Hol volt, hol nem volt, volt egyszer egy Incubus nevű formáció, itt arra az Incubus-ra kell gondolni, mely death-thrashben utazott egészen Louisiana állam kellős közepéről indulva… Mivel a közelmúltban sikerült a két Howard testvérrel interjút készítenem (lap alján találod), s mivel ez az e-mailes kérdezz-felelek elég jól sikerült és tartalmában is korrekten jártuk körbe a […]
Tovább »Legendary Death/thrash metal masters Opprobrium (formerly known as Incubus from Louisiana, USA) is back again with their brand new album „Mandatory Evac” (2008), their follow up new album in 8 years, after „Discerning Forces” (2000/2008 Metal Mind Productions/Nuclear Blast Records). A soon to be another classical record in the band’s history!
„Mandatory evac” is another onslaught master piece album by Opprobrium, which remains true to their brutal, yet technical death/thrash metal album, with fantastic riffs, guitar solos and vocals, once again by the two Brazilian borne brothers Francis (Vocals, Guitars), and powerful and technical drumming by his brother Moyses (Drums).
Opprobrium really did it again, with „Mandatory Evac”, with 12 new songs which will leave you breathless from the first track „Dark Science” ’til the last track „Sick of this”, the band really out done themselves with their new material for the album, as they proudly states being one of their „Best work to date”, meaning that every single song of the album must be played live if possible on stage. The new album shows Opprobrium going to uncharted territories in their song writing, taking a lose approach to their music with no rules or boundaries, trying everything from melodies to hammer blast beats, with more complex song arrangements by drummer Moyses and front man Francis, a much heavier album by the band, even surpassing their classical debut „Serpent Temptations”.
This time around Francis wrote all lyrics for „Mandatory Evac” and this makes the first time in which Moyses did not collaborate in the lyrical content of the album, as Francis had many previous drafts already on paper. Moyses reviewed all of the lyrics and really liked the subjects that Francis had gathered for the lyrics. And Moyses agreed that what Francis had achieved alone lyrically was the identity that they were looking for the new album „Mandatory Evac”. The title track of their new album „Mandatory Evac” for example, tells the experience the band lived during the devastating hurricane Katrina in August 2005, which destroyed their home state of Louisiana. Every song of the album deals with real life scenarios in which the human race struggles to live everyday. Different from their previous album, the band stayed away from the spiritual subjects which the band is well known for and decided to do something completely different on „Mandatory Evac”, touching on very emotional subjects such as orphans to the very torments in the mind that each of us human beings that hunt us daily.
The production direction that the band had decided to take on the new album, the brothers chose to stay away from the main stream recording of our time such as avoiding drum trigger and samplers. Recorded in Tampa, Florida during the months of July and August of 2008, „Mandatory Evac” was produced by the band themselves, like their 1988 debut album „Serpent Temptation”. In the studio they shot for a live type of recording in order to stay brutal and true to the band sound, and in order for fans to listen to a different type of sound that makes even the drum acoustics sound the way it was meant to be. Moyses took his time with his drum sound, not using any trigger or samples on it, the drum sound is well refined with crystal clear quality. Front man Francis, guitarist and vocalist of the band had achieved cutting guitars, which sounds like a chainsaw, with clear guitar solos that’s in your face! Francis took a different approach to his vocals style in „Mandatory Evac”, brutal yet with fresh touches, becoming one of the most original and recognized vocals in the metal World. Once again, Francis played all the bass track for their new album „Mandatory Evac”. „Mandatory Evac” sounds wise, stands apart and differently than most released album nowadays, trying to avoid the main stream type of recording sounds now days, avoiding all use of triggers and over all effects, in which fans will notice the fresh approach in sound quality years to come.
EPILOG (A storm is coming – Uma tempestade esta vindo (Portuguese))
„Mandatory Evac”, another great Death/Thrash metal onslaught by Opprobrium, will sure please old and newer fans of the band, the album is gaining great reviews from by the media and the fans response is being fantastic. „Mandatory Evac” brings to you fresh new tracks of original death/thrash metal throughout the whole album. The wait is over and the new Opprobrium album is finally here! Get ready for Opprobrium! Get ready for „Mandatory Evac”!
The album will be available on 10th November 2008 in Europe and 20th January 2009 in USA (via MVD). You can hear a preview track – „Fake” – on MMP’s Myspace site: www.myspace.com/metalmindproductions.
Metal Mind Productions will also re-release the band’s earlier albums, “Beyond the Unknown” (1990) and “Serpent Temptation” (1998), both remastered and in a new digipak edition, each limited to 2000 copies. Full info to follow soon.
Opprobrium (aka Incubus)
“Mandatory Evac”
Label: Metal Mind Records
Cat. No.: MASS CD 1241 DG
Barcode: 5907785033887
Format: CD Digipak
Genre: death/thrash metal
Release date: 10.11.2008 Europe / 20.01.2009 USA
1. Dark Science
2. Never Found
3. No One at My Funeral
4. Incident
5. Mandatory Evac
6. Fake
7. Sports of Danger
8. Daily Stress
9. In the Shadows
10. Compulsive Worrier
11. Ignorance
12. Sick of This
Not counting this year the interview with Extreme Noise Terror, and some years ago with Protector, i beleive, i made the most interesting interview this year with Howard brother via e-mail, at least for myself. Today for those, home this name, Incubus or the cult thrash-death albums titles as Serpent Temptation or Beyond the Unknown […]
Tovább »Leszámítva az idei Extreme Noise Terror-t, és pár éve a Protector-t, azt hiszem-érzem, önmagam számára mindenképpen az év egyik legérdekesebb interjúját készítettem e-mailben a Howard testvérekkel. Mára mind 30 környékén (vagy már túl is lépték rég) vannak, azok, akiknek még mond valamit az egykori Incubus név, és az olyan kultikus thrash-death lemez címek, mint a […]
Tovább »A Metal Mind Productions büszkén jelenti, hogy leszerződtették az Opprobrium-ot. A death/thrash monstrum már 20 éve fertőzi a metal színteret, eredetileg az Incubus nevet viselték, majd 97-ben vették fel a jelenlegit. Pályafutásuk alatt négy nagylemezt vettek fel, mindegyik színtiszta death metal pusztítás. Az egyezség részeként a kiadó újra kiadja a csapat korai lemezeit, így a Beyond the Unknown-t (1990) és a Serpent Temptation-t (1998), mindkettőt újra maszterelve digipak csomagolásban, 2000 példányra limitálva, illetve az Opprobrium soron következő, Mandatory Evac (2008) albuma is a lengyelek gondozásában jön ki, eddig csak az interneten keresztül lehetett megvásárolni. Ezzel még nem teljes a történet, a 2000-es Discerning Forces-t már idén júniusban kiadták újra…
We are very happy to announce that Metal Mind Productions have recently signed a deal with Opprobrium. This death/thrash monstrosity has been infecting the metal scene for more than 20 years now, at first using the name Incubus and then changing it to Opprobrium in 1997. During their career, the band released four albums, each showcasing pure death metal destruction. As part of the deal, Metal Mind Productions will re-release the band’s earlier albums, Beyond the Unknown (1990) and Serpent Temptation (1998), both remastered and in a new digipak edition, each limited to 2000 copies, along with Opprobrium’s brand new record Mandatory Evac (2008) which was available only via internet.
Opprobrium‘s album from 2000 – Discerning Forces – was re-released by Metal Mind Productions in late June 2008.
Ha úgy gondolod, hogy a Sepultura az egyetlen brazil banda, akik le bírtak tenni valamit az asztalra, akkor bizonyára nem hallottál mgé az Opprobrium-ról!
Ez a death/thrash szörnyeteg már több, mint 20 éve fertőzi a világot, melyet eredetileg Incubus néven tettek és 97-ben vették fel a jelenlegi Opprobrium-ot. Nem beszélhetünk egy termékeny zenekarról, mindössze egy albumot hoztak össze, a Discerning Forces-t 2000-ben, mely bemutatja a brutális és technikás játékuk fenomenális kombincáióját. A zenekar szövegvilágában olyan témákat feszeget, mint az erőszak és a kereszténység (emiatt szokás őket a Mortification-höz hasonlítani).
Azt hiszem a fentiek után senki sem lepődik meg rajta, hogy a zenekar ha nem is tűnt el a süllyesztőben, kellő figyelmet sohasem kapott, amin most a lengyel Metal Mind Productions változtatni szeretne: az eredetileg Rio De Janeiro-ban rögzített albumot most 24 bites modern újramaszterelés után ismét megtalálhatjátok a boltokban.
Opprobrium – Discerning Forces
Kiadó: Metal Mind Records
Katalógusszám: MASS CD 1184 DG
Formátum: CD Digipak (limitált 2000 példány)
Stílus: death/thrash metal
Megjelenés dátuma: 2008 június 23.
1. | Digitrap |
2. | Discerning Forces |
3. | Ancient Rebellion |
4. | Dark Entanglement |
5. | Drowning |
6. | Escapism |
7. | Merciless Torture |
8. | Moments of Despair |
9. | Blood Conflict |
10. | Awakening To The Filth |