Címke: Fémjelzés

Fémjelzés – a hét újdonságai (2024. augusztus 5-11.)

Augusztus második hetében is dohogott az underground. Szemezgettünk nektek annak a hétnek az újdonságaiból.

Anal Mandica Najbolji thrash metal album svih vremena (crossover/thrash metal)
Anoxide Morals & Dogma (death metal)
Aquanaut Aquanaut (stoner/doom metal)
Atranium My Journey to Black Hole (black metal)
Barred Spiral Distant Observer (atmoszferikus black/death metal)
Beleriand Through Shadows to the Edge of Night (atmoszferikus black metal)
Beyond Xoth Trans-Neptunian Horrors (funeral doom/death metal)
Bless the Dead We Create This (southern metal/metalcore)
Cadaver Vampire Corpus Zone (black/death metal)
Carnivore Diprosopus Rise of the Insurrection (brutális death metal)
Choronzon Necrocene Vastation (avantgárd metal/elektronika/ambient)
Conjurers of the Moon Conjurers of the Moon (black metal)
Corpus Mortum Regnum Mortis (blackened death metal)
Corrupted Pray for the Hollow Sun (drone/doom/sludge metal)
Cosmic Mockery Within the Callous Hands of Fate (black metal)
Cremulation Amalgamated Abomination (death metal)
CrusHuman Crushuman (death metal)
D.E.A.D Of Vile and Hate (death/thrash metal)
Dark Matter The Neighbourhood Watch (doom metal)
Dead End Solution Arctic Desolation (atmoszferikus/szimfonikus black metal)
Deserter Disfigured Revelation (brutális death metal)
Diamortal Proceeding Inhumanity (melodikus death metal)
Dim Enfilade Wherefore Disgust to Fairness Turn? (gótikus/doom/death metal)
Earth Ship Soar (sludge/doom metal)
Einsamkeit Su̱wa̱’ i̱à̱chkili (black metal/ambient)
Entering Polaris Myths in Motion (progresszív metal)
Entering Polaris Songs of Ivory and Obsidian (progresszív metal)
Ethreum In Fundamentis Mortis (black metal)
Feind Ambulante Hirnamputation (death metal/grindcore)
Fuckhammer Scorched Earth Prophets (sludge/crust/death metal)
Fulci Duck Face Killings (brutális death metal)
Gråt Strigoi The Prophetic Silence (depresszív black metal)
Grimworm Feed the Earth (doom metal)
Hail Sathanas Chosen Son of Chaos (black metal)
HammerFall Avenge the Fallen (heavy/power metal)
Hardy Мир криминала (heavy metal)
Hatskrømt Gjerdingsæterkvadet (black metal)
Heavenblack Blindfolded (heavy metal/hard rock)
Hiányzol Lidércnyomás (nyers/atmoszferikus black metal)
In Aphelion Reaperdawn (black metal)
Iniquitous Monolith Monstrous Degradation (slam/brutális death metal)
Kaisas Leria (heavy metal/hard rock)
King Gizzard & The Lizard Wizard Flight b741 (pszichedelikus rock)
Kurokuma Of Amber and Sand (sludge/doom metal)
Legions of Malphas The Blood of Kings (black metal)
Magan Visions from Beyond (szimfonikus black metal)
Malamorte Abisso (heavy metal)
Malodorous The Carrion Recoil (brutális death metal/deathcore)
Mamaleek Vida Blue (experimental rock)
Mausoleum Defiling the Decayed (death metal)
Mnajdra In the Name of the Goddess (black metal)
Mojo Rudo Mojo Rudo (stoner metal/rock)
Monument of Misanthropy Vile Postmortem Irrumatio (brutális death metal)
Mortuorum Necro Dragons (death/black metal)
Mushroomhead Call The Devil (alternatív/nu metal)
Mystechron Cosmic Entropic Iconoclasm (melodikus black/death metal)
Nebula Orionis The Long Path to Nowhere (atmoszferikus/post-black metal/ambient)
Necro Soft Don’t Test the Unmaker’s Patience (melodikus black metal)
Nekroyd Umbra Mortis (death metal)
Orra Glimmer of Hope (progresszív metal/rock)
Ostoraton Somood (progresszív/melodikus death metal)
Oxygen Destroyer Guardian of the Universe (black/death/thrash metal)
Purnamwulan Gajah Mada (black metal)
Putrefier Mutated Melodies and Septic Serenades (brutális death metal/grindcore)
Quantumleaper Action and Reaction (melodikus death/power metal)
Remembrance Towards Arcane Ends (doom/death metal)
Retalhador Escória (thrash metal)
Røkkr Mørkdrøm (black metal)
Saint Immortalizer (heavy metal)
Sator Marte Omnicide (black metal)
Savage Pleasure Savage Pleasure (black metal/crust punk)
Serotonin Leakage Mescaline Power II (Part II) (death/black metal/goregrind)
Shuravi در دفاع از انقلاب/In Defense of the Revolution (black metal)
Sinister Rais The Shall Eat the Flesh of Their Sons (nyers black metal/noise/ambient)
Siphoned Life Plagueland (progresszív death metal)
Skjaldborg Auf Ketten kommt der Tod (viking/pogány metal)
Strevellna Revoldom (heavy/power metal/hard rock)
Stygian Storm The Flame of Rebelllion Never Dies (black metal)
Tårfödd Disciples of the Ghost (post-black/progresszív metal)
The Aphelion Nascence (progresszív metal)
The Erik Allen Band The Wanderer (black/heavy metal)
Thunder, Tomb & Throne Where Fathers Awaken (heavy/stoner metal)
Thy Throne Tales from the Void (death/groove metal)
Tides of Chaos Crossing the Threshold (melodikus death/black metal)
Turpitude Nécromancien! Aubergiste! (black metal)
Venoject Anima (thrash metal)
Vesper the Aerial Devote Eternal (melodikus death metal/metalcore)
Viacrucis Melhorament (blackened death metal)
Viscera Infest Teratoma (brutális death metal/goregrind)
Voidstrider Voidstrider (heavy/stoner metal/pszichedelikus rock)
Waldseel Von Morast und Eisen (atmoszferikus black metal)
WhiteDark Bones Under the Snow (black metal)
Xùr’th I (black metal/ambient)

Fémjelzés – a hét újdonságai (2024. júl. 29 – aug. 4.)

Július utolsó pár napját és augusztus legelejét, azaz a mögöttünk álló hetet igyekeztünk kiaknázni friss anyagok terén. Bő száz korongot ismét sikerült listába szednünk.

…Do Fundo… Abismo Caminho Que aos Abismos Desce (death/doom metal)
A Night in Texas Digital Apocalypse (technikás deathcore)
Aamonblut The Moon Lord’s Unholy War (nyers black metal)
Abgeschiedenheit Transcending the Illusion of a False God (black metal/dark ambient)
Abuser Sadistic Lord of War (black/death metal)
Acid Mass Worship (thrash metal)
Ages of Night Ангелы дистресса / Angels of Distress (gótikus/doom metal)
Álcool Templo Do Horror (speed metal)
Altar of the Fuzz Bufflo Haze (stoner metal)
Angel Death From Deepest… (death metal)
Armed Jouissance Genesis (atmoszferikus black metal)
As Sahar Mitos (folk/black metal)
As Thou Wilt Juggernaut of Spiritual Degradation (black metal)
Asenblut Entfesselt (black/thrash/pogány metal)
Atelophobia Mental Messiah (post-black metal)
Atem Madonluvut (death/black metal)
Atranium The Red Giant (black metal)
Az Utolsó Mosoly Az Utolsó Mosoly (depresszív black metal)
Barbarian Hermit Mean Sugar (stoner/sludge metal)
Barbarik Torture Obsessions of Compulsive Mind (brutális death metal/grindcore)
Bis in Idem Abyssvs, Abysse (atmoszferikus black metal)
Blacklist With Murderous Intent (thrash metal)
Blemish Eterna oscuridad (melodikus doom/death metal)
Blind Guardian Somewhere Far Beyond – Revisited (power metal)
Braandholt Einder (black metal)
Brainsore The Grip of the Naked Mind (grindcore/death metal)
Caged Bastard Solace in Virtue’s Absence (black/sludge metal/drone/noise)
Carnophage Matter of a Darker Nature (technikás brutális death metal)
Danolarth Я Есть Пёс (black metal)
Del Pantano Resurgiendo (doom metal)
Después del Caos Después del Caos (thrash/groove metal)
Devouring Void Across the Eternal Nothingness (black metal)
Dezaztre Natural Violencia perpetua (thrash metal/crossover)
Doomed to Fail Tales of Demise (melodikus death metal)
Dwell in Doom Ruins of the Divine (doom/gótikus rock/metal)
Dysangelium Jonestown (death metal)
Eerified Catacomb Sordid Realm of Apparition (nyers black metal/noise)
Eldermoon Egregora (blackened heavy metal)
Eligos Renacer en el abismo (black metal)
Ero Cras To Whom We Pray (black metal)
Evnen Lunacy (szimfonikus death metal)
Execraris Unholy Signs of Blasphemy (black metal)
Fade Dreams Fading Dreams of Youth (atmoszferikus black metal)
Flesheater Carnivorous (death/thrash metal)
Forgotten Winter Lucífugo (szimfonikus black metal/ambient)
Frater Sangre y viento (melodikus death metal/metalcore)
Fright Night Some Are Born to Endless Night (gótikus metal/rock)
Frigority Stay Cool or Die (death metal/grindcore)
Fuil na Seanchoille Fómhar (nyers black metal)
Greengrave Smoke and Stone (southern/sludge metal)
Hermóðr Mountain Winds (atmoszferikus black metal)
Hive of the Mantids Fervour (slam/brutális death metal)
Ink & Fire Emblazoned Visions Yield Eternity (black metal)
Ka’ai Tales from the Land of Fire (melodikus death metal)
Kaltesblut Noctuary (black metal)
Kayas By the Moon and the Stars (melodikus death metal)
King Zog Second Dawn (doom metal)
Lachlann Divers Doom (doom/stoner metal)
Lacrimorphosis Clemency in the Halls of Sacrifice (depresszív black metal/dungeon synth)
Leprosy Reborn in Yourself (thrash/death metal)
Lumpur Aku dan Tuhanku (brutális death metal)
M.C.C. Liber II: De Separatione Animae Fragmenta (black metal)
Manic Abraxas Skinformation (doom/stoner metal)
Mourners Lament A Grey Farewell (doom/death metal)
Neophobic Below (melodikus death metal)
Nesamovyt Sorrow & Hypocrisy (depresszív black metal/dark ambient)
Parfaitamour Diabolics (melodikus power metal)
Pathogenic Virulence Scourged (slam/brutális death metal)
Private Prisons Excommunication (doom/death/post-metal)
Pvrgatorii Marching Through Thee Night Guided by… (black metal/punk)
RedFace First Blood (melodikus death metal)
Repulsive Sacredly Contaminated (slam/brutális death metal)
Resurgence As Divine Thunderstorms Vanquished the Wildfires (black metal)
Rise Behavior A Path to Obliteration (melodikus death metal)
Rise of Kronos Where the Gods Return (death/thrash metal)
Rusalka Legions (melodikus black/death metal)
Septory Incinerate This World (death metal)
Sepulchre by the Sea Seven Chambers (atmoszferikus black metal)
Shadowings New Beginnings for Old Tales (pogány/power metal)
Sjodogg Lore (progresszív black metal)
Skovblod In the Shadows of Mountains (folk/death metal)
Sokeus Ekpyrosis (black metal)
Solemn Ceremony Chapter III (doom metal)
Strigoi Black Magic Fumes (death/thrash/black metal)
Sturmwächter Klagelieder (melodikus black metal)
Sulfuris Corpus // Animus (heavy/groove metal)
Surrender to Decadence Natural Born Killer (black/death metal)
Svartelder Trenches (black metal)
Symbiotic Tomorrow The Final Call (progresszív death metal)
Symphony Towers Tales from the Legends Lost in Time (heavy metal)
Tentacle Centipede Hyper Propagation (slam/brutális death metal)
Tenue Arcos, bóvedas, pórticos (post-black metal/crust/screamo)
The Acid Machine Godzilla (stoner/doom metal)
The Mantle Violent Cosmic Fortune (progresszív metal)
Thursbane Ancestral Memories (black/folk metal)
Torso Ripper Nocturnal Gore Seeking Maniac (death metal)
Triste Mode Scream of Agony (doom/death metal)
True Black Dawn Of Thick-Circling Shadows (black metal)
Under Il silenzio dell’abisso (nyers black metal)
Vegvisir Вольница (epikus viking/black metal)
Waldruine Nachtmeerfahrten (black metal)
Wolfdom I Belong to Satan (blackened heavy metal)
XXX De regreso al principio (heavy metal)
Yanos Elysium (post-hardcore)

Fémjelzés – a hét újdonságai (2024. július 22-28.)

Bő száz albumot sorakoztatunk fel az elmúlt időszakból az alábbi lajtstromban, ezzel is segítve titeket, hogy könnyebben szemmel tarthassátok a heti újdonságokat. Az alábbiak mind a múlt héten jelentek meg.

4377 War-LD (melodikus death/thrash/groove metal)
A Karmic Gray Rendering Reality (Part One) (metalcore/technikás death metal)
Abmontium The Terrible Will of the Ancient Gods (depresszív/nyers black metal)
Absurd Werwolflicht (pogány black metal)
Abyssielle Through Sun and Stone (melodikus black metal)
Aerik Old Scratch (black metal)
Assemble The Chariots Ephemeral Trilogy Episode 1… (szimfonikus deathcore)
Astwihad Gatha 2: Dush-Sastish (death/black metal)
Baphomet Youth MK-Disultra (death metal/grindcore)
Battlequest The Citadel (power metal)
BloodCrown Bloodcrown (thrash metal)
Bloodcrown Sound of Flesh and Bone (death metal)
Brudywr Night Blessed Be (black metal)
Category 7 Category 7 (thrash/heavy metal)
ColdCell Age of Unreason (black metal)
Communion Grotesque Heraldry (funeral doom metal)
Consuming Bloodlust Remember the Pain (industrial death metal)
Curse upon a Prayer The Worship: Orthoprax Satanism (black metal)
Dead Man Risen Life Death Time (death metal)
Death of the Human Race Frozen (black metal)
Death Racer From Gravel to Grave (black/speed metal)
Decayos Apterous II (blackened death metal)
Deduction of a Miscalculation Pieces (death metal)
Defacement Duality (death/black metal)
Déhà Averses III (atmoszferikus black metal)
Destruction of Orion Decreasing Brightness (funeral doom metal)
Dios Serpiente Duelo de gigantes (industrial drone/doom/post-metal)
Disloyal Divine Miasmata (death metal)
División 28-7 Legion (black metal/rac)
Dread Ogre Get Ready for the Storm (doom/heavy metal)
Dream Evil Metal Gods (heavy/power metal)
Duskwalker Underground Forever (thrash/death metal)
Eisenherz III (industrial/gótikus metal)
ExSilencio Pictures (progresszív metal)
Fever Only The Dead Have Seen The End Of War (death/black metal)
Ghost of Agony Ashen Kingdom (death metal)
Gods & Punks Death (space rock/stoner/doom metal)
Grotesque Desecration Dawn of Abomination (slam/brutal death metal)
Gyves My Death Sentiment (melodikus/atmoszferikus black metal)
Hellbörn Terrestrial Damnation (death metal)
Imperia Dark Paradise (szimfonikus metal)
Indricothere Extruded Nonlocality Immersion (progresszív metal/ambient)
Infectdead Midnight Mass (death metal)
Infernal Realm Chamber of Desolation (death metal)
Intolerance Waking Nightmares of an Endless Void (death metal)
Ireful Agents of Doom (thrash metal)
Iress Sleep Now, In Reverse (groove metal)
Ironflame Kingdom Torn Asunder (heavy/power metal)
Ivory Primarch The Portrait (sludge/doom metal)
Jugulator Imperator Insector (thrash metal)
Krypticy The Non-Return (death metal)
Kvele Frostbitten Apocalypse (black metal)
Laceration I Erode (death/thrash metal)
Magmakammer Before I Burn (pszichedelikus doom metal)
Mayhemic Toba (blackened thrash metal)
Mindvortex Mindvortex (progresszív/thrash metal)
Monument of Misanthropy Vile Postmortem Irrumatio (brutal death metal)
Morbus Grave Feasting the Macabre (death metal)
Moulin Banal Sainte-Paix (black metal)
Mountaineer Dawn and All That Follows (doom/sludge metal/post-rock)
Najand The Letter of Death (ambient/black metal)
Nebula Orionis The Long Path to Nowhere (atmoszferikus/post-black metal/ambient)
Nervous Acquiescence (avant-garde black/death metal)
Nesthuratic Dark Remnants of the Past (black metal)
Nether The Blood of Rats (melodikus black metal)
Occulticus Domain of the Ancient Spellcaster (black metal)
Orpheus Omega Emberglow (melodikus death metal)
Pagan Impaler Buried Alive (blackened thrash metal)
Parricide After the Funeral (grindcore)
Pénombre Je pleure un pays que vous ne voyez pas (black metal)
Powerwolf Wake Up the Wicked (power metal)
Psychedelic Witchcult They Used Dark Forces (pszichedelikus doom metal)
Repugnant Scum 202 Proof (black/death metal/grindcore)
Sabnach Et Cetera, Benedicte (black metal)
Santa Cora Elementum (szimfonikus progresszív metal)
Scald Ancient Doom Metal (epikus doom metal)
Schwarzer Engel Höhere Gewalt (szimfonikus gótikus metal)
Season of the Witch Vol. 2 (stoner/doom metal)
Show Me A Dinosaur Plantgazer (Instrumental) (post-metal)
Silvaplana Limbs of Dionysus (experimental black metal)
Sirius A Quest for Life (heavy/power metal)
Skinned Corpse Latrine Filth (death metal/grindcore)
Soldiers of Rage New Age of Inhumanity (technikás thrash/groove metal)
Solstitium Morgoth (epikus heavy/doom/death metal)
Soul Suicide Shaded Ruins (depresszív black metal)
Space Corpse Shapeshifter (technikás death metal/deathcore)
Stellae The Infernal Gallery (black metal)
Summoning the Lich Under the Reviled Throne (melodikus death metal/deathcore)
Tears of Tragedy Wonder Arts (szimfonikus/melodikus power metal)
The Holy Mountain The Holy Mountain (sludge/stoner/doom metal)
Tinja Kelakar Kalpataru (brutal death metal/goregrind)
Überhate Sunyata (melodikus death/thrash/groove metal)
Überserker Ineffable Force of Will (blackened thrash metal)
Valtakunta Contemplation (black metal)
Verni Dreadful Company (heavy/thrash metal)
Vile Toad Art Vile Toad Art (progresszív death/thrash metal)
Void Witch Horripilating Presence (death/doom metal)
Wall of Palemhor Sing and Bleed (melodikus death metal/metalcore)
Warhead Barbarism T.E.R.R.O.R. (black/death metal)
Whitecrow Soul Elysium (stoner/doom metal)
Wormwitch Wormwitch (melodikus black metal)
Wraithfyre Of Fell Peaks and Haunted Chasms (szimfonikus black metal)
Zombie Ritual Day of the Zombie Demons (death/thrash metal)

Fémjelzés – a hét újdonságai (2024. július 15-21.)

Nyár derekán az alábbi lemezek jöttek napvilágra – az underground nem pihen! Szemezgessetek közöttük, hátha valamire felkapjátok a fejeteket.

A Day in Venice A Man Without a Name (gótikus/doom metal)
A Monumental Black Statue The Touch of the Moon with the Golden Veil (black metal)
Act of Creation Moments to Remain (death/thrash metal)
Alburnum The Withered Roots of Reality (atmoszferikus/folk black metal)
Aliicide Langostas Ascienden (black metal)
Almach The Whispers of the Desert (epikus/atmoszferikus black metal)
Ametropia Original Sin (death metal)
Anamura Passion (atmoszferikus black metal)
Antigua Antigua (melodikus black/death metal)
Argorok Obscurum (melodikus death/groove metal)
Ashenheart Faded Gold (black/death metal)
Assemble the Chariots Ephemeral Trilogy Episode 1… (szimfonikus death metal/deathcore)
Aszeloth Aszelothism 0.5 (melodikus death metal)
Aten Aten (doom/sludge metal)
AtmosFear Unkaged The Dearly Departed (thrash/heavy metal)
Beyond the End Kirotun sielun kadotukset (black metal)
Beyond the Red Moon In the Spectral Light (black metal)
Bloodstream Our World Blackened (black metal)
Bulezau Solitude (black metal/dungeon synth)
Carved in Blood Throughout an Ancient Ride (melodikus death metal)
Ceremony of Silence Hálios (blackened death metal)
Colmaar Eternel (post-metal)
Conglaciation Conglaciation (progresszív death metal)
Conjuring Odium (black metal)
Corotted Kill for Die For (thrash metal)
Craneo Del placer a la tumba (death/thrash metal)
Dark Heart Out of the Shadows (heavy metal)
Dark Misanthropy Southern Trumpets of War (black metal)
Death’s Cold Wind Apoteosis (Materialize the Horror) (death metal)
Declared Dead Necrodeist (black/death/thrash metal)
Deep Purple =1 (heavy metal/hard rock)
Dehumanaut Of Nightmares and Vice (melodikus death/thrash metal)
Demoledor M.U.E.P.E.C.A.P (grindcore/black metal/crust punk)
Demolisis Lethal Infection (thrash metal)
Diocletian Inexorable Nexus (black/death metal)
Divlje Jagode Prati moje stare tragove (heavy metal/hard rock)
Dusk Shrine Celestial Trauma (atmoszferikus black metal)
Ephialtis Ephialtis? (black metal)
Eternal Drak Imprisoned Souls (groove/thrash metal)
Evisceration Holocaust Putrid Sodomized Abomination (brutális death metal)
Excel Seeking Refuge (thrash metal/crossover)
Fading Echoes Shadow of Another (progresszív metal)
Favna Abisal La casa de los siete espejos (avantgárd metal/post-black metal)
Fearless End Echoes from an Endless War (black/thrash metal)
Fellwinter In Night’s Eternal Grasp (black metal)
Fenrir What We Take to Our Graves (black metal/dark ambient)
Fohatt Reflections of Emptiness (doom metal)
Frontera del Olvido Lost in the Darkness (atmoszferikus/depresszív black metal)
Gabriels Fist of the Seven Stars – Act 4… (melodikus heavy/progresszív metal)
Glass Ox A Celebration of Death (black/heavy metal/punk)
Hammer of Daemons Death Oath (thrash metal)
Harvestman Triptych: Part Two (neofolk/folk metal)
Historia Echoes of the Will (power/szimfonikus metal)
Horror Horror (death/thrash metal)
Hrobar Mŕtvy Ťah (thrash metal/crossover/crust)
Hrtkos Ognie twe kosy (black metal)
Immorium Rose Water Black (melodikus death metal)
Inner Strength Daydreaming in Moonlight (progresszív metal)
Inthuul Harbinger of Sorrow (black metal/dungeon synth)
Jupiter Cyclops Age of the UFOnaut (stoner/heavy metal/hard rock)
Kerkerengel …from a Dishonoured Grave (nyers black metal)
Köldnatt Köldnatt (atmoszferikus black/doom metal)
Kradyll Octopus Doctor (atmoszferikus black metal)
Kryptonian El fin de la raza humana (melodikus death metal)
Lamašhtu Längtan (gótikus/avantgárd rock/metal)
LeBaron Lebaron (thrash metal/crossover)
Midnight Whiskey Massacre Overwatch and Control (stoner metal/rock)
Minstrelix Minstrelics (power metal)
Moosegut …To Flowery Deaths (black metal)
Morbidead Die for the Forest (doom/death metal)
Mortido XI: Déjà Vu (nyers black metal)
Mortuorum Drifter of Dimensions (death/black metal)
Nachtyar Nacht yar (nyers atmoszferikus black metal)
Necrohol Antithesis (melodikus death metal/metalcore)
Necropsia Antorchas (grindcore/brutális death metal)
Necrotombs Gruesome Corpse Disposal (death metal)
Niftar Lacvs Asphar (black/death metal)
Nocturnal Flame Nocturnal Flame (black metal)
Nyctophagia Broken Human Kingdom (death metal/goregrind)
Occulta Veritas Irreducible Fear of the Sublime (avantgárd black metal)
Of Gods & Monsters Brace for Impact (heavy metal)
Of Gray …to Outside (melodikus death metal/metalcore)
Old Grief Far Away from Worthless Human’s Fawning (black metal)
Ombre Ombre (atmoszferikus black metal)
Open Surgery Absolute Destruction (death metal)
Orange Goblin Science, Not Fiction (stoner metal)
Outworld Fallen Angels (black metal)
Patriarchs in Black Visioning (southern/doom metal)
Perilous Grave Countess of Crimson Knights (szimfonikus black metal)
Raat Enchantment (post-rock/shoegaze/post-black metal)
Renegados Death Blade (thrash metal)
Sarajah Sarajah (doom metal)
Servants to the Tide Where Time Will Come to Die (epikus doom metal)
Silvaplana Sils Maria (experimental black metal)
SkyEye New Horizons (heavy metal)
Sledge Monster I Am (sludge/groove metal)
Spectral Decay Pleading for Eternal Night (black metal)
Speedfire Mørk Musikk (thrash/heavy metal)
The Depressick Faded.exe (atmoszferikus/depresszív post-black metal)
Thousand Limbs The Aurochs (doom/post-metal)
Todesstoß Das Liebweh-Dekret (black metal)
Treurnis Kilte (depresszív black metal)
Unholy Calamity IntraVenous: Evil in Our Blood (nyers black metal)
Upon the Altar Descendants of Evil (blackened death metal)
Uprising III (black metal)
Varkensstad Hennendal (progresszív metal)
Vhoyd I Am the Void (black metal)
Void of Nothingness Lost in Marble Forest and Ashes (experimental black metal)
Voidlung Maledictus Rex (doom metal)
Vrdrbr Verderber (black metal)
Warhammer666 Latae Sententiae Excommunicado (black metal)
Warhorse Paul Di’Anno’s Warhorse (heavy metal)
Witchery Suicide Useless Spell of an Angry Witch (atmoszferikus black metal)
Witchfukker Tapestry of Unspeakable Horrors (black/speed/thrash metal)
Worshipper One Way Trip (heavy metal)

Fémjelzés – a hét újdonságai (2024. július 8-14.)

Július második hetére tekintünk vissza az alábbi listával. Többek között, az alábbi korongok jelentek meg múlt héten.

Against Evil Give ‘Em Hell (heavy metal)
Aldheorte Where Gods Have Eyes to See (black metal)
Anser Midsummer Misery (depresszív/post-black metal/shoegaze)
Asfixiados Muerte A Todo (thrash metal/crossover/hc/punk)
Axxis Coming Home (melodikus heavy/power metal)
Barrowlands Tides (progresszív black metal)
Beastial Piglord The Floral Scent of Death (avant-garde sludge/doom metal)
Black Capricorn Sacrifice Darkness … and Fire (psychedelic doom metal)
Black Lava The Savage Winds to Wisdom (blackened death metal)
Blasfeme Black Legion (black metal)
Blastphemy Antropogenik (melodikus death/groove metal)
Blood Atonement The Spectre of Misery (black metal)
Blood Feast Infinite Evolution (thrash metal)
Carnalis Amatoria Amplecti Dolorem / Carpe Mortem (szimfonikus black metal)
Cell Shattering the Rapture of the Primordial Abyss (black metal)
Cephalotripsy Epigenetic Neurogenesis (slam/brutális death metal)
Cranial Disorder Congenital Depravity (brutális death metal)
Crown of Anguish Stalker at the Midian Gate (death metal)
Deadlife With Daylight Comes the Mourning (depresszív black metal)
Death by Exile Necrotic Tumorous Mutation (death metal)
Death Diver Without You (death metal)
Deep Silence Into the Deep (death metal)
Deface the Traitor Reign (death metal/deathcore)
Dhyana Tathagata (drone/doom metal)
Edesmennyt Journey to Inexistence (depresszív black metal)
Endless Floods Rites Futurs (sludge/drone/doom metal)
EON Eon (melodikus death metal)
Espectro de la Conciencia Fin del tiempo (sludge/doom metal)
Eternal Remembrance Tales of a Dying World (melodikus death/gótikus metal)
Forgotten Tomb Nightfloating (gótikus/black/doom metal)
Funeral Dawn Shadows and Rain (funeral doom metal)
Gingivectomy Screams of Nestleros (brutális death metal/deathcore)
Gorgonchrist And Justice for Balls (black metal/crust punk/industrial)
Grave Dogger Bark from the Grave (thrash metal/crossover)
Gripharium Surrender to the Absolute (technikás/progresszív death metal)
Grotesque Atrocity For a World Without Humans (brutális death metal)
Hexecaust Hexecaust (black metal)
Hideous Pit A Mental Note of all Exits (thrash metal/crossover)
Horcas El diablo (groove/thrash metal)
Indecent Excision Into the Absurd (brutális death metal)
Inverted Ascension Descension (black metal)
Jegulja Anguilla Guerrilla (stoner/doom metal)
Karnage Implicit Involution (death metal)
Lavandula Stranded in a Strangers Mind (stoner/doom metal)
Legions of the Night Darkness (heavy/power metal)
Leivato Illusory Nocturnal Captivity (szimfonikus gótikus metal)
Likno Likno (black metal)
Lunar Strain Иллюзия Свободы (melodikus death metal)
Luzbel Los hijos de Adán (heavy metal)
Mages Terror Damnation’s Sight (thrash/black metal)
Mana Nexus Arboreal Hypnagogia (atmoszferikus black metal)
Manananggal The Gates of Zion (stoner/doom/black metal)
Massacration Metal Is My Life (heavy metal)
M-Hunter The Speechless Ocean (progresszív death/gótikus metal)
Mithrandir Latlaús (black metal)
Mortifer Rage Plagues Requiem (brutális death metal)
Mortuary Ghoul Norman (brutális death metal)
Mortuorum Dragon Claws of Lightning (death/black metal)
Mothman and the Thunderbirds Portal Hopper (stoner/doom metal)
Murmuur Witches Congregate at Dusk (atmoszferikus/raw black metal)
Nadja Jumper (ambient drone/doom metal)
Obscene Agony & Wounds (death metal)
Occulticus Infinite Winter in the Glacial Mountains (black metal)
Ortha Возвращение (atmoszferikus black metal)
Otrere Odyssey of Agony (progresszív/doom metal)
Privity The Firmament (melodikus doom/death metal)
Project Silence The Void (industrial/melodikus death metal/elektronika)
Que Metal Animi Magnitudo (post-black metal)
Reaktion Justice Flies (thrash metal)
Rhaug Rhaug (szimfonikus death/black metal)
Sars Nothing Hurts Quite Like Life (grindcore/hardcore/death metal)
Scarcity The Promise of Rain (experimental black metal)
Scarlet Aura Rock-Stravaganza (szimfonikus heavy/power metal/rock)
Ścierwo Cienie naszych Cierpień (black/sludge metal/noise)
Seth La France des maudits (black metal)
Skelethal Within Corrosive Continuums (death metal)
Skvm Booze Ritual Occultism (black metal)
Slytherin Has Only Just Begun (atmoszferikus black metal)
Sorrowcrown Journey to the Other Side (black metal)
Speedfreak Hellspeed Rock n’ Roll (black/speed/thrash metal)
Spiral Grave Ill Repute (doom metal)
Storm Violent City (heavy metal)
Svartiskhysterik Erstes Blut aus Hass und Wut (black metal)
Tartness Fjordvind (death/heavy metal)
TenDead Traveler (southern metal)
The Black Spade …E do Fim Se Faz o Início (black metal)
The Last King Culling from Gods (melodikus death metal/deathcore)
The Lumbar Endeavor Protective Circles (doom/sludge metal)
Thirteen Goats Capricorn Rising (death/thrash metal)
Through Mists Branches (experimental black/death metal/djent)
Thy Woe To Soothe the Torment Etched on Thy Solemn Face (black metal)
Torturium Chamber (black metal)
Totengott Beyond the Veil (doom/black/thrash metal)
Towards Suicide Suicide Is the Only Solution (funeral doom/depresszív black metal)
Turbo Broke & Ugly (heavy metal)
Vanessa Funke Void (melodikus death/gótikus metal)
Vanhelgd Atropos Doctrina (death metal)
Voice Holy or Damned (melodikus power metal)
Vuur & Zijde Boezem (atmoszferikus post-black metal)
Wallop Hell on Wheels (heavy metal)
Werewolves Die for Us (technikás black/death metal)
When the Trumpet Blows Mind and Soul (death metal/grindcore)
WildFire Torment for Religion (blackened thrash metal)
Yellow Cross Mutant Bioterrorism in the New Era (death metal)
Zerschmetterte Hoffnung Der Wald ruft nach mir (black metal)

Fémjelzés – a hét újdonságai (2024. július 1-7.)

Nézzük csak, hogy a kánikulán kívül, mit tartogat számunkra a július. A hónap melső hetének megjelenéseire tekintünk vissza.

Aash Into Eternity (black metal)
Abstinency Fertilization of Divinities (brutális death metal)
Abysswalker A Spire at the Gates of Heaven (heavy metal)
Aeons The Ghosts of What We Knew (progresszív metal/metalcore)
Akhlys House of the Black Geminus (black metal)
Alkanza Hatred Lines (thrash/groove metal)
Amon Rudh Слёзы Иордана (melodikus black metal)
Angra Mainyu Per Oculus Serpentis (death/black metal)
Antichües Horrors of War (nyers black metal)
Antrodemus Conjuration (death metal)
Aposento No Safe Haven (death metal)
Armnatt Mountains Summoning (black metal)
Arx Atrata A Reckoning (atmoszferikus black metal)
Aspaarn When Iron Meant Survival (nyers black metal)
Autumnfall The Archaic Shadows (melodikus black metal)
Beneath the Ashes The Dawn of Ragnarok (black metal)
Black Circle Sorcery Suicide Under the Midnight Sun (black metal)
Black Hole Deity Profane Geometry (death metal)
Blood Resignation Realms of the Damned and Blessed (black metal)
Bloodcross Gravebound (black metal)
Bloody Flow Bloody Flow (stoner metal)
Bloody Run Decapitate the Tyrant (thrash metal/grindcore)
Boris Randall Something Wicked (southern/stoner metal/horror punk)
Cemetery Rapist From My Puddled Phallic Drip (brutális death metal/goregrind)
Circling Vultvre Spiritval Poisoning (blackened doom/death metal)
Congenital Only the Dead Have Seen the End of War (brutális death metal)
Connor Fog Slepeno misiju hronika (nyers black metal/experimental/ambient)
Crucifliction Trinity (speed/thrash metal)
Crushing Brain Cenizas (speed/thrash metal)
Cryptic Hatred Internal Torment (death metal)
Dawn of Purity Dawn Of Purity (nyers black metal)
Death Wrath An Angel Leading a Soul into Hell (black metal)
Divinationist Name of the Unspoken (black/death metal)
Divinemancy The Perished (power metal/shred)
Doomboyz Evil Riffs from Los Angeles (stoner metal/rock)
Duel Breakfast with Death (pszichedelikus doom/stoner metal/rock)
Dust Glosarium (progresszív death metal)
Ero Cras Thy Triumphant Gleam (black metal)
Erythrite Throne An Offering to the Night Serpent (black/doom metal/dungeon synth)
Ethereal War Infernal Battalion (black metal)
Evil Poetry In Anima Ethereum (black/death metal)
Exterminio Favsto (death metal)
Faustus Ode to the Rites of Worship (black metal)
Fearmonger Horrific Forms (grindcore/death metal/hardcore)
Foali Your Black Is My Yellow (alternatív/groove/heavy metal)
Fracture Chaos Alchemy (crossover/thrash metal)
Gorgia Distant Lands (stoner/doom metal)
Haadeen Marraskuu (black metal)
Hashe Formación de banderas (atmoszferikus black metal/ambient)
Hasturizm Kulten (nyers black metal/ambient)
Helpless Agony Universal Deterioration (death metal)
Holymountain Starvation Artist (black metal)
Hordes of Satan The Bleak Lodge (industrial doom metal)
Horned Almighty Contagion Zero (black metal)
Humanity’s End Plague of Cancers (death metal)
Hünengrab Apostates of the Solemn Promise (black metal)
Immortal Rotting Death Doom Mafia (death/doom metal)
Indocilis Poison the Hive (doom/sludge/death metal)
Indoctrinator Manufactured Chaos (melodikus death metal/metalcore)
Insane Desecration Visions of Horrific Decay (brutális death metal)
Isle of the Cross Faustus: The Musical (avantgárd/szimfonikus/technikás death metal)
Kilta Ikuisuuden pylväät (black/folk/heavy metal)
Kissin’ Dynamite Back with a Bang (heavy metal/hard rock)
Krallice Inorganic Rites (avantgárd black metal)
Kryptos Decimator (heavy/thrash metal)
Lamenting Satanas Scorn (blackened death metal)
Limbes Liernes (atmoszferikus black metal)
Liminal Shroud Visions of Collapse (black metal)
Lunar Eclipse Призрачный мир (melodikus death metal)
Madicide Madicide (thrash/groove metal)
Manaraga – Холодные воды (atmoszferikus black metal)
Mark of the Legion Death Smiles upon Us All (death metal)
Medra Shadows of the World (szimfonikus power metal)
Metal Abyss Frostfire Symphony (szimfonikus blackened death metal)
Metonic Ghostly Ship (heavy metal)
Mold Throne Mold Throne (melodikus death/doom metal)
Motivik Renouncement (melodikus thrash/heavy metal)
Nocturnal Wanderer The Evernight (black metal)
Nyktophobia To the Stars (melodikus death metal)
Octoploid Beyond the Aeons (melodikus progresszív death metal)
Of Deities and Dust Beyond This Place of Wrath and Tears (doom metal)
Old Horn Tooth Mourning Light (stoner/doom metal)
Ophidian Malice From Transcendence (black metal)
Orden Ogan The Order of Fear (power metal)
Outer Head Cosmic Vibrators (stoner/doom metal)
Paradoxo 1932 (thrash metal/crossover)
Partholón The Ocean Pours In (atmoszferikus sludge/post-metal)
Phoenix Ритуал (heavy/progresszív metal)
Piah Mater Under the Shadow of a Foreign Sun (progresszív death metal)
Prison Hell Terraformed Deathscapes (black/death metal)
Quasidiploid Deconstruction (avantgárd/technikás death metal)
Rancid Nut Sauce The Vile Nature of Existing (brutális death metal)
Regicide Resist Control (groove/thrash metal/HC)
Robot Monster Army Assembly Required (heavy metal)
Sacred Veil Sombras del nuevo eón (black metal)
Saturn’s Husk Hourglass of Human Ash (sludge/doom metal)
ScareTape People Peeler (death/black metal/grindcore)
Self Affliction (black/doom metal)
Sijjeel Affiliation of Horrid Containment (brutális death metal)
Slugs of Mars Invasion (blackened death/groove metal)
Solmyr Eternal Darkness Cathedral (black metal)
Spellgrinder Planet of the Vampires (heavy metal)
Starspawn of Cthulhu Alienum (doom metal)
Steal Spring Burial Ground (funeral doom metal)
Steinras Steinras (black metal)
Suffering Cult (black/death metal)
Sumac The Keeper’s Tongue (EP) (atmoszferikus sludge metal)
Surra Falha Crítica (crossover/thrash metal)
Swnw Mirage (industrial sludge metal)
Syndrome XP Стёртая нить (melodikus death metal)
Taurvi ΛBSΩLVTΣ (elektronika/ambient/black metal)
Terminal Sun All That Will Burn Is Already on Fire (death metal)
Tocha Fracturado (melodikus death metal)
Triddana Breaking from the Fold (kelta folk/power metal)
Ultra Mundum Nostri Assembly UMNA I : Mistaken by the… (black metal)
Unholy Altar Veil of Death! Shroud of Nite (black metal)
Unwelcome Soul Dried Petals (black/doom metal)
Utopyca Yltya de Syptar (progresszív metal)
Veneficus Sarcina Anachronisms II (black metal)
Vimur The Timeless Everpresent (black metal)
Visions of Atlantis Pirates II – Armada (melodikus/szimfonikus power metal)
Vulvodynia Entabeni (deathcore/brutális death metal)
Vvolfram Vvolfram (drone/doom metal)
War Crown Sacerdos Malus (death metal)
Witchpriest Covenant of the Witch (melodikus black metal)
Wormed Omegon (brutális/technikás death metal)
Xasthur Disharmonic Variations (neofolk/black metal)
Yawar Simi Legion saqra (black metal)

Fémjelzés – a hét újdonságai (2024. június 24-30.)

A rekkenő hőség nem szabott gátat a kreatívitásnak, hiszen remek albumok jelentek meg ezen a héten is. Érdemes szemfülesnek lenni.

200 Stab Wounds Manual Manic Procedures (death metal)
Aberrance Son of Dirt (death/groove metal)
Abiosis Hollowing the Mortal Form (death metal)
Aggressive by Nature Rebirth (thrash metal)
All the Cold Portal Makers (progresszív rock)
Altar of Oblivion In the Cesspit of Divine Decay (epikus heavy/doom metal)
Alyssa Blak Wind, Carry My Words (depresszív black metal)
Amarok Resilience (sludge/doom metal)
Angel Death From Deepest… (death metal)
Anvil One and Only (heavy/power metal)
Aran Maahan laskettu (atmoszferikus black metal)
Aria Inferno Insignificance (progresszív metal)
Arkon Arkon (heavy/doom metal)
Azanigin A Nexion Opened (black metal)
Black on High Echoes Through Time (doom/stoner metal)
Blunt Knife Castration Chewed Up and Spat Out (sludge/death metal)
Bridear Born Again (power metal/metalcore)
Cailleach Bheur Cailleach Bheur (epikus black metal)
Codename Demolition Power over Demons (death/thrash metal)
Commander Angstridden (death metal)
Condemner Male Patratis Sunt Atra Theatra Parata (blackened death metal)
Cosmic Lung Drifting Further (stoner/doom metal)
Crocell Of Frost, of Flame, of Flesh (black/death metal)
Crossfaith AЯK (elektronikus metalcore/melodikus groove metal)
Crystal Viper The Silver Key (heavy/power metal)
Dark Frost The Curse of Cruelty (black metal)
Dauðaró Frummyndir (funeral doom metal/drone/dark ambient)
Defecation of Putrid Blood Defecation of Putrid Blood (brutális death/thrash metal)
Desert Heretic Infernalis (black metal)
Dieselpest Lasterkadaver / Swarm Control (sludge/crust/doom metal)
Drift into Black Voices Beneath the Rubble (gótikus/doom metal)
Effluo Fucking Circus Effluo (black/doom metal)
Ende L’aube des anathèmes (black metal)
Ewige Eiche Erwachet (atmoszferikus/post-black metal)
Fragmentary Solid Abyss Fear’s Mask (melodikus black metal)
Gjendød Livskramper (black metal)
Goatflesh Goatflesh (black/death metal)
Hail Spirit Noir Fossil Gardens (progresszív/pszichedelikus rock/black metal)
Holy Shire Invincible (szimfonikus power metal)
Hourglass Voids and Visions (progresszív metal)
Ikarian Symphony of Grey (gótikus/doom metal)
Illdisposed In Chambers of Sonic Disgust (melodikus death/groove metal)
Kiloton Ruine radiante (black/death metal/noise)
Kirkebrann Mot trellenes forfall… (black metal)
Lavandula Event Horizon (stoner/doom metal)
Limbonic Art Opus Daemoniacal (szimfonikus black metal)
Llyr For Death’s the Only Victor (black metal)
Meltem Mare Nostrum (pszichedelikus doom metal)
Mýrdal Helvíti (black metal)
Neaera All Is Dust (melodikus death metal/metalcore)
Noxis Violence Inherent in the System (death metal)
Nymphrenia Love That Kills (depresszív/atmoszferikus black metal)
Open Flesh Wound Vile Putrefaction (slam/brutális death metal)
Orgone Pleroma (technikás death metal)
Overthrust Infected by Myth (death metal)
Pepel Lord of the Abyss (black metal)
Phantom Pain Dogma The Harvest (blackened post-metal)
Pia Isa Dissolve (pszichedelikus stoner/doom metal/shoegaze)
Rasknitt Hellgärt (black metal)
Runtuh Ambiguous Man (doom/sludge/post-metal)
Sabïre Jätt (heavy metal)
Saldo Desigual Moral Ensaio Sobre a Má Vontade (grindcore/death metal/HC punk)
Scheldt Canadian Atheistic Destruction (black metal)
Sear Bliss Heavenly Down (atmoszferikus black metal)
Sebastien Quo Vadis (melodikus power metal)
Shade of Sorrow Upon the Fields of Grief (melodikus death metal)
Shallow Existence Be Happy, Life Is Worth Living… (depresszív black metal)
Siculicidium A halál tengely (black metal)
Siculicidium Az elidegenedés melankóliája (black metal)
Solar Temple A Gift That Should Have Been Reserved… (atmoszferikus black metal)
Spawned from Hate Elective Amputation (brutális death metal)
Sphinx 900 Days of Ленинград (black/speed metal)
Stellar Tomb Souls at the Event Horizon (progresszív black/death metal)
Stillborn Netherworlds (gótikus/doom metal)
Sunbomb Light Up the Sky (heavy metal)
Svartland Under the Grim Night (black metal)
Texas Toast Chainsaw Massacre Super Turbo (crossover/thrash metal)
The Eternal Skinwalker (gótikus metal)
Thornspawn Coronation of the Supreme Beast (black metal)
Torkage The Fool (nyers black metal)
Tormentum Endless Village Winter (black metal)
Torvus Words Within (gótikus metal)
Trog Horrors Beyond (death metal)
Twist the Knife Twist the Knife (death/groove metal)
Under Victoria The Ephemeral (black metal)
White Stones Memoria Viva (progresszív death metal)
Winter Eternal Echoes of Primordial Gnosis (melodikus black metal)
Witchunters Time Is Running (thrash/heavy metal)
Wraith Fueled by Fear (blackened speed/thrash metal/punk)
Yelbegen Bilinçaltı (black metal)

Fémjelzés – a hét újdonságai (2024. június 17-23.)

Ezúttal sem hagyunk titeket emlékeztető nélkül. Az alábbi anyagok az elmúlt héten láttak holdvilágot. Izgalmas felhozatal, az biztos!

Abysmal Winds Magna Pestilencia (death metal)
Ad Nihil Заведомо ложные цели (doom/sludge metal)
Agion Death and Conceptual Terror (blackened death metal)
Aklash Reincarnation (progresszív black metal)
Alastor Nigdy nie było mnie tu (thrash/groove metal)
Alcest Les chants de l’aurore (post-black metal/shoegaze)
Ancient Entities Echoes of Annihilation (death metal)
Anthropophagus Depravity Demonic Paradise (brutális death metal)
Apocalyptic Leaders Exists in Chaos (black metal)
Aseethe The Cost (drone/doom metal)
Aussichtslos Schicksalstotschlag (black metal)
Autumns Eyes Grimoire of Oak & Shadow (melodikus death metal)
Battlesnake The Rise and Demise of the Motorsteeple (heavy metal)
Bestialgoat Infernal Goat of Extermination (black/death metal)
Black Spell Into Darkness (pszichedelikus doom metal)
Black Stars Falling Reliving a Memory (szimfonikus metal)
Blóð Mara (sludge/doom metal)
Brutally Deceased Chasms (death metal)
Cainites Revenant (melodikus death metal)
Catacomb Acanthocyte II: Scorned Life (death metal)
Cavalera Conspiracy Schizophrenia (groove/thrash/death metal)
Cerber Dead Born Sense (death metal)
Cobentrice Interdimensional Abhorrent Conquest (brutális death metal)
Codex Mortis Tales of Woe (black metal)
Construct of Lethe A Kindness Dealt in Venom (death metal)
Cosmic Vision In the Sign of Nature (progresszív/atmoszferikus black/melo-death metal)
Deception Never Ending Nightmare (thrash/groove metal)
Déçu ..Whirlwind (atmoszferikus black metal/ambient)
Derelict Versus Entropy (technikás death metal)
Dezperadoz Moonshiner (heavy/southern/thrash metal)
Eclíptyca Inmortal (heavy/power metal)
Egribor Ovva (atmoszferikus black metal)
Eldkling Scenes of the Deranged (melodikus power metal)
Escalation Ruins of the Falling World (melodikus death metal/metalcore)
Fade into Obscurity Mobbed out Mentions (black metal)
Feed Them Death The Malady (death metal/grindcore)
Fire Messiah The Slime from Whence Ye Came (nyers black metal)
Floating Worlds Skywatcher (melodikus progresszív metal/rock)
Galg Teloorgang (depresszív black/doom metal/drone)
Ghast Misanthropia Spectral Abomination (black metal)
Goatscrote Parasite Plague (black/death metal)
Gorgatron Sentience Revoked (death metal/grindcore)
Gory SDG Sinai (death metal)
Green Hog Band Fuzz Realm (pszichedelikus rock/stoner/doom metal)
Greenleaf The Head & The Habit (stoner rock)
Grim Colossus Descent into Madness (doom metal)
Grimoire Lovehunt (heavy metal)
Hatenwar In the Circle of Steel Shadows (black metal)
Hërpes Gran brujo (heavy metal/hard rock)
Horseburner Voice of Storms (stoner metal)
Humanity Out of Structure (death metal)
Hyperdontia Harvest of Malevolence (death metal)
Incendiarius ἄπορος (industrial metal)
Inherits the Void Scars of Yesteryears (atmoszferikus black metal)
Interceptor Tales of Mayhem (black/heavy/speed metal)
Invertia A Swindler’s Reprisal (industrial black metal)
Isfyd Throes of Celtic Vengeance (black metal)
It Doesn’t Get Better Homo Superior (doom/death metal)
Kaltsørg Humanity Upon the Funeral Pyre (funeral doom/death metal)
Kärv What the Dunes Have Hidden (black metal)
Kassus Maledictum Iter (drone/sludge/doom metal)
Kill the Con Man Rainbow Coalition (melodikus death metal/grindcore)
Kvaen The Formless Fires (black/pogány/viking metal)
Lamentia Fauna (atmoszferikus death/doom metal)
Last Step I Hate Myself (depresszív black metal)
Lavandula Beneath Reborn Skies (stoner/doom metal)
Liv Moon Circle of Life (szimfonikus power metal)
Los Suffers Espírito Mofado (doom/stoner/sludge/death metal)
Malachite Eye of the Storm (melodikus power metal/shred)
Markkheim Crimson Crush (death metal/grindcore)
Mechanyzed Ivy King (heavy/thrash metal)
Misandristic Mutilation Matriarchal Domination Through… (brutális death metal)
Morbid Necrotic Fairytales (black/death metal)
Morkerod Enlightenment (black metal)
Murmuur Smitten by a Wolf’s Tooth (atmoszferikus/nyers black metal)
Mylingen Under en svart himmel (melodikus black/death metal)
Myronath Inferno (black metal)
Necralant Cosmic Gallows (black metal)
Nihil Invocation Crestfallen Stronghold (black metal)
Nuclear Storm Good Morning Berlin (death/thrash metal)
Ogasawara The Age of Stars (black metal)
Ominous Torment Labyrinth of Perpetual Sorrow and Abandonment (black metal)
Osculum Obscenum Oscuros rituales del caos (death metal)
Ov Shadows Heresiarch (black metal)
Panachea Do As We Do (death metal/grindcore)
Pantheon Dead Existence (melodikus black/death metal)
Portrait The Host (heavy metal)
Prehistoric War Cult Barbaric Metal (black/death metal)
Primordial Serpent Triumphant Son of Darkness (black metal)
Putrified Degradation Manufractured (brutális death metal)
Release the Titans Odyssey (power metal)
Religious Observance 7 Years of Neglect (sludge/doom metal/noise)
Rendezvous Point Dream Chaser (progresszív metal/rock)
Replacire The Center That Cannot Hold (technikás death metal)
Rifflord 39 Serpent Power (doom metal/stoner rock)
Ruiny Vekov Balady čiernych nocí (black metal)
Sangre Negra Bastard Universal Blasphemy (black/thrash/death metal)
Sarke Endo Feight (black/thrash metal)
Sawtooth Invocation (death/thrash metal)
Seven Spires A Fortress Called Home (szimfonikus metal)
Seventh Dimension Of Hope & Ordeals (progresszív/power metal)
Sgt. Slime Excaligator (thrash metal/crossover)
Shadow Witch Eschaton (The End of All Things) (pszichedelikus stoner metal)
Silent Vigil Hope and Despair (melodikus doom/death metal)
Sirius Fueled by Rage (thrash metal/crossover)
Submundo Nas Profundezas da Alma (black/speed metal)
Sumac The Healer (atmoszferikus sludge metal)
Svartokunnighet A Blackened Shroud over Death (nyers black metal)
The Ghost Next Door Classic Songs About Death… (heavy/progresszív metal/rock)
The Scarlet Gospel From Grace to Ashes (atmoszferikus black metal)
Trewan Der Ewige Zyklus (black metal)
Unholy Craft Saa mørkt, saa mektig (black metal)
Valhexen Sons of the Black Serpent (szimfonikus blackened death metal)
Veln Veln (progresszív death/black metal)
Vigilante V (black/industrial metal)
Void Blight Monolith of Vortex Realms (blackened death metal)
Volt Misanthropolis (death/thrash metal)
Voraath Vol 1: The Hymn of the Hunters (death metal)
Vulgar Chaos The Edge of Sanity (groove metal/metalcore)
Vyrda Greip Brenning av likhalmen (black metal)
Wizzerd Kronia (stoner/doom metal)
Wrach Quae Infra Volo Videre (nyers black metal)
Wraithlord Phantasmal Warfare (black metal)
Zvijer Zvjerovanje (black metal)

Fémjelzés – a hét újdonságai (2024. június 10-16.)

Új lemezekkel jelentkezünk a múlt hét kínálatából. Számtalan műfajban képviselteti magát az underground; hátha akad olyan album, amelyre felhívhattuk a figyelmeteket.

Angel Sword World Fighter (heavy metal)
Another Dimension Worship Death (melodikus death metal)
AntiFlesh Hosanna (black metal)
Apes Penitence (black metal/grindcore)
Arcem Arrival at Grief (doom/post-metal)
Astral Fortress Depression (atmoszferikus black metal)
Axel Rudi Pell Risen Symbol (heavy/power metal/hard rock)
Be Under Arms Darkness Behind the Wall (groove metal/metalcore)
Blasphemize DEMODE (black metal)
Blodsjord I (black metal)
Bloodfrozen Bloodfrozen (black metal)
Bogmonster Servants of the Necrosect (death/doom metal)
Bus the Unknown Secretary We Are the Night (heavy/doom metal/hard rock)
Cadaverous Condition Never Arrive, Never Return (death metal/neofolk)
Cry (technikás death metal)
Crypt Sermon The Stygian Rose (epikus doom metal)
Dagoba Different Breed (groove/industrial metal)
Daimonos Murder (death metal)
Dancing Devilry Voltairine (black metal)
Darkend Viaticum (black metal)
Darkened Defilers of the Light (death metal)
Dendera Mask of Lies (heavy metal)
Deprived Existence Diabolical Dissonance (technikás brutális death metal/grindcore)
Destral Alça la destral (heavy metal)
Doömzday Slaves are not allowed to paradise (groove/heavy metal)
Dreamslain Forge of Rebellion (progresszív metal)
El Jefazo Colisión Brutal (stoner/doom metal/rock)
Elemental Nightburn (black metal)
Embryonic Autopsy Origins of the Deformed (death metal)
Encantarya Sonatas do Reino Eco (gótikus/doom metal)
Erzsébet Six Hundred and Fifty (szimfonikus black metal)
Eternal Messiah The Hour Has Struck (blackened thrash metal)
Evil Disorder Evilution (thrash metal)
Eynomia Sea of Tears (melodikus heavy metal)
Favna Abisal La casa de los siete espejos (avantgárd metal/post-black metal)
Fellwarden Legend: Forged in Defiance (atmoszferikus black/folk metal)
Fierced Innocence Beyond the Realms (death metal)
Filosopheme Resistensi Misantropi (atmoszferikus black metal)
Fu Manchu The Return of Tomorrow (alternatív/stoner metal)
Golgotha Spreading the Wings of Hope (melodikus doom/death metal)
Gormoth Life, Death and the Universe (atmoszferikus black metal/ambient)
Gulguhk Pillé, vendu et trahi (black metal)
H V N W R D . Demiurgic Forces (depresszív/atmoszferikus black metal)
Hangman’s Hymn Life Is Not a Miracle (black metal)
Hate Them All III (black metal)
Hatskrømt Skarpretter (black metal)
Hellset Shepherd of the Blind (thrash metal)
Hexen House Retributiones Maleficarum Mallei (black metal)
Hizaki The Zodiac Sign (szimfonikus/neoclassical power metal)
Holorem No Trace (death/doom metal)
Huaykil Renacer (heavy meta/hard rock)
Human Zoo Echoes Beyond (melodikus heavy metal/hard rock)
Hybreed Chaos Subliminal Abyssal Carnage (brutális death metal)
Impact Approved Way of the Warrior (melodikus death metal)
Indulgence Grim Times (thrash/groove metal)
Ira Tenax Dark Awakening (death/heavy metal)
Ixion Restriction (EP) (atmoszferikus/doom metal)
Jan Gonzalez Blackcore (black metal)
Julie Christmas Ridiculous and Full of Blood (alternatív/post-metal)
Kerasfóra Six Nights Beyond the Serpent’s Threshold (atmoszferikus black metal)
Leviaethan D-Evil in Me (thrash metal)
Lucifer’s Hammer Be and Exist (heavy metal)
Malignancy …Discontinued (brutális technikás death metal)
Merged in Abyss Ave Exitium (black/death metal)
Miasmic Serum Infected Seed (death metal)
Millennial Reign World on Fire (melodikus power metal)
Miško Boba Gedulas ir viltis (black metal)
Mono Oath (post-rock)
Mortal Profecia From the Ashes (death metal)
Mythologik Blood in the Sky (thrash/melodikus death metal)
Naakhum Llums i ombres (blackened folk metal)
Nefarious Spirit Final Breath (black metal)
New Horizon Conquerors (power/heavy metal)
Paradise in Flames Blindness (black metal)
Paraplexia Disgorging the Faith (brutális death metal)
Perchta D’Muata (black/folk metal)
Pipe Dreamer The Past Is Just a Memory (doom/post-metal)
Planestrider Hymn of the Void (stoner metal/rock)
Plutonian Khaos Those Who Shall Arrive (nyers/atmoszferikus black metal)
Questing Beast Birth (progresszív/heavy metal)
Regere Sinister Inside the Eye of Horned Winds (black metal)
Rezn Burden (pszichedelikus doom/stoner metal)
RivetSkull Abscence of Time (heavy metal/hard rock)
Royal Rage Evolve (thrash metal)
Scheldt Gloire au Canada! Gloire aux libérateurs! (black metal)
Shamash Done with Misery (melodikus/blackened death/power metal)
Sibiir Undergang (post-hardcore/post-metal)
Siroll! Al Gra! (death/thrash metal)
Slave to Sirens Echoes of Silence (thrash/death metal)
Spasmobliteratism Inhuman Bestiality (thrash metal)
Spydor Spydor (thrash metal)
SuicidalGrind Paranormal Mind (power/death metal)
Sunburst Manifesto (power/progresszív metal)
Survscale Ashes of Valor (black/death metal)
Tortharry Paměť kamenů (death metal)
Torture Pig A Lesson in Depravity (brutális death metal/goregrind/grindcore)
Towards Suicide Whispers of Anxiety (funeral doom/depresszív black metal)
Tremor Морок (szimfonikus black metal)
Triumph, Genus Eugenika (black metal)
Ulcerate Cutting the Throat of God (avantgárd/technikás death metal)
Ungodless Servant the Creations (black metal)
Utarm Concrete God of the Scorched Earth (experimental black metal/noise/drone)
Uvkir The Dark Fortress (melodikus death metal)
Vendel Out in the Fields (epikus heavy/doom metal)
VoidKeeper Of Rotten Flesh and Withered Bone (blackened death metal)
Vrazorth Emergence (black metal)
Wist Strange Balance (progresszív black metal)
Wound Death upon Idle Hands (depresszív black metal)
Wurgilnõ Krijtland (black metal)
Xeneris Eternal Rising (szimfonikus/power metal)

Fémjelzés – a hét újdonságai (2024. június 3-9.)

Bő százharminc új lemezt tereltünk egy tető alá az alábbi felsorolásban – mind az elmúlt egy hétben jelentek meg. Ahogy az lenni szokott, ezúttal is van miből válogatni.

Abyssal Glacial (funeral doom metal)
Ad Patres Unbreathable (death metal)
Æthĕrĭa Conscĭentĭa The Blossoming (atmoszferikus progresszív black metal)
Against the Seasons If the Ocean Could Sing (atmoszferikus folk/doom/post-metal)
AlNamrood Al Aqrab (black/folk metal)
Amen Corner Written by the Devil (black metal)
Anges de la Mort Notre tombeau grand ouvert (black metal)
Apocalyptica Plays Metallica Vol. 2 (szimfonikus heavy metal/rock)
Ashes Reborn In Captivity (death/thrash metal)
Astharoth Cosmos and Chaos (technikás thrash metal)
Bloody Exitation El fin justifica los miedos (thrash metal)
Blynd Unbeliever (heavy/thrash metal)
Bong Coffin Labyrinthine (stoner/doom/sludge metal)
Borne of Ash From the Dark, They Came (atmoszferikus death/doom metal)
Brazen Tongue Of Crackling Embers and Sorrows Drowned (melo-death/thrash metal)
Butchery of Terror Invasión apocalíptica (black/death metal)
Candy It’s Inside You (hardcore)
Chucktallica Chucktallica (thrash metal)
Cowardice Atavist (sludge/doom metal)
Crowheart Misanthropy & Nature (melodikus szimfonikus death metal)
Cyanide – Dark Dreams and Yllusions (black metal/punk)
Dead Memory Embrace the Soil (doom/sludge metal)
Desolvation The Art of Dissection (death metal/grindcore)
Desperatio Dei Desperatio Dei (black metal)
Devilish Art Temple of Sin (black/death metal)
Doom Temple Moonrock Chronicles (sludge/stoner/doom metal)
Dope Smoker Wolf’s Castle (stoner/doom metal)
Dozethrone The Longer the Suffering (doom/sludge metal)
Dysrhythmia Coffin of Conviction (progresszív metal/math rock)
Eirð The Voidchaser’s Destiny – Part I: Hope (ambient doom/post-metal)
Elegists Lueurs (progresszív death metal)
Eons Aura Hybris-Nemesis-Death (death/black metal)
Ernte Weltenzerstörer (black metal)
Espèrros Chevalier espèrros (black metal)
Evercloud From Light to Eternity (melodikus doom/death metal)
Evergrey Theories of Emptiness (progresszív/power metal)
Factory of Art Back to Life (progresszív heavy/power metal)
FebryThor Tidak Begitu Kejam (death metal)
Fecundation Moribund (technikás/brutális death metal)
Filesharemaiden Veuve (technikás death metal/grindcore)
Filthspectre Mutilation (death metal)
Fiorina 161 Archeon Prime: Cloud City (melodikus black/doom metal/elektronika)
Forevercold Hamvaim fújja a szél (atmoszferikus black metal)
Fractal Generator Convergence (experimental black/death metal/grindcore)
Fugitive Wizard Apocrypha (nyers black metal/ambient)
Glass Coffin Black Curse of Terror (black metal)
Glyph Odes of Wailing, Hymns of Mourning (black metal)
Goety The Horned God (atmoszferikus black metal)
Gorgon Vomit Skeng Down Jah (death metal)
Grand Delusion The Unspoken (heavy/doom metal/hard rock)
Grand Demise of Civilization The Blaze of Abaddon (black metal)
Guros Earthless (progresszív doom metal)
Gurt Satan Etc (sludge metal)
Hajotos Ultimus Manifesto (death/doom metal)
Hammurabi Numbers (thrash/death metal)
Helios Cenizas del caos (heavy metal)
His Name Alone The Narrow Path (black metal)
Holy Mother Rise (heavy/power metal)
Holycide Towards Idiocracy (thrash metal)
Houle Ciel cendre et misère noire (black metal)
Huntsmen The Dry Land (sludge/doom/post-metal)
Ieschure When the Darkness Comes (black metal)
Illyria Wanderlust (atmoszferikus black/post-metal)
Immortal Disfigurement King (szimfonikus deathcore)
Incipient Chaos Incipient Chaos (black metal)
Inconcessus Lux LucisTemples Colliding in Fire (black metal)
Intranced Muerte y metal (heavy metal)
Ježura Outsider Metal (heavy metal)
Khasm Theater of War (sludge metal)
Kinahmi Birth of the Nine Diseases (black metal)
Konetska Northern Marauders (blackened death metal)
Königreichssaal Psalmen’o’delirium (doom/black metal)
Kréen Ecos de olas, céfiros y llamaradas (black metal)
Lochwood Tower Border Reivers (nyers black metal)
Milford Mocs & Gunther Cucs Cremem los putos bancs (heavy/power metal)
Möebius Kryptomnesia (progresszív metal/rock)
Monumental Discharge Cesspit Earth (slam/brutális death metal)
Mrok Itinerant King (black metal)
Mythraeum Oblivion Aeternam (black metal)
NailGun A Bad Place for Bad People (sludge metal)
Nenavist Raw Symphony of Evil Vol. 2 (atmoszferikus black metal/ambient)
Nightmare Encrypted (heavy/power metal)
Noroth Sacrificial Solace (death metal)
Numento The Antimatter Fantasy (extreme progresszív metal)
Odio Deus Spiritual Syphilis (black metal)
Oeste Tiempo de fingir (heavy/thrash metal/hard rock)
Ofanim La torre oscura (blackened death metal)
Okular Regenerate (melodikus progresszív death metal)
Or Not Violence & Grace (thrash/power metal)
Ordalie Indifferent Universe (black metal)
Oubliette Eternity Whispers (melodikus black metal)
Rampant Beast Into the Infernal Pyre (black/speed/thrash metal)
Sarke Endo Feight (black’n’roll)
S.T.R.A.H. Nocturnal Exorcist (black/death/doom metal)
Scorched Earth The Day of the Damned (death metal)
Serrabulho Piss & Love (grindcore/death metal)
Severe Torture Torn from the Jaws of Death (death metal)
Shadow of the Talisman As Above, So Below (heavy/thrash metal)
Sinpekado 7 (thrash/death metal)
Skull Carving Ignes Inferni (death/black metal)
Skullsplitter Cosmic Horror (melodikus death/thrash metal)
Sons of Arrakis Volume II (stoner/doom metal/rock)
Sphere Objet violent non identifié (black metal)
Stryper To Hell with the Amps (heavy metal/hard rock)
Swelling Repulsion Fatally Misguided (progresszív/melodikus death metal)
Synchronical Rebuilt (progresszív metal)
Terminal Function The Symbiont (technikás death metal/djent)
Thanatotherion Alienation Manifesto (black metal)
Torturers’ Lobby Deadened Nerves (black/death metal/punk)
Trendkill Половен Crossover (thrash metal/crossover)
Tyrant Emperor Rotten and Evil (death/thrash metal)
Vaara – Vaara (sludge/post-metal)
Valhalore Beyond the Stars (epic folk metal)
Vargskelethor Blasted Residuals (thrash/death metal)
Vermiforme Sacrvm Foetvm (sludge/doom metal)
Vexxum Lost in Infinity (thrash metal)
Vimur The Timeless Everpresent (black metal)
Void Commander Alien Queen (pszichedelikus stoner/doom metal/rock)
Void Moon Dreams Inside the Sun (doom metal)
Vomit the Soul Massive Incineration (brutális death metal)
Wahn Verbrannte Erde (post-black metal)
Watcher Key to the Unbreachable (heavy metal)
Web Burden of Destiny (progresszív thrash/doom metal)
Weedevil Profane Smoke Ritual (stoner/doom metal/rock)
Widertod Anemoia (melodikus black metal)
Winter Miners Underground Minecraft Black Metal, Vol 2 (nyers black metal)
Withering Surface Exit Plan (melodikus death metal)
Wojtyla In Nomine Tenebris (heavy metal)
WyndRider Revival (stoner/doom metal)
Zørza Hellven (post-black metal)