Fémjelzés – a hét újdonságai (2025. feb. 24 – márc. 2.)

Így nézett ki a múlt hét friss anyagok megjelenése terén. Lehet szemezgetni, hátha akad benne kedvetekre való muzsika.

Act of Impalement Profane Altar (doom/death metal)
Ad Hominem Totalitarian Black Metal (black metal)
Addicted Time Is Endless (melodikus heavy metal)
Afflicta Origin of Sorrow (technikás death metal)
Akllasqa Akllasqa Huknin (death metal/grindcore)
Aloys Fudanshi クソガキ (blackened death metal)
Alyksir Devourer (melodikus death metal)
Antagonizör Edgelords from Hell (heavy metal/punk)
Architects The Sky, The Earth & All Between (metalcore/hardcore)
Arion The Light That Burns the Sky (szimfonikus power metal)
Arkaist Aube noire (black metal)
Ashen Pall The Elegy of Waning Mortality (doom/death/black metal)
Astral Moon Deus Ex Machina (doom metal)
Atdemacia Order of the Black Rose (technikás death metal)
Avantasia Here Be Dragons (power metal)
Avatar of Hate Necrotic Awakening (szimfonikus death metal)
Avlak Blasphemous (thrash metal)
Besatt Renselse (avantgárd black metal)
Billowing Fog Life Illusion (doom/black metal)
Bisonte Mother Tempest (stoner/doom/sludge metal)
Black Spine Akeda (black metal)
Blown Apart Blown Apart (slam/brutális death metal)
Blue Collar War Artificial Unintelligence (thrash/death/groove metal)
Blunt Knife Castration Live Fast Die Slow (sludge/death metal)
Brainstorm Plague of Rats (heavy/power metal)
Brazen Wretch Heeding the Wicked Doctrine (death metal)
Bronco Bronco (stoner/doom metal)
Buried Faith Blackened Skies, Open Graves (thrash metal)
Cannibal Abortion Carnivorous Metamorphosis (brutális death metal)
Cannibal Accident Disgust (death metal/grindcore)
Carcinomic Unknown Functions (death metal)
Caustic Phlegm Purulent Apocalypse (death metal)
Celestial Scourge Observers of the Inevitable (brutális/technikás death metal)
Chemicide Violence Prevails (thrash metal)
Christ Dismembered Ov Vampiricy (black metal)
Chronolit Exodus Protocol (melodikus death metal)
Coedwig Machen Objects of Dolwen (atmoszferikus black metal)
Crown of Madness Memories Fragmented (death metal)
Dan Baune’s Lost Sanctuary Harbiger of Chaos (melodikus thrash/power metal)
Darghl Satan Obscure. Reborn (black metal)
Dayglo Mourning Devourer (stoner/doom metal)
Destroyers of All In Darkness We Remain (progresszív death/groove metal)
Devil’s Gateway Shreds of Life (death/doom metal/crust)
Dimman Consciousness (melodikus death metal)
Dodengod Heralds of a Dying Age (death/black/doom metal)
Drôvich Weagen fan pine (black/death/thrash metal)
Duelliste Duelliste (black metal)
Emissary Eldritch (thrash/death metal)
Everlore Hope and Turmoil (power metal)
Evilizers Lord of the Lost Souls (heavy metal)
Exileth Death of the Almighty (death metal)
Faded Colors Morgellons Disease (nyers black metal)
Fairy Duster Far from Light and Time (doom/post-metal)
Fast Food Eat ‘Em All (crossover/thrash metal)
Fenris Vrede Blot (melodikus death metal)
Freedomination Until the Lights Go Out (thrash metal)
Frightful What Lies Ahead (death/thrash metal)
German García Monsterpiece (melodikus progresszív metal)
Gnadenthron Praehistoria (viking/black metal)
Goat Serpent Mors Deorum Omnium (nyers black metal)
Gólgota Message from the Baphomet (stoner/doom metal)
Gorganera Maledictus (death/black metal)
Grave Infestation Carnage Gathers (death metal)
Gravecloud A Tear in the Veil (szimfonikus/melodikus death metal)
Great Tribulation Latter Realities (death/black metal)
Grima Nightside (atmoszferikus black metal)
Hail Conjurer Order of Disgrace (black metal)
Hallucivore Shrouded in Exogaian Petrichor (black/death metal)
Hartlight The Triumph of Metal (szimfonikus/power metal)
Havukruunu Tavastland (pogány black metal)
Helslakt Corruption 2.0 (black metal)
Hesychast For Whom We Sing New Troparia (black metal)
Hevisaurus Maailmankiertueella (heavy/power metal/hard rock)
Hound of Zeus Herald of the Primal Forces (melodikus black metal)
Høvding Ignorantia (death/groove/viking metal)
Insanity Cult Κάθοδος (black metal)
Insanity Storm Eternal Winter (black metal)
Internal Chronicles Boundless Night (black/doom metal)
Ironrat Beneath It All (groove/stoner metal)
Jaundice Infernal Demise (death metal)
Kalapács Ezerből egy (heavy/speed metal)
Kaldr Nordlys (nyers black metal)
Küenring In Search of Paradise (heavy/speed metal/hard rock)
Light Dweller The Subjugate (death/black metal)
Lightning Swells Forever Delirium (heavy/doom metal/hard rock)
Luciferion Son of Lucifer’s Return (nyers black metal)
Massacre Mermaid in a Manhole (EP) (death metal)
Mepahze Memento Mori (black metal)
Mesmeric Kasta Jiwa Baja (black metal)
Metaphobic Deranged Excruciations (death metal)
Misanthropic Festering Nihilistic Hatred (death metal)
Morbid Instinct Kingdom Of Decay (technikás death metal/deathcore)
Muskeg Charnel Decomposition Part 4: Livor Mortis (black/death metal)
Naxatras V (pszichedelikus rock)
Nefasto Misantropía (sludge metal/crust)
Night Immorality (black metal)
Norwalk Psycho Mirror (thrash/groove metal)
Occulticus Demonic Goat Inferno (black metal)
Ocultum Buena muerte (funeral doom/sludge/stoner metal)
Ofnus Valediction (atmoszferikus/melodikus black metal)
Old Skin Wails of Ten Thousand (grindcore/sludge metal)
Ophicvs Steel Beast (black/heavy metal)
Oscura Enfrenta tus males (heavy metal)
Owlbear Feather & Claw (heavy metal)
Pale Epiphany Pale Epiphany (progresszív metal/rock)
Primrose Path Ruminations (progresszív metal/rock)
Profanvm Blasphemer (black metal)
Public Grave Grotesque Mutations (death metal)
Red Eye III (pszichedelikus doom/stoner metal)
Rise of Tyrants The Chronicles of Cardinal Pablo Mendoza (death/groove metal)
Risen Crow Requiem for a Damned Love (melodikus power metal)
Rising of Denial Damnation Again (melodikus death/groove metal)
Ritual Ascension Profanation of the Adamic Covenant (death/doom metal)
Ruinous Power Extreme Danger: Prototype Weaponry (black/death metal)
Sadistic Duty Blessing (melodikus power metal/hard rock)
Sagrat Perdidos en el tiempo (heavy metal, hard rock)
Saint Godfather The Warning Signs (heavy/groove metal/hard rock)
Sanghrial Human Depletion (death metal)
Schavot Verstrikt in Halflicht (black metal)
Scimitar Scimitarium I (heavy metal/punk)
Seidhr Dracanthropy (black/thrash metal)
Sepulchral Curse Crimson Moon Evocations (blackened death metal)
Serenity in Murder Timeless Reverie (szimfonikus/melodikus black/death metal)
Sheglapes Mother (power metal)
Shereign Black Halo (melodikus groove metal/hard rock)
Sight of Emptiness Above the Noise (melodikus death metal)
Soulers The Swan (drone/doom/stoner metal)
Spoiled Collapse (thrash metal/hardcore)
Stress Test Stress Test (crossover/thrash metal)
Stvoły The Test of the Bitter Lands (atmoszferikus/nyers black metal)
Sundowner Deconstructed (post-black metal)
Surgical Invasion Death Before Dishonor (thrash metal)
Svor But Where Is Home (depresszív black metal)
Ter Ziele Embodiment of Death (blackened sludge/post-metal)
The Apparitionist MMXXV (black/death/gótikus/industrial metal)
Theren The End of All There Is (black/death metal)
Timecode La ruptura del equilibrio (death metal)
Torture Everlasting Land of Depravity (brutális death metal/grindcore)
Toughness Black Respite of Oblivion (death metal)
Tubal Cain Slime Abyss (black metal)
Tyhjä -III- (black metal)
Uhripuu Korpi kutsuu (black metal)
Uncion Vade Retro Semper Dio (death metal)
Unholy Impurity Oculus Mortis (black metal)
Vacuous In His Blood (death metal)
Venomous Echoes Dysmor (black/death metal)
Visualis Rites of the Eclipse (melodikus heavy/groove metal)
Vječna Šuma The Stormbound Curse (blackened death/folk metal)
Voodus Emanating Sparks (black metal)
Vultur Cultores de perdas e linna (black metal)
Wanton Attack Brinnande jord (heavy metal)
Wizards Бесконечные бездны скитаний (szimfonikus/doom/heavy metal/ambient)
Xerces Muda (nyers black metal)
Year of the Cobra Year of the Cobra (pszichedelikus doom metal/rock)
Zeit Conception of Time (groove metal)
Ψυονξηε Inferiority Faith of Fabrication (甓地鬼哭) (black metal)