Fémjelzés – a hét újdonságai (2025. február 10-16.)

Az aktuális hét vadonatúj megjelenéseit listáztuk nektek az alábbiakban. Aktívan dohog az underground katlan, a szikrákat azonban nekünk kell kihalászgatni.

Anguish Project What’s Believing? (heavy metal)
Apocalypse Orchestra A Plague upon Thee (medieval folk/doom metal)
Apocalyptic Leaders Epitome of the Damned (black metal)
Ashen Fields So Haggard and So Woe-Begone (szimfonikus death metal)
Ashes of Old Desolation (black metal)
Aspaarn Oblations in Atrocity (nyers black metal)
Astral Pigs The Uncomplete Offering (stoner/doom metal)
Atlas Ashes New World (melodikus death metal)
Bakunawa Ritwal (death/doom metal)
Benighted in Sodom Fringes of Destiny (experimental black/doom metal/rock)
Black Narcissus There Lingers One Who’s Long Forgotten (post-rock/metal)
Black Witchcraft Stare into the Blackest Depths of Hell (black metal)
Bronze Hall Honor & Steel (epikus black metal)
Cantu Ignis The Fathomless Dominion (szimfonikus/melodikus death metal)
Carcolh Twilight of the Mortals (doom metal)
Carnal Blood Death Awaits (death metal)
Cattle Hammer Cattle Hammer’s „Methlehem” (drone/doom/sludge metal)
Cavernous Ancestral Throes (doom/sludge/stoner metal)
Chaos Inception Vengeance Evangel (death metal)
Comatose The Unhallowed Congregation (death metal)
Dawn of Solace Affliction Vortex (gótikus/doom metal)
Death Cult Death Cult MMXXV (sludge metal/hardcore)
Death of Antares To Decay (progresszív metal)
Deathgod Luciferi Soundtrack of Genocide Propaganda (nyers black metal)
Decline of the I Wilhelm (post-black metal)
Defaced Humanity Bonecrusher (death metal)
Délirant Thoughteater (black metal)
Dernier Souffle Abyss (atmoszferikus black metal)
Die Tonight Fall to Ruin (progresszív/melodikus death metal)
Dødskamp Nitescence (atmoszferikus black metal)
Dolchstoß Propaganda der Tat (black metal)
Dusk Negative Visions of Total Self-Destruction (doom/black metal)
Dynazty Game of Faces (heavy/power metal, hard rock)
Enemy Ripper (heavy/power metal)
Enviro-Metal Garbage Estável (industrial black/death metal)
Exutory Post Scaenae (progresszív death metal)
Fell Omen Invaded by a Dark Spirit (black metal/punk)
Felon Pneuma Stillborn Wanderer (black metal)
Festin Fecal Gastro-nomique (experimental grindcore/death metal)
Frothing Vile and Debased (brutális death metal/grindcore)
GallBladder Virus Rotted Minds (death metal)
Garden of Darkness Psychosomatic (progresszív power/gótikus metal)
Gore Animal In the Name of Brutality (brutális death metal)
Gore Impurity Suffering on Earth Execution (slam/brutális death metal)
Gregorious Absolutely Nothing (thrash/death metal)
Guerrero Eterno Witching Thrash (thrash metal)
Hangman’s Chair Saddiction (gótikus/doom metal)
Helpless Agony Absurd Populace (death metal)
Hessian Fire Of the Faceless Seer (nyers black metal)
Highborne Dreamweaving (atmoszferikus black metal)
Horoh Horde of Horror (death metal)
Ignis Tellus Ode (black metal)
Infernal Flame The Grave (death/black metal)
Ironweed Phantasmagoric (stoner metal/rock)
Kettensprenger Niedergang der letzten Sonne (black/death/thrash metal)
Klastos Born to Ruin (doom/sludge/stoner metal)
Korkvak The Fall of the Gods (black metal)
Kosuke Hashida Outrage (thrash/death metal/grindcore)
Kryptan Violence, Our Power (atmoszferikus black metal)
Lacuna Coil Sleepless Empire (alternatív rock/metal)
Lesath Cold Silence (post-black metal/shoegaze)
Löanshark No Sins to Confess (heavy metal)
Mantar Post Apocalyptic Depression (sludge/black metal)
Mantric Momentum Alienized (power metal)
Mastord Lemmon lintu (progresszív metal)
Mellom The Empire of Gloom (black metal)
Morbid Skewered Beyond (black/death metal)
Mörkvind Versunkenes Reich (atmoszferikus black metal)
Möuth Global Warning (doom/post-metal)
My Elegy Void (melodikus death metal/metalcore)
Naturectomy Nature’s Copro-Terrestrial Revenge (slam/brutális death metal)
Nightrule Luciferaeon (black metal)
Novarupta Astral Sands (blackened sludge metal)
Oxtall Enter the Nigaj (melodikus black/death metal)
Phear Save Our Souls (heavy/thrash metal)
Prehistoria Cryptic Halo (power metal)
Pusta Noc Speculo Magicas (atmoszferikus black metal)
Putrid Impetus Fatal Necrotic Ecstasy (brutális death metal)
Quiet River Aeolian Chamber (blackened heavy metal)
Ranzer Leidkultur (death/thrash metal/crust)
Rectal Smegma To Serve and Protect (goregrind/brutális death metal)
Rioghan Kept (alternatív/gótikus/progresszív metal)
Rotten Age Funeral March (black metal)
Sandekala Gerbang Gelap (gótikus/black metal)
Savage Lands Army of the Trees (heavy metal)
Seeker Seeker (doom/stoner metal)
Septicflesh Amphibians (EP) (atmoszferikus/szimfonikus death metal)
Sepülcro Cut, Rip, Chop, Break (death metal)
Serpentyne Tales from the Dark (szimfonikus/folk metal/rock/középkori folk)
Siniestra María Poetas de un mundo muerto (death/thrash metal)
Skycrater Subversion (heavy metal)
Soah Eternal Deathforms (death metal)
Soerd Keldrikojast (black metal)
Subscum Massgrave Summit (grindcore/death metal)
Suffocating Empathy Ancient Truths (black metal)
Teryky Beyond the Absence of Light (post-metal)
Throne Ossarium (sludge/stoner/southern metal)
Trephining Cranial Offerings (death metal)
Under the Night Sky Anneliese (1952-1976) (atmoszferikus/avantgárd black metal)
Vadok Desecrating All Forms of Life (nyers black metal/dungeon synth)
Ventr Ubique Diaboli Voluntas (black metal)
Vermilia Karsikko (atmoszferikus pogány/black metal)
Warlung The Poison Touch (stoner/doom metal)
WitchCliff The Darkest Road (sludge/stoner/doom metal)
With Blood Comes Cleansing With Blood Comes Cleansing (deathcore)
Yajtay Wiñay Yachay (black metal)
Zenoxis I Dream of the End (slam/brutális death metal)
Zod Vistrg Necrophoric Dirge (black/death/progresszív metal)
Zxui Moskvha Desecration Paradigm (black metal)