Josefstadt 2021
Josefstadt 2021
2021. augusztus 12-14
Josefov Erőd, Jaroměř
Fellépők: Ad Nauseam, Altar’s Ablaze, Azarath, Beast Within the Sound, Belzebong, Bohemyst, Burning Witches, Cad, Catastrofy, Crippled Fingers, Debustrol, Decapitated, Destruction, Distant, Doomas, Dordeduh, Exorcizphobia, Gride, Gruzja, Harakiri for the Sky, Hypocrisy, Igorrr, Implore, Innersphere, Insistent, Marduk, Materia, Mean Messiah, Mental Cruelty, Mgla, Mindwork, Reactory, S.D.I., Sick Sinus Syndrome, Skywalker, Sneet, Spasm, Stíny Plamenu, Teethgrinder, Truchlo Strzygi, Vader, Within Destruction
2021. augusztus 12., csütörtök
Fellépők: Destruction, Vader, Decapitated, Debustrol, Harakiri for the Sky, Distant, Anime Torment, Sick Sinus Syndrome, Belzebong, Stíny Plamenu, Gride, Bohemyst
2021. augusztus 13., péntek
Fellépők: Hypocrisy, Marduk, Cad, Implore, Skywalker, Mental Cruelty, Teethgrinder, Burning Witches, Mean Messiah, The Materia, Ad Nauseam, Dordeduh, Exorcizphobia, Truchlo Strzygi, Insistent
2021. augusztus 14., szombat
Fellépők: Mgla, Igorrr, S.D.I., Azarath, Gruzja, Within Destruction, Catastrofy, Innersphere, Spasm, Crippled Fingers, Reactory, Sneet, Mindwork, Doomas, Altar’s Ablaze
Jegyár: 80 €
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Josefstadt 2021 (1 komment)