Fémjelzés – a hét újdonságai (2024. július 1-7.)

Nézzük csak, hogy a kánikulán kívül, mit tartogat számunkra a július. A hónap melső hetének megjelenéseire tekintünk vissza.

Aash Into Eternity (black metal)
Abstinency Fertilization of Divinities (brutális death metal)
Abysswalker A Spire at the Gates of Heaven (heavy metal)
Aeons The Ghosts of What We Knew (progresszív metal/metalcore)
Akhlys House of the Black Geminus (black metal)
Alkanza Hatred Lines (thrash/groove metal)
Amon Rudh Слёзы Иордана (melodikus black metal)
Angra Mainyu Per Oculus Serpentis (death/black metal)
Antichües Horrors of War (nyers black metal)
Antrodemus Conjuration (death metal)
Aposento No Safe Haven (death metal)
Armnatt Mountains Summoning (black metal)
Arx Atrata A Reckoning (atmoszferikus black metal)
Aspaarn When Iron Meant Survival (nyers black metal)
Autumnfall The Archaic Shadows (melodikus black metal)
Beneath the Ashes The Dawn of Ragnarok (black metal)
Black Circle Sorcery Suicide Under the Midnight Sun (black metal)
Black Hole Deity Profane Geometry (death metal)
Blood Resignation Realms of the Damned and Blessed (black metal)
Bloodcross Gravebound (black metal)
Bloody Flow Bloody Flow (stoner metal)
Bloody Run Decapitate the Tyrant (thrash metal/grindcore)
Boris Randall Something Wicked (southern/stoner metal/horror punk)
Cemetery Rapist From My Puddled Phallic Drip (brutális death metal/goregrind)
Circling Vultvre Spiritval Poisoning (blackened doom/death metal)
Congenital Only the Dead Have Seen the End of War (brutális death metal)
Connor Fog Slepeno misiju hronika (nyers black metal/experimental/ambient)
Crucifliction Trinity (speed/thrash metal)
Crushing Brain Cenizas (speed/thrash metal)
Cryptic Hatred Internal Torment (death metal)
Dawn of Purity Dawn Of Purity (nyers black metal)
Death Wrath An Angel Leading a Soul into Hell (black metal)
Divinationist Name of the Unspoken (black/death metal)
Divinemancy The Perished (power metal/shred)
Doomboyz Evil Riffs from Los Angeles (stoner metal/rock)
Duel Breakfast with Death (pszichedelikus doom/stoner metal/rock)
Dust Glosarium (progresszív death metal)
Ero Cras Thy Triumphant Gleam (black metal)
Erythrite Throne An Offering to the Night Serpent (black/doom metal/dungeon synth)
Ethereal War Infernal Battalion (black metal)
Evil Poetry In Anima Ethereum (black/death metal)
Exterminio Favsto (death metal)
Faustus Ode to the Rites of Worship (black metal)
Fearmonger Horrific Forms (grindcore/death metal/hardcore)
Foali Your Black Is My Yellow (alternatív/groove/heavy metal)
Fracture Chaos Alchemy (crossover/thrash metal)
Gorgia Distant Lands (stoner/doom metal)
Haadeen Marraskuu (black metal)
Hashe Formación de banderas (atmoszferikus black metal/ambient)
Hasturizm Kulten (nyers black metal/ambient)
Helpless Agony Universal Deterioration (death metal)
Holymountain Starvation Artist (black metal)
Hordes of Satan The Bleak Lodge (industrial doom metal)
Horned Almighty Contagion Zero (black metal)
Humanity’s End Plague of Cancers (death metal)
Hünengrab Apostates of the Solemn Promise (black metal)
Immortal Rotting Death Doom Mafia (death/doom metal)
Indocilis Poison the Hive (doom/sludge/death metal)
Indoctrinator Manufactured Chaos (melodikus death metal/metalcore)
Insane Desecration Visions of Horrific Decay (brutális death metal)
Isle of the Cross Faustus: The Musical (avantgárd/szimfonikus/technikás death metal)
Kilta Ikuisuuden pylväät (black/folk/heavy metal)
Kissin’ Dynamite Back with a Bang (heavy metal/hard rock)
Krallice Inorganic Rites (avantgárd black metal)
Kryptos Decimator (heavy/thrash metal)
Lamenting Satanas Scorn (blackened death metal)
Limbes Liernes (atmoszferikus black metal)
Liminal Shroud Visions of Collapse (black metal)
Lunar Eclipse Призрачный мир (melodikus death metal)
Madicide Madicide (thrash/groove metal)
Manaraga – Холодные воды (atmoszferikus black metal)
Mark of the Legion Death Smiles upon Us All (death metal)
Medra Shadows of the World (szimfonikus power metal)
Metal Abyss Frostfire Symphony (szimfonikus blackened death metal)
Metonic Ghostly Ship (heavy metal)
Mold Throne Mold Throne (melodikus death/doom metal)
Motivik Renouncement (melodikus thrash/heavy metal)
Nocturnal Wanderer The Evernight (black metal)
Nyktophobia To the Stars (melodikus death metal)
Octoploid Beyond the Aeons (melodikus progresszív death metal)
Of Deities and Dust Beyond This Place of Wrath and Tears (doom metal)
Old Horn Tooth Mourning Light (stoner/doom metal)
Ophidian Malice From Transcendence (black metal)
Orden Ogan The Order of Fear (power metal)
Outer Head Cosmic Vibrators (stoner/doom metal)
Paradoxo 1932 (thrash metal/crossover)
Partholón The Ocean Pours In (atmoszferikus sludge/post-metal)
Phoenix Ритуал (heavy/progresszív metal)
Piah Mater Under the Shadow of a Foreign Sun (progresszív death metal)
Prison Hell Terraformed Deathscapes (black/death metal)
Quasidiploid Deconstruction (avantgárd/technikás death metal)
Rancid Nut Sauce The Vile Nature of Existing (brutális death metal)
Regicide Resist Control (groove/thrash metal/HC)
Robot Monster Army Assembly Required (heavy metal)
Sacred Veil Sombras del nuevo eón (black metal)
Saturn’s Husk Hourglass of Human Ash (sludge/doom metal)
ScareTape People Peeler (death/black metal/grindcore)
Self Affliction (black/doom metal)
Sijjeel Affiliation of Horrid Containment (brutális death metal)
Slugs of Mars Invasion (blackened death/groove metal)
Solmyr Eternal Darkness Cathedral (black metal)
Spellgrinder Planet of the Vampires (heavy metal)
Starspawn of Cthulhu Alienum (doom metal)
Steal Spring Burial Ground (funeral doom metal)
Steinras Steinras (black metal)
Suffering Cult (black/death metal)
Sumac The Keeper’s Tongue (EP) (atmoszferikus sludge metal)
Surra Falha Crítica (crossover/thrash metal)
Swnw Mirage (industrial sludge metal)
Syndrome XP Стёртая нить (melodikus death metal)
Taurvi ΛBSΩLVTΣ (elektronika/ambient/black metal)
Terminal Sun All That Will Burn Is Already on Fire (death metal)
Tocha Fracturado (melodikus death metal)
Triddana Breaking from the Fold (kelta folk/power metal)
Ultra Mundum Nostri Assembly UMNA I : Mistaken by the… (black metal)
Unholy Altar Veil of Death! Shroud of Nite (black metal)
Unwelcome Soul Dried Petals (black/doom metal)
Utopyca Yltya de Syptar (progresszív metal)
Veneficus Sarcina Anachronisms II (black metal)
Vimur The Timeless Everpresent (black metal)
Visions of Atlantis Pirates II – Armada (melodikus/szimfonikus power metal)
Vulvodynia Entabeni (deathcore/brutális death metal)
Vvolfram Vvolfram (drone/doom metal)
War Crown Sacerdos Malus (death metal)
Witchpriest Covenant of the Witch (melodikus black metal)
Wormed Omegon (brutális/technikás death metal)
Xasthur Disharmonic Variations (neofolk/black metal)
Yawar Simi Legion saqra (black metal)

Dreki Ferdhast Tour 2024 Dreki Ferdhast Tour 2024
September 09.
Scorching Europe 2024 Scorching Europe 2024
September 10.
Tones of Decay III. Tones of Decay III.
September 13.
Insane Folkride Minifest Insane Folkride Minifest
September 14.
Nytt Land Nytt Land
September 18.