of Death (death metal)
Wardra Warden of the Stellar Crypts (atmoszferikus black metal)
Warkvlt Unholy War Metal (black/death metal)
Yaşru Bilinmeze (doom/folk metal)

Fémjelzés – a hét újdonságai (2024. április 8-14.)

Április második hetének kiadványaiból készítettünk listát, az underground mélységeiben kutakodva.

A Life Less Alive Death from Death (death metal)
Adon Adon (black metal)
Alvader Hereniging (pogány metal)
Archetyp Černé srdce (progresszív sludge metal)
Artes Negras Sons of Condemnation (black/thrash metal)
Astro Bong A Trippers Guide (stoner/doom metal)
Attacker The God Particle (heavy/power metal)
Battlecreek Maze of the Mind (thrash metal)
Belfalas Dor-en-Ernil (melodikus death/progresszív metal)
Benighted Ekbom (brutális death metal/grindcore)
Beyond Life The Absence of Doubt (melodikus death/progresszív metal)
Bilirubin Bilirubin (nyers black metal/punk)
Black Rain Hot Rock Time Machine (glam/hard rock)
Boreal Throne Song of the Earth (melodikus black metal)
Built to Fall Broken Asylum (melodikus death/groove metal/metalcore)
Carve Caustic Monstrum Vel Prodigium (thrash/heavy metal)
Castle Rat Into the Realm (doom metal)
Catalepsia Pavisam (gótikus/doom/death metal)
Collapse Collapse (heavy metal/hard rock)
Conifère L’impôt du sang (black metal/dungeon synth/ambient)
Corvus Corone The Finality of Winter (funeral doom/post-metal/ambient)
Crown of Asteria Cypher (atmoszferikus black/doom/folk metal/ambient)
Crucifier Led Astray (death/black metal)
Cuzcatlán Señorío de Cuzcatlán (nyers black metal)
Dark Magician A Very Private Affair (black metal)
Dark Plague The Threshold of Death (black metal)
Deathblade The Degenerate Spawn (heavy/thrash metal)
Decimate Our Kind Mobile Corpse (experimental death/thrash metal)
Detsuit Interpreter of Death (death/groove metal)
Devilgroth Mortuus Aurora Borealis (nyers black metal)
Double Homicide Eternal Torment (death metal)
Edenkaiser Armageddon Overlord (black metal)
Elfensjón Zenith (szimfonikus power metal)
Elk Witch Azimuth (stoner metal/rock)
Eschatologia Transcendence (black metal)
Exist Hijacking The Zeitgeist (technikás/progresszív death metal)
Extinct Incitement of Violence (thrash metal)
Fatal Collapse Fatal Collapse (thrash metal/crossover)
Fluids Reduced Capabilities (brutális death metal/grindcore)
Friends of Hell God Damned You to Hell (doom metal)
Górgona Górgona (heavy metal)
Gory SDG Homebound (death metal)
Griefgod Deterioration (death metal)
Grind Grace and Misery (death/thrash metal/grindcore)
Hanging Garden The God That Made Them Bow (progresszív death metal)
Heavy Temple Garden of Heathens (pszichedelikus doom metal)
Heleven New Horizons Part 2 (progresszív/groove metal)
Heresiarch Edifice (black/death metal)
Heureka Rückeroberung (heavy metal)
Hexen Sabbat Dramatic Dreams (doom metal)
Høðrhìørdèn Blöd frá himmëlën (atmoszferikus black metal)
Hollowmind Under the Influence (progresszív metal)
Hünengrab Void Vestige (black metal)
Hypersonic Kaosmogonia (melodikus heavy/power metal)
In the Fire Test of the Pendulum Blade (black/death/thrash metal)
Infernal Abomination Canto a Baphomet (black/death metal)
Inmate Let the Dead Bury Their Dead (melodikus death metal/metalcore)
Jezabel Inmortal (power metal)
Judgment Fire Kingdom of Skyscrapers (melodikus death/gótikus metal)
Karst Eclipsed Beneath Umbral Divine (death metal/crust)
Karu Hydra (melodikus death metal)
Kasvet The Fall of Fucking Humanity (nyers black metal)
Khaos of Death The Invader (brutális death metal)
Khirki Κυκεώνας (heavy/stoner metal/rock)
Khüll Where Shadows Rise (black metal/dungeon synth)
Kiljin Stone People (heavy metal)
Kutkh На далёком берегу (atmoszferikus black metal)
Lares Et in Arcadia Ego (pszichedelikus sludge metal)
Last Resistance Monument of Warfare (death metal)
Lesath Under the Moon (atmoszferikus black metal)
Lichfield The Maze (gótikus/death metal)
Living Inferno Triumvirate (death metal)
Love Sex Machine Trve (sludge metal)
Mallephyr Ruins of Inner Composure (death/black metal)
Mang Ont Külmavärinad (stoner/sludge/doom metal)
Maniac Sanguinary Kill Them All (black metal)
Martikor Acedia (progresszív death metal)
MG 08 7.92 (black metal)
Mòr Hear the Hour Nearing! (nyers/atmoszferikus black metal)
Mother of All Global Parasitic Leviathan (melodikus death metal)
Necrot Lifeless Birth (death metal)
Nest Endeavors (sludge/doom metal)
Nimbifer Der böse Geist (black metal)
Nödtveidt From Shadow to Dark Light (melodikus black/death metal)
Nothing Is Real Acts of Despair and Faith (stoner/doom metal)
Oceans of Night Mindstorm (progresszív rock/metal)
Omnem Exoform (atmoszferikus black metal)
Pagan Sword Flameheart (folk/death metal)
Parásito Despoblador (black metal)
Paula Teles Desencanto (szimfonikus metal)
Post Mortal Possession The Dead Space Between the Stars (brutális death metal)
Primal Lunacy (black metal)
Pryne Gamma (progresszív metal)
Pryne Gargantuan (progresszív metal)
Replicant Infinite Mortality (technikás/avantgárd death metal)
Sanctum Atlantis Summon Abyssic Horror (melodikus black metal)
Sarcasm Mourninghoul (melodikus/blackened death metal)
Shadows of Steel Twilight II (power metal)
Sleeping Hollow Mass Execution (thrash/death metal)
Soa Suari so (death/groove metal)
Solarhead Surface Tension (progresszív death metal)
Stellar Tombs Arcturus of Pain (black/death metal)
Swamp Tooth Swamp & Roll (groove/southern metal)
Syntax Error Digital Martyrs (sludge metal)
Tårfödd Mörker (post-black/progresszív metal)
Tarot Glimpse of the Dawn (heavy metal/hard rock)
Tətsuo Dots (sludge/post-metal)
The Acid Machine Mushrooms (stoner/doom metal)
The Great Kat Violin Lover (speed/thrash metal/shred)
The Vision Bleak Weird Tales (gótikus metal)
Thothamon The Wizard’s Return (doom metal)
Thromos Verfluchung (black metal)
TSF The Summer Funeral (sludge/doom metal)
Tulpa Temple of Wounds (black metal/crust)
Týr Battle Ballads (progresszív/folk metal)
Tyran Tyran’s Oath (heavy metal)
Umbra Noctis Asylum (black metal)
Unborn Generation …and All We Forget (death metal/grindcore)
Under His Eye Under His Eye (thrash/death metal/crossover)
Upcast I (thrash/groove metal)
Urachel Gehenna (black metal)
Vanstorbing Insolobridishn Fucked Up All over His Head (brutális death metal)
Veriteras The Dark Horizon (melodikus death metal)
Vortican Atmosphere of the Low (progresszív groove/death metal/hard rock)
Vulcano Epilogue (black/death/thrash metal)
Vulture Sentinels (speed/thrash metal)
Walk Through Fire Till aska (sludge/doom metal)
Wattghern Wild Hound (black/death/thrash metal)
Wehmut II: Winter (depresszív black metal)
Weihrauch Hingabe (nyers black metal/ambient)
Whores. War. (noise rock/sludge metal)
Wildernis Tales & Stories (folk metal)
Wizard Dick Sacred Rites of the Riff (sludge metal)
Wolfstorm Rise from the Flames (black/thrash/speed metal)
Year Zer0 Year Zer0 (heavy/thrash metal/hard rock)
Zahadum In Timeless Voids (black metal)

Fémjelzés – a hét újdonságai (2024. április 1-7.)

Lezárjuk április első hetét az utóbbi hét napon megjelent albumok lajstromával. Az underground kincsei után kutatóknak lesz miért elmerülniük az aktuális hét termésében is.

Abominy Abominy (death metal)
Acid Mammoth Supersonic Megafauna Collision (doom/stoner metal)
Æquorea Departure (doom/post-metal)
Akloleh The Kabbalist (black/death metal)
Aladiah El reino de los olvidados (heavy/power metal)
Alchemist Equilibrium (power/thrash metal)
Ancient Storm Forever and Never (black metal)
Angelic Death Mother Forced Cum (nyers atmoszferikus black metal)
Arania Whispering Embers (melodikus szimfonikus metal)
Aristarchos Martyr of Star and Fire (black metal)
Asgaia Death Board (melodikus death metal)
Astral Fortress Spawn of the Stars (blackened melodikus death metal)
Attic Return of the Witchfinder (heavy metal)
Aurora Mortis Agonia (nyers black metal)
Austere Beneath the Threshold (depressive black metal)
Belore Eastern Tales (epikus/atmoszferikus black metal)
Bilwis Hameln (atmoszferikus black metal)
Blood Eclipse Небесная кровоточащая луна (black/gótikus metal)
Book of Enoch Carnage After the Flood (black/death metal)
Brutalism Solace in Absurdity (technikás/brutális death metal)
Burning Legion En Sabah Nur (death/thrash/heavy metal)
Calochivu Museum of Terrors (death metal)
Caporal Caporal III (heavy metal)
Captain Hawk Ghosts of the Sea (epikus power metal)
Cardiac Arrest The Stench of Eternity (death metal)
Castrofate X: One Small Step for Man, Another Fake… (death metal)
Celtian Secretos de amor y muerte (szimfonikus folk metal)
Chalice of Malice The Pillars of Hercules (melodikus heavy/power metal)
Cistvaen At Light’s Demise (atmoszferikus black metal)
Compatriot Preserving the Cross and Flag (black metal)
Concrete Age Motherland (thrash/power/folk/melodikus death metal)
Crippled Fingers Through the Pain (thrash metal)
Deadly Vision Programmed Obedience (death metal)
Demonslaught 666 Endless Witchcraft (black/speed metal)
Destroyer of Light Degradation Years (doom metal)
Diabolic Oath Oracular Hexations (black/death metal)
Disaster KFW Fallen Crosses (death metal/grindcore)
Domini Nocti Filosofía de la antimateria… (black metal/ambient)
Dreadstone Złoty wiek (heavy/thrash metal)
Drungi Hamfarir hugans (folk/heavy/doom metal)
Echo of Silence Misplaced Reality (progresszív heavy metal/hard rock)
Emerald Eye Night Without Day (power metal)
Eternal Breath Road to Insanity (power metal)
Eveth Sellando el destino (heavy/power metal)
Evolucija The World Is Full of Wrath (gótikus/heavy metal)
Exterminated Sphere of Catastrophism (brutális death metal)
Flegma Dead Angels Abyss (thrash metal/crossover)
Folkrim Embers (folk metal)
Funeral Leech The Illusion of Time (death/doom metal)
Furze Caw Entrance (experimental black/doom metal)
Garu Pagrabs Bara gūstā (heavy metal)
Genocídio Fort Conviction (death metal)
Gone til Winter Hiding from the Sun (gótikus metal/rock)
Gorgasm Sadichist (EP) (brutális death metal)
Gravkväde Prolog (black/funeral doom metal)
Greyhawk Thunderheart (heavy/power metal)
Gvillotine Hell Is Other People (black metal/crust/hardcore punk)
Hardraw Abyss of Mankind (heavy metal)
Helgrind Fides Celtiberia (pogány/viking metal)
Hellgate Necrosodomy The Annihilation Deliverance (black/death metal)
Hellhound666 Shaythanuakbar (black/death metal/grindcore)
Hellway Train Borderline (hard rock/heavy metal)
Hesken Architect of Chaos (progresszív metal)
Horndal Head Hammer Man (sludge metal/hardcore)
Hour of Penance Devotion (technikás/brutális death metal)
Howl Drought (black metal)
Ildganger For hver tanke mister sjælen atter farve (nyers black metal)
Ilex Mutatio (groove metal)
Ingested The Tide of Death and Fractured Dreams (slam/brutális death metal/deathcore)
Iron Blanket Astral Wanderer (pszichedelikus stoner metal/rock)
Iron Monkey Spleen & Goad (sludge/doom metal)
Irreverence Forsaken (thrash/death metal)
Ischemic Condemned to the Breaking Wheel (blackened death/doom metal)
Jet Engine Dragons Ronin (progresszív death/groove metal)
Kodoku Good, Evil, Neither Good Nor Evil… (experimental death/thrash metal)
Korpiklaani Rankarumpu (folk metal)
Kosuke Hashida Justifiable Homicide (thrash/death metal/grindcore)
Kvadrat The Horrible Dissonance of Oblivion (black/death metal)
Kylmyyteen Kuihtuneen maan tuuli (atmoszferikus/funeral doom metal)
La Torture des Ténèbres V (black metal/ambient)
Labyrinthus Stellarum Vortex of the Worlds (atmoszferikus black metal)
Level the Compound One of Us (progresszív metal/crossover)
Locrian End Terrain (drone/noise/experimental rock)
Lost in Grey Odyssey into the Grey (szimfonikus metal)
Loud Super Heavy Doom (stoner/doom metal/rock)
Magma Rise Neither Land nor Sea (doom metal)
Man Machine Industry Eschaton III: End of Days (heavy metal)
Markarth Curse Origins (black/death metal)
Masochist Christ Catoptrophobia (black/death/groove metal)
Meat Spreader Mental Disease Transmitted by Radioactive Fear (goregrind/death metal)
Merial Prospector (death/black metal)
Midnight Odyssey Closer to the Sky (EP) (ambient black metal/ambient)
Mørk Visdom Scourge in Flames the Lust, Raised Swords Dethroned… (black metal)
Nameless Gods And That Sigil Meant Death (death metal)
Necrocracy Predestiny (death/black metal)
Nightkarnation Unspeakable Blasphemies (death metal)
Nihternnes Ars Goetia I (progresszív black metal)
Nihternnes Namuh (progresszív black metal)
Niohoggr …Awakening Thee (black metal)
Oakmord End of a Dream (funeral doom metal)
Obligant Förvrängd (black metal)
Odd Beast Odd Beast (stoner metal/punk)
Orecus Dreadnought (melodikus death/groove metal)
Ormabol Horg (melodikus black metal)
Owl Wat overblijft (black metal)
Pectora Twilight Knights (heavy metal)
Poleis The Voice of the Sun (black metal)
Protosequence Bestiary (technikás death metal)
Psython Fun? (thrash metal)
Pyriphlegethon The Devil’s Trance (black metal)
Rejecter A Method for Withdrawing (black metal)
Rogga Johansson Otherworld (death metal)
Room 101 A.pos.ta.sy (pszichedelikus sludge/doom metal)
Ruohtta Sváigas (black metal/ambient)
Sagenbringer Zeit der Geschichten (folk/pogány metal)
Samara Spirit Flesh (nyers black metal/dungeon synth)
Samsara Charon’s Lullaby (funeral doom metal)
Shondha Shondha (szimfonikus metal)
Sinn Demonisk Of Different Worlds (nyers black metal/crust punk)
Sinthetik Sentienz Aeon of the Machine (progresszív death metal)
Snakebite Cobra Crew (heavy metal/hard rock)
Spider Kickers Necrosupper (thrash/death metal)
Sum Herald Sum Herald on Earth (blackened death metal)
Symakya Project 11: The Landing (szimfonikus/progresszív metal)
Temple of the Fuzz Witch Apotheosis (stoner/doom metal)
The Ealdorman Ouroboros (melodikus death metal/metalcore)
The Great Kat Heavy Metal (speed/thrash metal/shred)
The Lifted Veil Genocidal Bliss of Heaven (black/death metal)
The Monolith Deathcult The Demon Who Makes Trophies… (szimfo-death metal/elektronika)
The Preacher The Final Attack (heavy metal)
United Corpses Ve smrti jednotni (punk/black/speed metal)
Venomous Echoes Split Formations and Infinite Mania (black/death metal)
Vnder a Crvmbling Moon II: Aging & Formless (atmoszferikus sludge/post-metal)
Vrildom Purificatio (black metal)
Winterforge Hiemal (melodikus death metal)
Witch Vomit Funeral Sanctum (death metal)
Wrektomb Bovine Mockeries of Human Posturing (death/doom metal)
Wretched Death Democide (death metal/grindcore)