Címke: Fémjelzés

Fémjelzés – a hét újdonságai (2025. március 10-16.)

Az aktuális hetet nyugtázzuk az újdonságok alábbi lajstromával. Összeszedtük az oroszlánrészét annak, ami a metal undergroundban az utóbbi napokban megjelent.

Ad Baculum Necro Biomechanical Existence (black metal)
Adalwolf Wolfsland Pt. II (black metal)
Ade Supplicium (death/folk metal)
Alesya Chants d’une lignée sanglante (nyers black metal)
All Against Straight Down to Hell (thrash/groove metal)
All That Heaven Allows Hôtel du Nord (post-black/death metal)
Alzhagoth Ad Finem (melodikus death metal)
An Evening with Knives End of Time (stoner/doom metal/rock)
Anomos Triumvirate (melodikus death metal)
AntiPröphet Maim, Possession & Decimation (black metal/crust/punk)
Apovrasma Nachtschade (black metal)
Artavoz Lashkari Satanis (black metal)
Astral Fortress Aeons ov Agony (atmoszferikus black metal)
Ataraktika The Hollow Orbit (black metal)
Athiel Maw of the Curse (black metal)
Attenuated Deus Ex Machina (heavy metal)
Avsjoy Avsjoy (death metal/crust)
Black & Damned Resurrection (heavy/power metal)
Blodmåne Infernal Manifest (black metal)
Borgne Renaître de ses fanges (industrial black metal)
Burning Dead Into the Abyss (heavy metal)
Butchers Postumus (thrash metal)
Chaosmic Remind Death We Fight (progresszív stoner metal)
Charlie Griffiths Gods of Pangaea (progresszív metal)
Ciconia Synaesthetic Garbage (progresszív metal/post-rock)
Cthuluminati Tentacula (progresszív/blackened stoner/doom metal)
Curial Veus sense nom (folk/melodikus death metal)
Curse of Khatru Curse of Khatru (death metal)
Dark Horizon 9 Ways to Salvation (szimfonikus power metal)
Death Zombie from Hell Bonds Severed and Memories Lost… (technikás/brutális death metal)
Deathox Hallucinations (thrash metal)
Dekant Poison and Deth (post-black/doom/death metal)
Depraver Necrocryptic Obliteration (black/thrash metal)
Dessiderium Keys to the Palace (melodikus/progresszív death metal)
Dione Astrolatry (black metal)
Dun Ringill 150 – Where the Old Gods Play – Act 2 (doom/folk metal)
Einsatzgruppen Shattering the Throne of Remphan (black metal)
Envisioned Impressions (atmoszferikus black metal)
Eons of Decay Tome 1 Ultima Pangea (death/black metal)
Espermaticidio Kalkutun (stoner/doom metal)
Ethyl In Vino Veritas (black metal)
Fange Purulences (industrial sludge/death metal)
Fathomless Skywalker Anthems of the Resilient (szimfonikus power metal)
Feed Them Broken Teeth On the Disfiguration of Man (death/black metal/grindcore)
Genocidal Rites Genocidal Upheaval of Subservient Abrahamic Law (black metal)
Godslave Champions (thrash metal)
Gore Temptations Feelings of Nausea (progresszív death/thrash/groove metal)
Gorgonum Chaos Perilous Ambitions (death/thrash metal)
Grvm Kvlt Ultima Equitem (black metal)
Hagalaz Rise Again (black/viking/folk metal)
Hate Inclination Maritime Depredation (brutális death metal)
Heathen Heretic Whispers from the Abyss (melodikus black/death metal)
Hellpike Metal de muerte (speed/thrash metal/crossover)
Helvitnir Wolves of the Underworld (black metal)
Hoar R u m o u r s (black metal)
Ibu en Waab Funeral Texts of Tombs (death metal)
Infektor Ignominia (thrash metal)
Keeper of the Gloom This Mastery of Snow and Cold (black metal)
Kerberos Apostle to the Malevolent (szimfonikus/progresszív death metal)
Laruam Doom, Gloom, and Putrid Stench (death metal)
Lashblood Spiritual Matter : Denial of Being (avantgárd black metal)
Machina Baphometa Antigenesis (black metal)
Mait Sar Warfront (folk/black metal)
Mancoon Cryptic Forms (doom/sludge metal)
Midnight Odyssey Master of the Nebulous Reach (ambient black metal/ambient)
Monna Formed in Fractures (sludge/doom/post-metal)
Moria Path of the Dead (blackened death metal)
Mournful Moon Twilight, My Passion (black/gótikus metal/ambient)
Murderhorde Harvesters of Suffering (death/sludge metal)
Narrow Cold Burning Tears (melodikus doom/death metal)
Necralant Uphevil (black metal)
Necrofilia Vier (death/thrash metal)
Nightstalker Return from the Point of No Return (stoner rock/metal)
Nite Cult of the Serpent Sun (blackened heavy metal)
Nomadic Rituals Fust (sludge/doom metal)
Ophidious Forgotten Shrines of Heresy (black/death metal)
Ordo Karnivorum The Restless (black metal)
Ormagoden Purphoros (heavy/thrash metal)
Perilous Grave Abhartach (szimfonikus black metal)
Phol’s Musickal Destruction The Greatest Lie (death/sludge/doom metal)
PlasmaJet Solastalgia (stoner/southern/groove metal)
Profane Anger Posthumous Memories (death/black metal)
Psycho Face Branded by Cthulhu (progresszív metal)
Purified in Blood Primal Pulse Thunder (metalcore/melodikus death metal)
Quiet River Joy (Free the Glee) (blackened heavy metal)
Reemboweled Upon the Precipice of a Cosmic Rift (death/doom metal)
Resplendency Revenge Through Dismemberment (slam/brutális death metal)
Rwake The Return of Magik (sludge/doom metal/experimental)
Sanhedrin Heat Lightning (heavy metal)
Saurom El principito (heavy/folk metal)
Scent of Thorns Deathless Heights (melodikus death/folk metal)
Smoke Sun Aclys (stoner metal/rock)
Soulspell Spirits of Ghosts (melodikus power metal)
Steven Wilson The Overview (progresszív rock)
Storm Seeker Set the Sails (folk metal)
Svartr Lupercalia (nyers black metal)
Svorght Evig (black metal)
T.H.O.R Ruinas del dolor (thrash metal)
Temair Worlds Ablaze (black/death metal)
Tentacult Untamed Revulsion (death metal)
Tetractys System Malfunction (groove metal)
Thanatophobia Twilight Space Theatre (technikás/brutális death metal)
Thinning the Herd Cull (stoner metal/rock)
Thurnin Harmr (neofolk)
Tiktaalika Gods of Pangaea (heavy metal)
Trold I skovens rige (folk metal)
Trueno Negro Neogenesis (heavy/power metal)
Udsulteren Udsulteren (black metal/post-punk)
Ukko’s Hammer Ukko’s Hammer (crossover/thrash metal)
Vallorch The Circle (folk metal)
Vel’Har Proskynesis (black metal)
Veneficus Sarcina Anachronisms III (black metal)
Vokodlok The Egregious Being (nyers black metal)
Voluptas Where Celestial Bodies Guide Not (experimental black/doom metal)
Warbringer Wrath and Ruin (thrash metal)
Warhammer Total Maniac (doom/death/thrash metal)
Wolfenstein Capital Punishment (thrash metal)
Wombbath Beyond the Abyss (death metal)
Wulkanaz Luftuz (black metal)
Crooked (progresszív groove metal)

Fémjelzés – a hét újdonságai (2025. március 3-9.)

Ha még esetleg nem nem lett volna időtök alaposan szétnézni a március elején megjelent korongok között, az alábbi lista nyújthat némi segítséget.

Adamantis Reforged (power metal)
Ahí Náahaí Astral Lights in a Cosmic Burial (atmoszferikus black metal)
Akaamelda Death Equals Relief (melodikus death metal)
All Empires Fall Chronicles of the Unseen (power metal)
As Thou Wilt My Time Has Not Yet Come (black metal)
Astral Woods Into the Mystical Lands (black metal)
Avulsed Phoenix Cryptobiosis (death metal)
Axident Endless Devastation (thrash metal)
Bardos de Amergin Hinos Alcoólicos (folk metal)
Beurk Enjoy Your Ride (stoner metal)
Black Yet Full of Stars In Glorious Red (szimfonikus power/progresszív metal)
Carbon Seed Silent Collapse (brutális death metal)
Christian Mistress Children of the Earth (heavy metal)
Ciel S.R.A.T.M.E.O. (post-metal)
Corporal Punishment Inverted Demise (death metal)
Cosmoveillance Spatiotemporal Evolution (technikás death metal)
Cradle the Grave It’s Time to Die (blackened death metal)
Cranium Drain Death Dealers (blackened heavy metal)
Cryptosis Celestial Death (progresszív thrash metal)
Cult of Extinction Nightmare Ascension (black/death metal)
Cursed Darkness Monoliths of Eternal Night (melodikus death/black metal)
Dakhmas 2045 (groove metal/djent)
Dawn of Ouroboros Bioluminescence (progresszív post-black/death metal)
Deapscufa Spellbound (szimfonikus black metal)
Deathless Legacy Damnatio Aeterna (heavy metal)
Der Stürmer Resurgence of the Flame (black metal)
Destruction Birth of Malice (thrash metal)
Dhune Agony Tool (stoner metal)
Draconis We Are the Virus (death metal)
Dracyor Nocturnal Pieces (gótikus metal)
Dragon Skull Chaos Fire Vengeance (heavy metal)
Druma Sores of Our Time (atmoszferikus/post-black metal)
Eisenblut The Struggle for Existence (black metal)
Empire Filth Return to Eden (groove metal)
Empty Forest Fragments of Bitter Misfortune (atmoszferikus/depresszív black metal)
Erocis The Sunken Lands (epikus folk metal)
Escapade to Serenity Adventures in Lore (blackened heavy metal)
Exfeciate Enthroned in Desiccation (slam/brutális death metal)
Fat Grass Fat Grass (stoner metal/rock)
Fermentor Agreement (death metal)
Fögbötler Nebula Pestilentiæ (black metal)
Forevercold Ez a szomorú világ (atmoszferikus black metal)
Formis Bestiarius (death/thrash metal)
Frogg Eclipse (progresszív/technikás deathcore)
Gaia Metal Pentandra (heavy/power metal)
Gentle Beast Vampire Witch Reptilian Super Soldier… (stoner/doom metal)
Ghorm A Vagrant’s Lament (black metal)
Grey Mountain Grey Mountain (doom/death/post-metal)
Guiltless Teeth to Sky (sludge/doom/post-metal)
Harvest of Ash Castaway (doom/post-metal)
Holy Death Paradice (doom/death metal)
Hush Forever More (heavy metal)
Idmon’s Aegis Under the Auspices of Idmon (heavy metal)
Impurity The Eternal Sleep (death metal)
Irony of Fate Equinox (melodikus death/groove metal)
Istapp Sól tér sortna (melodikus black metal)
Jethro Tull Curious Ruminant (progresszív/folk rock)
K L P S K L P S (sludge/post-metal)
Kadavermarch Kadavermarch (stoner metal/rock)
Kaiser 2nd Sound (stoner metal)
Krüger Подлежит уничтожению (power/speed metal)
Kryptograf Kryptonomicon (doom metal/pszichedelikus rock)
Lacrimosa Lament (gótikus/szimfonikus metal)
La Torture des Ténèbres Episode VII – Revenge of Unfailing Valor (black metal/ambient)
Lights of Skadi A Cinematic Experience (progresszív metal)
Lude Eternal Womb of Celestial Decay (death metal)
Magistry The New Aeon (szimfonikus metal)
Mars Cosmic Squid (stoner/doom metal)
Mass Burial May Darkness Come (death metal)
Menetekel Aus kalt wird neu (black metal)
Mercury Tide Walls of Confusion (heavy/power metal)
Mircalla Paradox 333 (gótikus/doom metal)
Moonchapel Endless Chasms of Ash and Inequity (black/death metal)
Mortuaire Monde vide (doom/death metal)
Necrambulant Upheaval of Malignant Necrambulance (slam/brutális death metal)
Necrochakal Golgothian Orgies of Bestial Lust (black/thrash metal)
Necropsyum Inexistencial Inexistência (black metal)
Nekyros Nyxian Path (black metal)
Neopera Eternal Source (szimfonikus metal)
Nephylim Circuition (melodikus death metal)
Niviane Queen of Phantoms (power metal)
Nostalgique Dreaming Alone (atmoszferikus/depresszív black metal)
Nostalgique Special Secret Place (atmoszferikus/depresszív black metal)
Ophicvs Steel Beast (black/heavy metal)
Oppressive Descent Infamy (black metal)
Ordensburg Im blut’gen Völkerringen (black metal)
Outburst Devouring the Masses (speed/thrash metal)
Pentakolo Exiled to Infinite Gloom (death/thrash metal)
Phantom Druid The Edge of Oblivion (doom metal)
Profane Protokol Nuclear Desecration Commando (black/death metal)
Profondeurs Catharsis (depresszív/atmoszferikus/post-black metal)
Pull the Strings Go Home and Cry (nyers black metal)
Pyres Yun (progresszív sludge metal)
Quiet River Cognitive Dissonance (blackened heavy metal)
Raging Speedhorn Night Wolf (hardcore/sludge metal)
Rainbows Are Free Silver and Gold (doom/stoner metal/rock)
Razorblade Razorblade (thrash metal/crossover)
Reekmind Mired in the Reek of Grief (death/sludge/doom metal)
Rustorm Gravity (industrial groove/doom metal)
Sacrosanct Kidron (progresszív heavy/thrash metal)
Sadist Something to Pierce (progresszív death metal)
Satan’s Basement Dedicated to Non-Compliance (sludge/drone/doom metal/grindcore/death metal)
Scalpture Landkrieg (death metal)
Scheusal Urwahn (black metal/punk)
Selvforakt Ormstukken (black/sludge metal/crust)
Separatism Куфр (death metal)
Sheol Blanc Depression (depresszív black metal/ambient)
Shrine of Denial I, Moloch (blackened death metal)
Simbiose Hope (death metal/crust/grindcore)
Sinister Soul Depravers of the Innocent’s Reflection (black metal)
Smiqra Rɡyaɡ̇dźé! (avantgárd metal)
Solar Monolith The Crooked Path (stoner/doom metal)
Spider God Possess the Devil: The Original Album (melodikus black metal)
Spirit Guardian Call of the Colossus (sludge metal)
Stygian Path The Lorekeeper (epikus power/folk metal)
Sukkubys Echoing Despair (depresszív black metal)
Svartsots Rit Doomed to Destruction (black metal)
Swamphead Nightfall (stoner/sludge/doom metal)
Sword ov Hel Chosen Son of Chaos (black metal)
Tauremorna The Revelation of the Unholy Covenant (black metal)
Teodors – Nullification (progresszív death metal/metalcore)
The Death Wheelers The Ecstasy of Möld (stoner/doom metal/rock)
The Unguided Hellven (elektronika/melodikus groove metal/metalcore)
The Wrestlers The Wrestlers (thrash metal)
This Gift Is a Curse Heir (black/sludge metal/hardcore)
Throne of Iron Adventure Two (heavy metal)
Tommy Concrete Robot Corpse (progresszív metal)
Torpedo Torpedo Arrows of Time (pszichedelikus stoner/doom metal)
Uorvana Echoes from Soil (atmoszferikus black metal)
Varkensstad The Horror (progresszív metal)
Vile Reflux Malformed Abomination (brutális death metal)
Vintage Solemnity Memento Mori, Memento Metali (black metal)
Vorbat The Immortal Sacrifice (black metal)
War Magic Atomic Rites (death metal)
Whipstriker Cry of Extinction (heavy/speed metal)
Whitechapel Hymns in Dissonance (deathcore)
Whydah Destined to Conquer (crossover/thrash metal)
Wiedergänger Stillborn Grace of Liberty (atmoszferikus black metal)
Wildfire Rise (melodikus heavy metal/hard rock)
Ziz Raison d’être (black metal)

Fémjelzés – a hét újdonságai (2025. feb. 24 – márc. 2.)

Így nézett ki a múlt hét friss anyagok megjelenése terén. Lehet szemezgetni, hátha akad benne kedvetekre való muzsika.

Act of Impalement Profane Altar (doom/death metal)
Ad Hominem Totalitarian Black Metal (black metal)
Addicted Time Is Endless (melodikus heavy metal)
Afflicta Origin of Sorrow (technikás death metal)
Akllasqa Akllasqa Huknin (death metal/grindcore)
Aloys Fudanshi クソガキ (blackened death metal)
Alyksir Devourer (melodikus death metal)
Antagonizör Edgelords from Hell (heavy metal/punk)
Architects The Sky, The Earth & All Between (metalcore/hardcore)
Arion The Light That Burns the Sky (szimfonikus power metal)
Arkaist Aube noire (black metal)
Ashen Pall The Elegy of Waning Mortality (doom/death/black metal)
Astral Moon Deus Ex Machina (doom metal)
Atdemacia Order of the Black Rose (technikás death metal)
Avantasia Here Be Dragons (power metal)
Avatar of Hate Necrotic Awakening (szimfonikus death metal)
Avlak Blasphemous (thrash metal)
Besatt Renselse (avantgárd black metal)
Billowing Fog Life Illusion (doom/black metal)
Bisonte Mother Tempest (stoner/doom/sludge metal)
Black Spine Akeda (black metal)
Blown Apart Blown Apart (slam/brutális death metal)
Blue Collar War Artificial Unintelligence (thrash/death/groove metal)
Blunt Knife Castration Live Fast Die Slow (sludge/death metal)
Brainstorm Plague of Rats (heavy/power metal)
Brazen Wretch Heeding the Wicked Doctrine (death metal)
Bronco Bronco (stoner/doom metal)
Buried Faith Blackened Skies, Open Graves (thrash metal)
Cannibal Abortion Carnivorous Metamorphosis (brutális death metal)
Cannibal Accident Disgust (death metal/grindcore)
Carcinomic Unknown Functions (death metal)
Caustic Phlegm Purulent Apocalypse (death metal)
Celestial Scourge Observers of the Inevitable (brutális/technikás death metal)
Chemicide Violence Prevails (thrash metal)
Christ Dismembered Ov Vampiricy (black metal)
Chronolit Exodus Protocol (melodikus death metal)
Coedwig Machen Objects of Dolwen (atmoszferikus black metal)
Crown of Madness Memories Fragmented (death metal)
Dan Baune’s Lost Sanctuary Harbiger of Chaos (melodikus thrash/power metal)
Darghl Satan Obscure. Reborn (black metal)
Dayglo Mourning Devourer (stoner/doom metal)
Destroyers of All In Darkness We Remain (progresszív death/groove metal)
Devil’s Gateway Shreds of Life (death/doom metal/crust)
Dimman Consciousness (melodikus death metal)
Dodengod Heralds of a Dying Age (death/black/doom metal)
Drôvich Weagen fan pine (black/death/thrash metal)
Duelliste Duelliste (black metal)
Emissary Eldritch (thrash/death metal)
Everlore Hope and Turmoil (power metal)
Evilizers Lord of the Lost Souls (heavy metal)
Exileth Death of the Almighty (death metal)
Faded Colors Morgellons Disease (nyers black metal)
Fairy Duster Far from Light and Time (doom/post-metal)
Fast Food Eat ‘Em All (crossover/thrash metal)
Fenris Vrede Blot (melodikus death metal)
Freedomination Until the Lights Go Out (thrash metal)
Frightful What Lies Ahead (death/thrash metal)
German García Monsterpiece (melodikus progresszív metal)
Gnadenthron Praehistoria (viking/black metal)
Goat Serpent Mors Deorum Omnium (nyers black metal)
Gólgota Message from the Baphomet (stoner/doom metal)
Gorganera Maledictus (death/black metal)
Grave Infestation Carnage Gathers (death metal)
Gravecloud A Tear in the Veil (szimfonikus/melodikus death metal)
Great Tribulation Latter Realities (death/black metal)
Grima Nightside (atmoszferikus black metal)
Hail Conjurer Order of Disgrace (black metal)
Hallucivore Shrouded in Exogaian Petrichor (black/death metal)
Hartlight The Triumph of Metal (szimfonikus/power metal)
Havukruunu Tavastland (pogány black metal)
Helslakt Corruption 2.0 (black metal)
Hesychast For Whom We Sing New Troparia (black metal)
Hevisaurus Maailmankiertueella (heavy/power metal/hard rock)
Hound of Zeus Herald of the Primal Forces (melodikus black metal)
Høvding Ignorantia (death/groove/viking metal)
Insanity Cult Κάθοδος (black metal)
Insanity Storm Eternal Winter (black metal)
Internal Chronicles Boundless Night (black/doom metal)
Ironrat Beneath It All (groove/stoner metal)
Jaundice Infernal Demise (death metal)
Kalapács Ezerből egy (heavy/speed metal)
Kaldr Nordlys (nyers black metal)
Küenring In Search of Paradise (heavy/speed metal/hard rock)
Light Dweller The Subjugate (death/black metal)
Lightning Swells Forever Delirium (heavy/doom metal/hard rock)
Luciferion Son of Lucifer’s Return (nyers black metal)
Massacre Mermaid in a Manhole (EP) (death metal)
Mepahze Memento Mori (black metal)
Mesmeric Kasta Jiwa Baja (black metal)
Metaphobic Deranged Excruciations (death metal)
Misanthropic Festering Nihilistic Hatred (death metal)
Morbid Instinct Kingdom Of Decay (technikás death metal/deathcore)
Muskeg Charnel Decomposition Part 4: Livor Mortis (black/death metal)
Naxatras V (pszichedelikus rock)
Nefasto Misantropía (sludge metal/crust)
Night Immorality (black metal)
Norwalk Psycho Mirror (thrash/groove metal)
Occulticus Demonic Goat Inferno (black metal)
Ocultum Buena muerte (funeral doom/sludge/stoner metal)
Ofnus Valediction (atmoszferikus/melodikus black metal)
Old Skin Wails of Ten Thousand (grindcore/sludge metal)
Ophicvs Steel Beast (black/heavy metal)
Oscura Enfrenta tus males (heavy metal)
Owlbear Feather & Claw (heavy metal)
Pale Epiphany Pale Epiphany (progresszív metal/rock)
Primrose Path Ruminations (progresszív metal/rock)
Profanvm Blasphemer (black metal)
Public Grave Grotesque Mutations (death metal)
Red Eye III (pszichedelikus doom/stoner metal)
Rise of Tyrants The Chronicles of Cardinal Pablo Mendoza (death/groove metal)
Risen Crow Requiem for a Damned Love (melodikus power metal)
Rising of Denial Damnation Again (melodikus death/groove metal)
Ritual Ascension Profanation of the Adamic Covenant (death/doom metal)
Ruinous Power Extreme Danger: Prototype Weaponry (black/death metal)
Sadistic Duty Blessing (melodikus power metal/hard rock)
Sagrat Perdidos en el tiempo (heavy metal, hard rock)
Saint Godfather The Warning Signs (heavy/groove metal/hard rock)
Sanghrial Human Depletion (death metal)
Schavot Verstrikt in Halflicht (black metal)
Scimitar Scimitarium I (heavy metal/punk)
Seidhr Dracanthropy (black/thrash metal)
Sepulchral Curse Crimson Moon Evocations (blackened death metal)
Serenity in Murder Timeless Reverie (szimfonikus/melodikus black/death metal)
Sheglapes Mother (power metal)
Shereign Black Halo (melodikus groove metal/hard rock)
Sight of Emptiness Above the Noise (melodikus death metal)
Soulers The Swan (drone/doom/stoner metal)
Spoiled Collapse (thrash metal/hardcore)
Stress Test Stress Test (crossover/thrash metal)
Stvoły The Test of the Bitter Lands (atmoszferikus/nyers black metal)
Sundowner Deconstructed (post-black metal)
Surgical Invasion Death Before Dishonor (thrash metal)
Svor But Where Is Home (depresszív black metal)
Ter Ziele Embodiment of Death (blackened sludge/post-metal)
The Apparitionist MMXXV (black/death/gótikus/industrial metal)
Theren The End of All There Is (black/death metal)
Timecode La ruptura del equilibrio (death metal)
Torture Everlasting Land of Depravity (brutális death metal/grindcore)
Toughness Black Respite of Oblivion (death metal)
Tubal Cain Slime Abyss (black metal)
Tyhjä -III- (black metal)
Uhripuu Korpi kutsuu (black metal)
Uncion Vade Retro Semper Dio (death metal)
Unholy Impurity Oculus Mortis (black metal)
Vacuous In His Blood (death metal)
Venomous Echoes Dysmor (black/death metal)
Visualis Rites of the Eclipse (melodikus heavy/groove metal)
Vječna Šuma The Stormbound Curse (blackened death/folk metal)
Voodus Emanating Sparks (black metal)
Vultur Cultores de perdas e linna (black metal)
Wanton Attack Brinnande jord (heavy metal)
Wizards Бесконечные бездны скитаний (szimfonikus/doom/heavy metal/ambient)
Xerces Muda (nyers black metal)
Year of the Cobra Year of the Cobra (pszichedelikus doom metal/rock)
Zeit Conception of Time (groove metal)
Ψυονξηε Inferiority Faith of Fabrication (甓地鬼哭) (black metal)

Fémjelzés – a hét újdonságai (2025. február 17-23.)

Rövid visszatekintéssel jelentkezünk a február 17-23 közötti időszakból, az abban a hét napban megjelent albumok listázása céljából. Az alábbi korongok biztosan megfülelhetők már egy gyors rákeresés után.

1228 Silent (black metal)
Abducted Cosmorama (technikás death metal)
Abduction Existentialismus (black metal)
Across the Swarm Invisible Threads (death metal)
Aerecuga Reign of Terror (melodikus death/doom metal)
Aggressive by Nature Liminal (thrash metal)
Airforce Acts of Madness (heavy metal)
Aitheer The Serpent (progresszív metal/rock)
Amon Sethis Part III – Dawn of an Apocalyptic World (progresszív metal)
Antlers Hypothermia (szimfonikus black metal/metalcore)
Arcanorum Arcanorum (black metal)
Aryoch The Passage (szimfonikus black/death metal)
Atomizator Nuclear Booze Patrol (thrash/speed metal)
Ausweglos Ausgestoßen (atmoszferikus black metal)
BaarRa Entheos (gótikus/black metal/pszichedelikus rock)
Baby Frog Resistance (death metal/grindcore)
Bedowyn Secret Storm, Secret Garden (heavy/doom/stoner metal)
Bezzhiznennost There Is Something Deeply Concerning… (atmoszferikus black metal)
Blade of Surtr Devil (black metal)
Blodkarsk Stupmørke (black/viking metal)
Caballero Caballero (heavy metal)
Cardiac Necropsy Laknat (death metal/grindcore)
Chao Abyssi Archaic Chants of Chaotic Visions (black metal)
Claymorean Eternal Curse (heavy/power/doom metal)
Continuum of Xul Voratore (death metal)
Corpsumed Cosmological Introspection (slam/brutális death metal)
Cross Bringer Healismus Aeternus (black metal)
Culak Wayfarer (post-black/doom metal)
Dastri Got Dagur Atthalankra (black/doom metal)
Debridement Mutation (slam/brutális death metal)
Deepthroat Defecation Deflowered, Disemboweled, Devoured (slam/brutális death metal/goregrind)
Defiled Serenity Within the Slumber of the Mind (melodikus death metal)
Dépressive Explicit Content (depresszív/post-black metal)
Destroy Humanity Where Is Your God Now (groove metal/metalcore)
Diabállein Anti Sacra (black metal)
Dolours Enraptured Despondent Bliss (nyers black metal)
Dungavenhooter Fucked into Nonexistence (death metal/grindcore)
Dysthymian Ex Vita Abire (depresszív black metal)
Enbound Set It Free (power metal)
Endrah Bloodshed and Violence (death metal/hardcore)
Ethereal Frost The Last Among the Trees (black metal)
Exision Uhreina ajassa (groove/thrash metal/metalcore)
Exitus Killing Breed (thrash metal)
Eyes Filmed in Blood Acataleptic Evanition (sludge/drone/doom metal)
Faint Pulse It Always Ends the Same (depresszív black metal/shoegaze)
Fetal Sewage Mammalian Death (death metal)
Five Rings Five Rings (power metal)
Fractured Insanity Age of Manipulation (technikás brutális death metal)
Godofe Keios Promaneta (Meia do Phoder e Crónicas Adjacentes) (folk metal)
Gortaven Sequere Naturam (melodikus black metal)
Gràb Kremess (black metal)
Graf Valthrakar Through Searing Skies and Glacial Abyss (black metal)
Grotesque Ceremonium Beyond the Masters (death metal)
Guttural Convergence Guttural Convergence (slam/brutális death metal)
Harvest For the Souls We Have Lost (doom/death metal)
High Moonlight Lycans (heavy metal)
Hirax Faster than Death (thrash/speed metal/crossover)
Homeskin Soul Washed Bleach (avantgárd black metal/grindcore)
Horizon Ignited Tides (melodikus death metal/metalcore)
Hungrey Hungrey (progresszív heavy metal/hard rock)
In Nomine Satanis Escuridão Perpétua (black metal)
Incantvm Maleficia (experimental black metal)
Insidiator Morbi Ego Te Provoco (black metal)
Kaosekt The Fathomless Void of Death (black metal)
Kiira Syvyyden yllä (black metal)
Killswitch Engage This Consequence (melodikus metalcore)
Køldbrynger Gaia – Geschändet und Verdammt (nyers black metal)
Lake of Tears The Secrets of the Rain (EP) (gótikus metal/rock)
Lesath Cold Silence (post-black metal/shoegaze)
Limuria Lost World (progresszív power metal)
Magnadur Beautiful Nightmare (melodikus death metal)
Malacath Eternal Roar of the Thunder and Rain (black metal)
Marrowomb Phisenomie (black/death metal)
Matalobos Phantasmagoria: Hexed Lands (melodikus doom/death metal)
Mean Mistreater Do or Die (heavy metal)
Medjugorje Nossa Senhora de Fátima (death metal/deathcore)
Mitochondrial Sun Machine Dialectics (atmoszferikus black metal/elektronika)
Monolith Magnum Opus (thrash metal)
Morax The Amulet (heavy metal)
Mordari The Outsider (melodikus death/black metal)
Nachtblut Todschick (extrém gótikus metal)
Nachtschatten Polaris (melodikus death metal)
Nocny Kochanek Urwany film (heavy metal)
Norrhem Aurinko ja teräs (black metal)
Omega Purge The Last Monarch’s Fall (melodikus death metal)
Opus Morte The Iron Fangs of Csejte (black metal)
Pariah Dog The Inescapable (funeral doom metal)
Pissgrave Malignant Worthlessness (death metal)
Pure Hate Festa Sádica (groove/thrash metal)
Random Hatred Random Hatred (thrash/groove metal)
Räum Emperor of the Sun (black metal)
Resthaven Lunarwave (thrash/death/post-metal)
Retromorphosis Psalmus Mortis (technikás death metal)
Sarkom Exceed in2 Chaos (black metal)
Scour Gold (black metal)
Shadows Out of Time The Dark Mountain (melodikus power/thrash metal)
Shellshock War Eternal (death metal)
Shrike The Divine and the Serpentine (melodikus death metal/metalcore)
Sickle of Dust Across the Vultures Trail (epikus/atmoszferikus black metal)
Sin of God Blood Bound (technikás death metal/grindcore)
Sinner Rage Powerstrike (heavy metal/hard rock)
Sola Gravis Mysticum Imaginem (atmoszferikus black metal)
Stoic Unrest An Endeavour (melodikus death/progresszív metal)
Storming Celestial Clear Moonlit (atmoszferikus black metal, ambient)
Suicídio Eterno Choros Ouvidos do Caixão de um Suicida (depresszív black metal)
Tahulla Tahulla (atmoszferikus sludge/post-metal)
Taste of Doom Para Bellum (thrash metal)
The 7th Guild Triumviro (power metal)
The Chamberlain Draconian Magick (szimfonikus black metal)
Twins Crew Chapter IV (heavy/power metal)
Uncured Warpath (progresszív death/groove metal)
Vertebrae Fetish Totem Rituals (death/doom metal)
Villain Don’t Be a Hero (heavy metal)
Void Sinker Oxygen (sludge/drone/doom metal)
Voidfallen The Rituals of Resilience (melodikus death metal)
Vultures Vengeance Dust Age (heavy metal)
WësMaguhl In the Mist of Thoughts (folk metal)
When at Night A Spark of Somber Light (melodikus death metal)
Wrekmeister Harmonies Flowers in the Spring (drone/post-metal/rock/ambient)
Wren Black Rain Falls (atmoszferikus sludge metal)
Xenotrone Into the Void (technikás thrash metal)
Yolquetza Grito de cien calaveras (black metal)

Fémjelzés – a hét újdonságai (2025. február 10-16.)

Az aktuális hét vadonatúj megjelenéseit listáztuk nektek az alábbiakban. Aktívan dohog az underground katlan, a szikrákat azonban nekünk kell kihalászgatni.

Anguish Project What’s Believing? (heavy metal)
Apocalypse Orchestra A Plague upon Thee (medieval folk/doom metal)
Apocalyptic Leaders Epitome of the Damned (black metal)
Ashen Fields So Haggard and So Woe-Begone (szimfonikus death metal)
Ashes of Old Desolation (black metal)
Aspaarn Oblations in Atrocity (nyers black metal)
Astral Pigs The Uncomplete Offering (stoner/doom metal)
Atlas Ashes New World (melodikus death metal)
Bakunawa Ritwal (death/doom metal)
Benighted in Sodom Fringes of Destiny (experimental black/doom metal/rock)
Black Narcissus There Lingers One Who’s Long Forgotten (post-rock/metal)
Black Witchcraft Stare into the Blackest Depths of Hell (black metal)
Bronze Hall Honor & Steel (epikus black metal)
Cantu Ignis The Fathomless Dominion (szimfonikus/melodikus death metal)
Carcolh Twilight of the Mortals (doom metal)
Carnal Blood Death Awaits (death metal)
Cattle Hammer Cattle Hammer’s „Methlehem” (drone/doom/sludge metal)
Cavernous Ancestral Throes (doom/sludge/stoner metal)
Chaos Inception Vengeance Evangel (death metal)
Comatose The Unhallowed Congregation (death metal)
Dawn of Solace Affliction Vortex (gótikus/doom metal)
Death Cult Death Cult MMXXV (sludge metal/hardcore)
Death of Antares To Decay (progresszív metal)
Deathgod Luciferi Soundtrack of Genocide Propaganda (nyers black metal)
Decline of the I Wilhelm (post-black metal)
Defaced Humanity Bonecrusher (death metal)
Délirant Thoughteater (black metal)
Dernier Souffle Abyss (atmoszferikus black metal)
Die Tonight Fall to Ruin (progresszív/melodikus death metal)
Dødskamp Nitescence (atmoszferikus black metal)
Dolchstoß Propaganda der Tat (black metal)
Dusk Negative Visions of Total Self-Destruction (doom/black metal)
Dynazty Game of Faces (heavy/power metal, hard rock)
Enemy Ripper (heavy/power metal)
Enviro-Metal Garbage Estável (industrial black/death metal)
Exutory Post Scaenae (progresszív death metal)
Fell Omen Invaded by a Dark Spirit (black metal/punk)
Felon Pneuma Stillborn Wanderer (black metal)
Festin Fecal Gastro-nomique (experimental grindcore/death metal)
Frothing Vile and Debased (brutális death metal/grindcore)
GallBladder Virus Rotted Minds (death metal)
Garden of Darkness Psychosomatic (progresszív power/gótikus metal)
Gore Animal In the Name of Brutality (brutális death metal)
Gore Impurity Suffering on Earth Execution (slam/brutális death metal)
Gregorious Absolutely Nothing (thrash/death metal)
Guerrero Eterno Witching Thrash (thrash metal)
Hangman’s Chair Saddiction (gótikus/doom metal)
Helpless Agony Absurd Populace (death metal)
Hessian Fire Of the Faceless Seer (nyers black metal)
Highborne Dreamweaving (atmoszferikus black metal)
Horoh Horde of Horror (death metal)
Ignis Tellus Ode (black metal)
Infernal Flame The Grave (death/black metal)
Ironweed Phantasmagoric (stoner metal/rock)
Kettensprenger Niedergang der letzten Sonne (black/death/thrash metal)
Klastos Born to Ruin (doom/sludge/stoner metal)
Korkvak The Fall of the Gods (black metal)
Kosuke Hashida Outrage (thrash/death metal/grindcore)
Kryptan Violence, Our Power (atmoszferikus black metal)
Lacuna Coil Sleepless Empire (alternatív rock/metal)
Lesath Cold Silence (post-black metal/shoegaze)
Löanshark No Sins to Confess (heavy metal)
Mantar Post Apocalyptic Depression (sludge/black metal)
Mantric Momentum Alienized (power metal)
Mastord Lemmon lintu (progresszív metal)
Mellom The Empire of Gloom (black metal)
Morbid Skewered Beyond (black/death metal)
Mörkvind Versunkenes Reich (atmoszferikus black metal)
Möuth Global Warning (doom/post-metal)
My Elegy Void (melodikus death metal/metalcore)
Naturectomy Nature’s Copro-Terrestrial Revenge (slam/brutális death metal)
Nightrule Luciferaeon (black metal)
Novarupta Astral Sands (blackened sludge metal)
Oxtall Enter the Nigaj (melodikus black/death metal)
Phear Save Our Souls (heavy/thrash metal)
Prehistoria Cryptic Halo (power metal)
Pusta Noc Speculo Magicas (atmoszferikus black metal)
Putrid Impetus Fatal Necrotic Ecstasy (brutális death metal)
Quiet River Aeolian Chamber (blackened heavy metal)
Ranzer Leidkultur (death/thrash metal/crust)
Rectal Smegma To Serve and Protect (goregrind/brutális death metal)
Rioghan Kept (alternatív/gótikus/progresszív metal)
Rotten Age Funeral March (black metal)
Sandekala Gerbang Gelap (gótikus/black metal)
Savage Lands Army of the Trees (heavy metal)
Seeker Seeker (doom/stoner metal)
Septicflesh Amphibians (EP) (atmoszferikus/szimfonikus death metal)
Sepülcro Cut, Rip, Chop, Break (death metal)
Serpentyne Tales from the Dark (szimfonikus/folk metal/rock/középkori folk)
Siniestra María Poetas de un mundo muerto (death/thrash metal)
Skycrater Subversion (heavy metal)
Soah Eternal Deathforms (death metal)
Soerd Keldrikojast (black metal)
Subscum Massgrave Summit (grindcore/death metal)
Suffocating Empathy Ancient Truths (black metal)
Teryky Beyond the Absence of Light (post-metal)
Throne Ossarium (sludge/stoner/southern metal)
Trephining Cranial Offerings (death metal)
Under the Night Sky Anneliese (1952-1976) (atmoszferikus/avantgárd black metal)
Vadok Desecrating All Forms of Life (nyers black metal/dungeon synth)
Ventr Ubique Diaboli Voluntas (black metal)
Vermilia Karsikko (atmoszferikus pogány/black metal)
Warlung The Poison Touch (stoner/doom metal)
WitchCliff The Darkest Road (sludge/stoner/doom metal)
With Blood Comes Cleansing With Blood Comes Cleansing (deathcore)
Yajtay Wiñay Yachay (black metal)
Zenoxis I Dream of the End (slam/brutális death metal)
Zod Vistrg Necrophoric Dirge (black/death/progresszív metal)
Zxui Moskvha Desecration Paradigm (black metal)

Fémjelzés – a hét újdonságai (2025. február 3-9.)

Sorra jönnek ki a sokak által várt megalemezek és az underground csemegék. Február első hetét nem érdemes figyelmen kívül hagyni. Íme, az albumok listája:

16 Guides for the Misguided (sludge metal)
All-One Bound Unbound (szimfonikus black metal)
Almucantarat Infinity (atmoszferikus black metal)
Among the Lights In the Wake of Time (post-black metal/shoegaze)
Angron Deathlands (death metal)
Askhem Bjarki (black metal/dungeon synth)
Askhem Dark Dimensional Fortress Beyond the Black Mirror (black metal/dungeon synth)
Atomic Goatcrime Thermonuclear Humanicide (black/death metal)
Bastard Skull Bastard Skull (heavy/thrash metal)
Berlial Nourishing the Disaster to Come (black metal)
Betrayer Wraith Sins of Survival (thrash metal)
Beyond Melancholy Imprisoned in Depression (depresszív black metal)
Black .44 Bloodlines (stoner metal)
Black Symmetry Psycho Hell (progresszív melodikus death metal)
Blister Bleed Apocalyptic Alien Invasion (brutális death metal)
Blood Resignation Authoritarian (black metal)
Blutschwur Reclaim the Fire (black metal)
Cavan Edén (melodikus groove metal/metalcore)
Clapsodra Of Terror and Soul (death/doom metal)
Corpse Locker Prime Evil (groove metal/deathcore)
Cursèd Bloodlines Virulent (melodikus death metal/metalcore)
Dead Wall Rotten from the Root (sludge metal)
Deadly Roots Incineration (brutális death metal/grindcore)
Death Diver Mediocre Medieval (death metal)
Deathnir Where the Wicked Meet (heavy metal)
Demacracion Impacto fulminante (thrash metal)
Devilgoat Something Out There Will Destroy You (nyers black metal/punk)
Devouring Famine Theatre of Pain (black metal)
Di’Aul EvAAve (doom/stoner metal)
Dozethrone A Doomed Encounter (doom/sludge metal)
Drape Beautiful Glorious Death Throes (nyers black metal)
Dream Theater Parasomnia (progresszív metal)
Earthworks Earthworks (stoner/doom metal)
Eigenstate Zero Shape of God Thought of Sun (progresszív death metal)
Elk Hunter The Nowhere Ram (sludge metal/metalcore)
Ereb Altor Hälsingemörker (viking/black metal)
Facerip March of the D-Beat Demons (speed/thrash metal)
Flamecore Flamecore (melodikus death metal)
Fleckentarn Feu du ciel, feu de l’esprit (nyers black metal/punk)
Fulanno Nosotros somos el fin del mundo (stoner/doom metal)
Fumes Skeletal Wings Threshold (black metal)
Ghost Hollow Examinations of the Heart (blackened sludge metal)
Glasghote Fallow (sludge/doom metal)
Grimsrud All Hellbent & Going Nowhere (doom/stoner/sludge metal)
Haldokló Csillagok Vérrel írt Énekek (EP) (nyers atmoszferikus black metal)
Hamlet Inmortal (groove/nu-metal)
Harp The Distance Within (progresszív death metal)
Hell Wehrwolf Lamentation (nyers black metal)
Hex Crow The Last Scribe (heavy/speed metal)
Imprecation of Love Withering Away My Dark Serenity (nyers black metal)
In Utero Cannibalism Fuck Jesus and Praise Me!! (death metal)
Inborn Suffering Pale Grey Monochrome (melodikus doom/death metal)
Initiation Noir berger (black/death metal)
Jail Rotations of Rot on Stations of Fear (thrash metal/crossover)
Jutasin Light of Faith (progresszív/shred/metalcore)
Klaw Gods and Creators (thrash metal)
Lavandula Fuck Beauty… …Embrace Death (stoner/doom metal)
Leanan Sidhe Hope Came Here to Die (black metal/ambient)
Legado de una Tragedia Lovecraft (szimfonikus power metal/hard rock)
Macabra Etsaman (death metal)
Magned United Snakes (thrash metal)
Majestica Power Train (szimfonikus power metal)
Malinche Cría cuervos (thrash metal/hardcore)
Manger Cadavre? Como Nascem os Monstros (death metal/crust punk)
Manifestum Darkness Desecration Rotten Corpse (black/death metal)
Martyrs Shrine Starfighter (death/thrash metal)
Morast Fentanyl (blackened doom/death metal)
Motra Óbice (death metal)
Muras Początki końca bogów (black metal)
Necrophile Sin for Blood (black/thrash metal)
Niederwelt Abart Mensch (atmoszferikus black metal)
Noctambulist Noctambulist II: De droom (post-black metal)
Norilsk Antipole (doom/death/post-metal)
Nox Tenebrae Tiempos malditos de crueldad (nyers black metal)
Numen Noctis Sic Itur Ad Astra (atmoszferikus black metal)
NyreDolk Barndommens Hjem (black metal/punk)
Obscura A Sonication (progresszív/technikás death metal)
Odalwolf Path to the Other Side (black metal)
Open Kasket Trials of Failure (death metal/hardcore)
Opertus Golden Shade (szimfonikus/gótikus metal)
Otorten Metsänkaiku (atmoszferikus black metal)
Pathogenic Crowned in Corpses (extrém progresszív metal/djent)
Phrenelith Ashen Womb (death metal)
Putrescent Butchery of Disembowelment (brutális death metal)
Ritos Paganos Eternal Hate (death/thrash metal/hardcore)
Rotten Terror Patterns of Cruel Authority (death metal/grindcore)
Sabbat Wolf Wand Bearer (doom metal)
Saber Lost in Flames (heavy metal)
Sakahiter Samnite Black Metal (black metal)
Sally Burn It (heavy/power metal/shred)
Saor Amidst the Ruins (atmoszferikus folk/black metal)
Sarkasm Carnival of Atrocities (death metal)
Self Destruction in Your Dreams 焦葬 (depresszív/post-black metal)
Shadow Condition Balancing the Silent Circles (heavy metal)
Shagor Lyksalver (atmoszferikus black metal)
Sorte Siete (technikás/progresszív black/death metal)
SoundCrush The Hunt (groove/thrash metal)
Storm Death Chaos Will Reign! (death metal)
Stud Under Silver Sky (heavy metal)
Teralodon Domination (heavy metal)
Theoden’s Reign Citadel of the Stars (atmoszferikus black metal)
Thirsting Ampoule Transmigration of the Nashamot (nyers black/death metal)
Thy Rites Wolfblood Division (death/black metal)
Towards Hellfire Inquisitors of Blasphemy (black/death metal)
Trespass Iconoclast (black/death metal/grindcore)
Triune Triune (melodikus death metal/metalcore)
Tvnalad Might as Well Follow the Powerlines (depresszív black metal/trap)
Ultratumba RIP (stoner/doom metal)
Unnomine Кровь. Тьма. Боль. Смерть. (black metal)
Unreqvited A Pathway to the Moon (post-black metal/shoegaze/ambient)
Vardan Night’s Darkened Knells (black metal)
Vaurien Merveilleux décombres (nyers black metal/ambient)
Vipsul Phersu Ode all’ignominia della superficialità… (epikus doom metal)
Want of Sin Hydrophobic (post-black metal)
WarBand WarBand (thrash metal/punk)
Were-Jaguars The Eternal Shadow (progresszív stoner/doom metal)
Xavernah Absence (atmoszferikus/melodikus black/death metal)
Zerströger Death’s Head Division (black metal)

Fémjelzés – a hét újdonságai (2025. jan. 27 – feb. 2.)

Megmutatjuk nektek, miből érdemes válogatni az aktuális héten megjelent albumok listájában. Nem telik el jó lemez nélkül ez a hét sem. Ismét lesz mire időt szakítani.

A Tyrants Lament Offerings of the Inhumane (death metal)
A3on Thunar (stoner/doom metal)
Admire the Grim Resist (melodikus death metal)
Alder Glade Holocene Extinction (black metal)
All That Remains Antifragile (metalcore/melodikus hard rock)
Amargura Dernier Soupir (black metal)
Ande De schemering van werelden (atmoszferikus black metal)
Annihilation Cult Annihilation Cult (black/death metal)
Antiquus Scriptum Phenomena (The 7th Seal) (black metal/ambient)
Armored Terror Blasphemous Artillery (black/thrash metal)
Arraigo Crioyo (progresszív folk metal/rock)
ArsGoatia Agitators of Hysteria (black metal)
Black Abyss Black Occulted Light (black/death metal)
Black Talon Scenes of Agony (thrash metal)
Blackslash Heroes, Saints & Fools (heavy metal)
Blestema Necro Therion (black metal)
Brechfa Hallucinations of Saturnalia (black metal)
Brutal Torment Lair of Iniquity (brutális death metal)
Burn Down Eden Dismal Epiphany (melodikus death metal)
Closure As the Last Light Fades… (melodikus black metal)
Confess Destination Addiction (groove/thrash metal)
Consumption Catharsis (death metal)
Cosmic Voyager Moon in Gemini (progresszív death metal)
Cow Humps Inslamental (brutális death metal/deathcore)
Crystal Spores The Darkest Interior (progresszív death/groove metal)
Dead Vertical Megadaya (death metal/grindcore)
Desalmatvs Siniestras voces del inframundo (black metal)
Dysmorphic Demiurge Of Chaos and Eternal Night (brutális death metal)
EarWorm Biomechanical Abomination (elektronika/death/groove metal)
Ebonheart Face Our Fear (power/progresszív metal)
Empty Throne Unholy (melodikus/blackened death metal)
Ergholae Somptator À cor et à cri (black metal)
Eternios Mysterium (melodikus/szimfonikus black metal)
Execution Evolutionary History Of Human Atrocity (thrash metal)
Fǽge Hreóƿan (depresszív black metal)
Fallen Fortress At the Heart of Emptiness (black metal)
Faustus Act I (black/gótikus metal)
Fluoryne Transneptunian (black metal)
Forsaken Hill The Fortress of Solitude (melodikus death/folk metal)
Garota Z mieczem na gwiazdy… (black/thrash metal)
Gorthol The Mist and Its Mysteries (black metal)
Gozer This Is Gore (death/thrash metal)
Guts Nightmare Fuel (death metal)
Halgena Nights of Mystic Sorrow (black metal)
Hållbar Nemesis (melodikus death/black metal)
Hallowed Tenet The Evil Creative (melodikus doom/black metal)
Hasaleth Unrest (melodikus black metal)
Hladomrak Fragments of the Great Dehumanization (black metal)
Hornung My Strings with Your Voice (black metal)
Izan Bai Dena galdu baino lehen (melodikus heavy metal/hard rock)
Jasons Motordead (thrash/doom metal/crossover)
Kilmara Journey to the Sun (melodikus heavy metal)
Kosmosis Kosmosis (progresszív death metal)
Kraft Iskald glød av svik og død (black metal)
Lunar Tempora Mutantur (progresszív metal/rock)
Lysergic Black and Blue (melodikus death metal/metalcore)
Maceration Serpent Devourment (death metal)
Mad Parish The Dust of Forever (heavy metal)
Mala Petaka Subconsciuos Period (nyers black metal/dungeon synth)
Mephitic Corpse Sickness Attracts Sickness (death metal/grindcore)
Metal Shack Northern Immortal (death/thrash metal)
Morlas Memoria Adieu (szimfonikus gótikus metal)
Mortuorum The End of Cold Bullshit (death/black metal)
Moth Priest Moth Priest (stoner/doom metal)
Nachash Eschaton Magicks (black metal)
Naked Whipper Chapel Defilement (black metal/grindcore)
Neverfade Thieves in the Night (heavy metal)
Old Grave From The Dephts of the Grave (blackened death metal)
Pastoria La chute de la maison Usher (pogány/nyers black metal)
Pentagram Lightning in a Bottle (doom metal)
Plague of Stars Extinction (doom/gótikus metal)
Portal Opens Hell (groove/thrash metal)
Praetorian Pylon Cult (sludge metal/hardcore)
Pyre Where Obscurity Sways (death metal)
Queen of Dreams Subnivium (progresszív power metal)
Rain in Blood Hypocrisy Mirror (death metal)
Rats of Gomorrah Infectious Vermin (death metal)
Relics of Humanity Absolute Dismal Domain (brutális death metal)
Repúdio Transcrito de Cinza (nyers black metal)
Revenge Violation.Strife.Abominate (black/death metal)
Sacred Noose Vanishing Spires (black/death/doom metal)
Sad Black Goat World Is a Depressed Place (death metal)
Scrüda Fury Among Ruins (black/thrash/speed metal)
Selvans Saturnalia (progresszív black/heavy metal)
Sepsis Fetishize the Gutted (death metal)
Serotonin Leakage 5-HT (death/black metal/goregrind)
Serpentry Fresh Blood (death/thrash metal)
Shadow of Veles Lost (black metal)
Shattered Throne Ruin in our Wake (death metal)
Shrieking Demons The Festering Dwellers (death metal)
Sinistrosia Massacre rembobina (death/thrash metal)
Skaldr Saṃsṛ (black metal)
Sorrow Blue Elegy for a Bleak Autumn (melodikus death/doom metal)
Spectral Path Scars of Existence (atmoszferikus black metal)
Speedemon Fall of Man (speed/thrash metal)
Steel Machine Deliverer of Sin (heavy/speed metal)
Tårfödd Lidande (post-black/progresszív metal)
Terra Mortis Siege of Blood (death metal)
The Aphotic Strain From the Trenches (melodikus death metal)
The Genotype Oneironauts (melodikus death metal)
The Great Kat Valentine’s Violin (speed/thrash metal/shred)
The Night Flight Orchestra Give Us the Moon (hard rock)
Theophonos Allegheny Rains (avantgárd black metal/hardcore)
Three Sixes Call Me the Devil (industrial thrash metal)
Thundermother Dirty & Divine (hard rock)
Tumba Blasfémico resplandor (black metal)
Uhrilahja The Black Circle (black metal)
Unreal Overflows Slaves of the Inhuman Future World (technikás melo-death metal)
Ursula Lords of Impermanence (death metal)
Usquam Ex Nihilo (melodikus black metal)
Varkensstad Verwelken (progresszív metal)
Varúlfr The Age of the Wolf (pogány/black metal)
Vëlhtrhaq Aës Løcüs (atmoszferikus/nyers black metal)
Veneficus Sarcina Sorcerer’s Burden (black metal)
Void of Hope Proof of Existence (black metal)
Voidhra Only Cold Winds Will Carry My Name (black metal)
WarWolf The Final Battle (heavy metal)
Wayloun Shelterless Rage (groove/thrash/death metal)
Weed Demon The Doom Scroll (sludge/stoner/doom metal)
Wild Charge Wild Charge (heavy metal)
Willfire Homebrewed Recordings (heavy metal/hard rock)
Worlds Beyond Rhapsody of Life (szimfonikus metal)
Wormface Gore Furnace (death metal)

Fémjelzés – a hét újdonságai (2025. január 20-26.)

Az e heti kínálatot kihagyni nagy hiba lenne. Számos izgalmas anyag jelent meg a héten. El lehet kezdeni kutakodni.

A Tale of Lacriel Knight of Blood (szimfonikus/melodikus death metal)
À Terre Embrasser la nuit (post-metal)
Acolytes of Moros Sphere of Adversity (doom metal)
Acrónica Sociedad caníbal (death metal/hardcore)
Across the Shade Madness (melodikus death metal)
Alixer Dasein / Mitsein (post-black metal)
Apex Terror Starless (black metal)
Atramentum The Wrath Within (black/doom metal)
Avalanch 30 aniversario (progresszív heavy/power metal)
Avatarium Between You, God, the Devil and the Dead (doom metal/rock)
Az Utolsó Mosoly Never Ending Grief (depresszív black metal)
Belle Morte Pearl Hunting (szimfonikus/gótikus metal)
Bonfire Higher Ground (melodikus heavy metal/hard rock)
Burial Maggot Obscure Dimension (slam/brutális death metal)
Buttholectomy Maggot Infested Carcass Eruption (slam/brutális death metal)
Caprahed Empire (doom metal/punk)
Century Sign of the Storm (heavy metal)
Clear Sky Nailstorm Problem Solved (melodikus thrash metal)
Concrete Icon Voracious Streams (death metal)
Corporal Enfermedad [remaszterelt] (death metal)
Corroding Soul Corroding Soul (atmoszferikus black metal)
Cosmic Marauder Mercury Haze (stoner metal/rock)
Cow Humps Cytoclysm (brutális death metal/deathcore)
Crown of Asteria Rime of the Clouds (atmoszferikus black/doom metal/folk/ambient)
Cymothoa Make Noise Loud Again (sludge metal)
Dead End Solution Svartedauen (atmoszferikus/szimfonikus black metal)
Deadspawn Bile of the Gods (blackened death metal)
Death Cult 69 The Way of All Flesh (doom metal)
Death Obvious Death Obvious (death/doom metal)
Deep Agony Winter Doom Metal (black/doom metal)
Descarnado El eterno odio de las almas desterradas (technikás death metal/deathcore)
Desperation Eclipse Carcass Captivity (funeral doom metal)
Discordant Meditation Tragic Creature (experimental death metal)
Disrupted Stinking Death (death metal)
Dødsvinge Mythøs (black metal)
End of Green Twinfinity (gótikus/alternatív rock)
Enveiled Death Awaits All (blackened death metal)
Erroiak Echoes from the Dark Lands (black metal)
Exterior Palnet Haragma II (avant-garde black metal)
Fleshbore Painted Paradise (technikás/melodikus death metal)
Fragmentary Solid Abyss Black Arts (melodikus black metal)
Funérarium Vampirizare Eterna (atmoszferikus black metal)
Gastrectomy Dissected by Gluttony (slam/brutális death metal)
Gokseong 곡성 Whispers from the Haunted Shadows (death/thrash metal)
Hallow’s Victim Witchcraft, Rituals and Funeral Dirges (doom/stoner metal)
Hämatom Für Dich (melodikus groove metal/metalcore/elektronika)
Hammer Strike Scorched Earth (death/thrash/black metal)
Harakiri for the Sky Scorched Earth (post-black metal)
Harhaoppisten Ylipapitar Noituuden viettelemä (nyers black metal)
Heimeher Germania (black metal)
Hellvetika Lifespring (sludge metal)
Hexen Join the Ritual (heavy metal)
Ice War Feel the Steel (heavy/speed metal)
Insanity Black Locked & Loaded (heavy/thrash metal)
Invidium Geschichten meiner Einsamkeit (melodikus death metal)
Jzovce La Ténèbre (depresszív/post-black metal)
Karçaz Hávamál (black metal)
Katrina Amor vampírico (szimfonikus/gótikus metal)
Kriegstreiber Kriegstreiber (black metal)
Labÿrinth In the Vanishing Echoes of Goodbye (progresszív power metal)
Lapis Niger Wrath of the Myths (black metal)
Magistina Saga BloodMossAgate (szimfonikus gótikus metal)
Martyrion Gaia Uprising (melodikus death metal)
Master Spy Maze Runner (heavy/power metal)
Membaris Black Plasma Armour (black metal)
Merzotna Potvora Poliuvannia (black/thrash metal)
Misanthropik Torment Make Assassinations Great Again! (black/death metal)
Moosegut In Nature’s Embrace (black metal)
Mortui Vultus Distant Echoes (post-black metal)
Mortuorum When the Warlock Plays the Warlock (death/black metal)
Necrophile Torched Humans (black/thrash metal)
On Fire Bite the Blade (power/speed metal)
Onyxblade Quintessence of the Shadowsword (black metal)
Organ Busuck Paranormal (brutális death metal)
Pants Exploder III (doom/sludge metal)
Putred Megalit al putrefacției (death metal)
Retador Earëndel (thrash metal)
Ringlorn Tales of War and Magic (heavy metal)
Rosary The Broken Sacrament (doom metal)
Sabhankra Nocturnal Elegies (melodikus black/death/thrash/folk metal)
Sacra In Spiritu Sancto Mortis (death metal)
Sacrifice Volume Six (thrash metal)
Sarga Keys to Conjure the Ancient Spirits of the Winter Lands (atmoszferikus black metal)
Scitalis Maledictum (black metal)
Sinner Pity Fate (black metal)
Sleepbomb The Sleeping Dead (sludge/doom/post-metal)
Slumdweller Prequel I: Grim Desires (Anguish Machine) (stoner metal/akusztikus)
Stonehand Суеверия и предрассудки (heavy metal/hard rock)
StuhlGäng Elführtje (brutális death metal/goregrind)
Subterranean Lava Dragon The Great Architect (progresszív death metal)
Sutekh Hexen Primeval (nyers black metal/noise)
Thallid Eternal Spiritual Conquest (ambient black metal/dungeon synth)
The Andronovo Ira Diabolica (black/death metal)
The Ethereal Miserere (funeral doom metal)
The Ferrymen Iron Will (power metal)
The Great Old Ones Kadath (post-black metal)
The Machinist Contempt for Life (industrial black/death metal)
The Summon Deus Vult (black/death metal)
Thin Lizzy Acoustic Sessions (hard rock)
Throes of Discordance The Final Shade (progresszív groove/melodikus death metal)
Tillhygge De dödas klockspel (black metal)
Tormentor Tyrant Excessive Escalation of Cruelty (death metal)
Umbersound If the Flies Could Sing (melodikus doom/death metal)
Verachtung Trümmerseele (atmoszferikus black metal/ambient)
Vider Strike with Putrefaction (death/black metal/grindcore)
Wardruna Birna (folk/ambient)
Wretch Visitors (heavy/power/thrash metal)
Wulthuz Ultima Thule (melodikus pogány black/death metal)
Zerø the Herø Now Night Her Course Began… (doom/drone metal/noise/ambient)
Zivatar Apocalypse Campaign (industrial gótikus/doom metal)

Fémjelzés – a hét újdonságai (2025. január 13-19.)

Az elmúlt hetet térképeztük fel, új korongok után kutatva, és íme, a következő anyagokra bukkantunk. Érdemes rákeresni egyikre-másikra.

Aamonblut Ride Under the Banner of Darkness (nyers black metal)
Abascaban Where All Paths End (melodikus death metal/metalcore)
Aeon of Awareness The Embracing Light of Rarohenga (melodikus death metal)
Aevum Kaleidoscope (szimfonikus metal)
Amelnakru Amelnakru (black metal)
Armia Wojna i pokój (experimental/post-hardcore)
Avada Abyss (thrash/heavy metal)
Avolia Falls upon the Earth (black metal)
Axetasy Withering Tides (heavy metal)
Bad at Life Bad at Life (black metal)
Battlespells Hymn of Heretics (atmoszferikus black metal)
Baylec An Infinite Dark (black metal)
Besna Krásno (post-black/progresszív metal)
Biostruction Divine Manifestation (death/thrash metal)
Blessed to Kill Age of Despair (thrash metal)
Blood Golem Blood Golem (thrash metal)
Blood Howl Join the Night (industrial black/death metal)
Bloodsaber Horror of a New England Night (nyers black metal)
Clouds Desprins (atmoszferikus doom/death metal)
Continuum of Xul Voratore (death metal)
Cosmiic Abbheëratiïon Staärriskÿe (melodikus black metal)
Cranial Abduction Programmed at Conception (thrash metal)
Crimson Storm Livin’ on the Bad Side (heavy/power/speed metal)
Cyanide Grenade Cannibal Era (thrash metal)
Daredevil Рецидив (heavy metal)
Dark Monument Zerrissen (black metal)
Dead Monuments Scars of My Mind (black metal)
Death Rite The Sacrifice of the Shadow (nyers black metal/punk)
Decimate Ursula’s Domain (death metal/grindcore)
Deduction of a Miscalculation No Face (death metal)
Dermenborg The Unholy Ones… (nyers black metal)
Desmodus Rotundus Anger and Bitterness (black metal/grindcore)
Destabilizer Monopoly on Violence (thrash metal)
Deus Sabaoth Cycle of Death (black metal)
Digester Grandmother (sludge metal)
Disobeyed Demagog One Eyed Fury (thrash metal)
Dragonknight Legions (power metal)
Drown In Sulphur Vengeance (deathcore)
End of Infinity Thrown into Existence (progresszív melodikus death metal)
Ensomhet At the Forgotten Ruins… (black metal)
Errant Mind Writ (progresszív metal/rock)
Ethbaal Absolutely Terrifying Insult (doom/sludge metal)
Exorddium Observador das eras (heavy metal)
Fatal Apocalypsis (death metal/grindcore)
Ferox Occulta Daimon (experimental black/death metal)
Flesh Grinder Biacromioxifopubiano (death metal/grindcore/goregrind)
Goatlord Corp. Temple of Serpent Whores (black metal)
Gored Embrace In the Presence of a Malevolent Soul (death metal)
Grave Altar Shrines of Hatred (black/thrash metal)
Grave Digger Bone Collector (heavy/power metal)
Greh Dysphoric Devotion (sludge metal)
Guttural Disgorge First Degree Murder (slam/brutális death metal)
Haterizer Bloodlust Sodomy Death (thrash metal/crossover)
Häxkapell Om jordens blod och urgravens grepp (black metal)
Hazzerd The 3rd Dimension (thrash metal)
Heskain The Thickening of Darkness (black/death metal)
Hesperia Fra li Monti Sibillini… (atmoszferikus pagan black metal)
Hierarchies Hierarchies (avantgárd/technical death metal)
Hordes of Defences From the Eclipse (black/death metal)
Horseman’s Pick Cult ov Krindon (black metal)
Hylskog Into Kingdom Of Feral Wolves (black metal)
In One Place The Hollow Process (atmoszferikus/post-black metal)
Infested Angel Threnodies to Eternal Despair (death metal)
Iron Jaw Cursed (heavy metal)
Ironweed Ironweed (stoner metal/rock)
Karçaz O Mundo Obscuro (black metal)
Kiloton Kiloton (black/death metal/noise)
Kosmogonia Aella (folk/melodikus death metal)
Lethal X 90 Tons of Thunder (heavy metal)
Master Sword Toying with Time (power metal)
Meep Lord If A Meep Falls in the Woods Do They Say Ow? (death metal)
Mercy of Death Тёмный лес (black metal)
Muday Bajo fuego danzamos (melodikus black metal)
Mundilfari Into the Dark Box (szimfonikus/progresszív heavy metal)
Mythguard Mythguard (szimfonikus power metal)
Náttligr Régi sír (black metal)
Necrodeath Arimortis (black/death/thrash metal)
Necromaniac Sciomancy, Malediction & Rites Abominable (black/death/thrash metal)
Nexus Time Eternal (progresszív metal)
Nox Doloris Konstantinopolis (szimfonikus black/death metal)
Oath of a Traitor Echoes of Madness (death metal)
Occulticus Goat Crypt (black metal)
Of Fire Itself Ghosts (melodikus death metal)
On Atlas’ Shoulders Aion (epikus heavy metal)
Onirophagus Revelations from the Void (doom/death metal)
Pestilent Scars Meadows of Misfortune (melodikus death metal)
Phosgene …and Hope Disappears (brutális death metal)
Pillar Amongst Willows Pillar Amongst Willows (atmoszferikus black metal)
Poker Thrash & Roll trip (heavy/thrash metal/hard rock)
Putrid Defecation Tales from the Toilet (slam/brutális death metal)
Pyromania Perilous Metal (heavy metal)
Ramapithecus Hominid Butcherers (nyers black metal)
Ravenblood Absence (melodikus death metal)
Red Raven Chaos Signs (melodikus death/groove metal)
Reek of Death Mors in Tabula (death metal)
Regurgitated Devourer Class-based Brutality (brutális death metal)
Rigorious Kingdom Unfold (power metal)
ROS Salvator (szimfonikus/gótikus metal)
Rudra Antithesis (death/black/folk metal)
Ryan Houston Nightmare (progresszív metal/shred)
Sarcator Swarming Angels & Flies (blackened thrash metal)
Self Inflicted Terrors of a Demented Mind (thrash metal)
Sexblasphemy Pungent Ovulations of the Sorceress (black metal)
Shedfromthebody Whisper and Wane (shoegaze/doom metal)
Shotgun Facelift Red River Flood (groove metal)
Siberian Deadly Sins (black metal)
Sleeping Hollow Domination (thrash/death metal)
Smärtgränsen Czernebog (black/death/thrash metal)
Stars in the Void Scourge of the Despot (melodikus death metal)
Stilte In the Resonance of Everbloomin Hatred (black metal)
Sukkhu Self-Exorcism (black metal)
Synaptic Enter the Void (melodikus death metal)
Téleos Lvmen Deorvm Vltra Lvnam Sitorvm… (melodikus black metal)
Tenebroso Eterna Solitude (black metal)
Tentáculo Revolution Is inside of Us (thrash metal)
The Big Deal Electrified (hard rock)
The Black Disorder Sepulchral Black Metal (black metal)
The Preacher The Final Attack (heavy metal)
Thy Kingdom Will Burn The Loss and Redemption (melodikus death metal)
Tiefstand Eternal Suffering (depresszív black metal)
Time Rift In Flight (heavy metal/hard rock)
Tokyo Blade Time Is the Fire (heavy metal)
Tumenggung Back on the Streets (heavy/power metal)

Fémjelzés – a hét újdonságai (2025. január 6-12.)

Az új zenék lelkes felkutatóinak készítjük heti listánkat; mindazok számára, tehát, akiknek egy szimpatikus borító, egy ígéretes zenekarnév vagy lemezcím, netán egy műfaji besorolás elég lehet ahhoz, hogy felkeltse az érdeklődésüket egy-egy album iránt és rákeressenek – ezzel megadva az esélyt arra, hogy egy potenciálisan jó anyagot megismerjenek.

Alltid Allena Opus Melancholia (post-black metal)
Anfitrite Clitemnestra (szimfonikus metal)
Astral Fortress Seven Seraphs (atmoszferikus black metal)
Auriel’s Bow Nocturnal’s Majesty (nyers black metal/dungeon synth)
Backscattered Echoes of Pandemic (heavy/power metal)
Baptiste Brun Elevatio (progresszív metal)
Barshasketh Antinomian Asceticism (black metal)
Bergthron Neu Asen Land (atmoszferikus/progresszív black metal)
Beriedir Liminal Spaces (progresszív power metal)
Black Sun Karma Somnium (melodikus heavy/power metal)
Bloodcrusher Voidseeker (brutal death metal/deathcore)
Bolg Where Death Dwells (black metal)
Bomber Cages and Windows (thrash metal/crossover)
Bongkvlt The Dopeman Chronicles (death/doom/stoner metal)
Brahmastra Solar Warden (black metal)
Brainmaze When Your Demons Come (groove/thrash metal)
Bummified Dead Out of Spite (sludge metal)
Conniption The Theatre of Invention (thrash metal)
Dan Johansen A Clash of Gods (progresszív metal)
Desperate Days of Dying Bad Times Have Begun (sludge/doom metal)
Diabol Graveyard Backtery (black/thrash metal)
Disagradablement Zealots (doom/death metal)
Disurban Crossover This (thrash metal/crossover)
Dodskop Knee Deep in the Tarpits of Hellfire (black metal/noise)
Downstone Colours of Addiction (melodikus heavy metal)
Draugen Torned Blue Veins Of A Tragic Past (nyers black metal/noise)
Dreadnaught Shutdown in a Heartbeat (hard rock)
Dreams of Doom Symphony in a Profound Darkness (doom/death metal)
Egribor Urr (atmoszferikus black metal)
Elyose Évidence (szimfonikus/industrial metal/alternatív rock)
Faithxtractor Loathing and the Noose (death metal)
Forgiveness The Weight of the Cross (thrash metal)
Garden of Stone The Grave Mistake (melodikus death/heavy metal)
Germanic Iron Battle Axe Culture (black/death metal)
Gorjeo Seglar Acronvs (pogány/black metal)
Grafjammer De tyfus, de teerling (black metal)
Harvst Mahlstrom (atmoszferikus black metal)
Hell’s Enemy West of Eden (death metal/atmoszferikus black metal)
Hell’s Enemy Against the Dragon (death metal/atmoszferikus black metal)
Hikikomori Portals …and Reflections Thereof… (black metal)
Howls of Derision Howls of Derision (atmoszferikus black metal/dark ambient)
Hrafnviðr Des Dunkels Wogen (black metal)
Immortalectomy Prison Planet IV (heavy metal)
Implant Soul Artefact (progresszív death metal)
Inner Self Desolation: Where the Pain Dwells (death/thrash metal)
Karçaz Black Metal Will Burn Your Soul (black metal)
Katoaja What We Witness (progresszív metal/rock)
L.O.S.T. Scars of Tomorrow (melodikus death metal)
Malkavian Delusion (thrash/groove metal)
Mélancholie du Dhampir Amor (black metal)
Membrane Deathly Silence (sludge/post-metal)
My Sweet Torment The Order of the Shadows (melodikus death/gótikus metal)
Mysterivm Xarxes In Resonance with the Carnalized Manifestations (nyers black metal)
Nostoc Rites of Passage (progresszív groove metal)
Plaguewielder In Dust & Ash (blackened sludge metal)
Raging Fate Mutiny (power metal)
Rejoice in Our Suffering Whom He May Devour (black metal/dark ambient)
Sacred Fire to Ice (heavy/power metal)
Satan’s Sigh Impaled Nazareno (death/black metal)
Sigon Thunder of Iron (speed/heavy/black metal)
Silent Deep Ocean In Dark Eternity (doom/gótikus metal)
Stac Pollaidh Hawthorn (atmoszferikus black metal)
Stick To Your Guns Keep Planting Flowers (hardcore/metalcore)
SuicidalGrind The Dark Tribute Part 2 (power/death metal)
Sulfator Gemini (heavy/thrash metal)
Suturen Espejismo (black/doom metal)
Tårfödd Shadow Over the Fallen Lands (EP) (atmoszferikus black metal)
The Cimmerian An Age Undreamed Of (stoner/sludge metal)
The Halo Effect March of the Unheard (melodikus death metal)
The Night Templars No Surrender for the Gods (speed metal/punk rock)
The Obsidian Resurrection As Darkness Falls (szimfonikus black/death/thrash metal)
The Sun Through a Telescope Warm, Grey Day (drone/doom/sludge metal)
Timawa Slaughter Through Subjugation (brutal death metal)
Tremonti The End Will Show Us How (heavy metal)
Urfeind Dauþalaikaz (black metal)
Varlok Conjuring Ice and Nebulous Spells (black metal)
Veil of Conspiracy Shape of Grief (progresszív/doom metal)
Venalitia Columnas de humo (heavy/thrash metal)
Vyre Voidserpent (avantgárd/post-metal)
Wolfdernacht Wolfdernacht (nyers/experimental black metal)
Worldfall Psychotic Break (power/thrash metal)
Wyatt E. Zamāru Ultu Qereb Ziqquratu Part 1 (drone/doom metal)